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Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

Originally Posted by nrvous1

8 x 8… I don’t have any experience with any other forms of ED meds, however I will probably be ordering from chemone and make a comparison.

Excellent, do you plan on ordering before you run out of your RUI ? That way it would allow for a direct comparison on consecutive weeks….

Current size: BPEL: 7.9" EG: 6.75"

Realistic goal: BPEL: 9.25" EG: 7.5"

Unrealistic surgical goal: 12" x 8.5" :)

Originally Posted by 8 x 8

Excellent, do you plan on ordering before you run out of your RUI ? That way it would allow for a direct comparison on consecutive weeks….

I plan on ordering from chemone before I run out of my RUI supply. However, this bottles from RUI is going to last a longtime seeing is that I don’t use on a regular basis and I’m only dosing at 5-10mgs at a time. Hopefully I can run a side-by-side comparison of the two in the next couple of months.

Originally Posted by trips
What makes it your favorite? I’ve only ever tried silagra based on reviews and that it’s worked fine. Buy-pharma are sending me a sample of kamagra with my order that’s on the way at my request, but the tabs not the jelly.

The jelly hits really fast and than seems to get out of your system faster than the pills. I still have some I have to finish, but I may order the silagra from your link. The silagra was the strongest of the generics that I have ever tried.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
The jelly hits really fast and than seems to get out of your system faster than the pills. I still have some I have to finish, but I may order the silagra from your link. The silagra was the strongest of the generics that I have ever tried.

how does silagra compare to genuine viagra?

I’ve been keeping up with this thread and I like what I have been reading. Just alittle FYI, is having a sell and their liqud C is now $60. I think I’m going to buy some once I get some money to try it out. I’ve read on this thread that their liquid C is very potent.

Originally Posted by KingD757

I’ve been keeping up with this thread and I like what I have been reading. Just alittle FYI, is having a sell and their liqud C is now $60. I think I’m going to buy some once I get some money to try it out. I’ve read on this thread that their liquid C is very potent.

Yes it is. I have their liquid c and it is very potent. I’ve produced noticeable effects with minimal doses.

Originally Posted by trips
how does silagra compare to genuine viagra?

It was about as close as I have ever gotten to the strength of the original. The real thing is just grossly overpriced so even if you have to take more of a generic it’s worth it.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

For those that have used liquid Cia and do not have ED, what’s the minimum does you have had good results with? I just ordered from ar-r after looking around a little and finding they seem to supply to member and are active on the bodybuilder forum (not that it really means alot these days).

Has anyone tried making their own Cia “hits” with the liquid? Seems like this would be a little easier than having to deal with the liquid and syringe.

Originally Posted by turbonyg
For those that have used liquid Cia and do not have ED, what’s the minimum does you have had good results with? I just ordered from ar-r after looking around a little and finding they seem to supply to member and are active on the bodybuilder forum (not that it really means alot these days).

Has anyone tried making their own Cia “hits” with the liquid? Seems like this would be a little easier than having to deal with the liquid and syringe.

I’ve dosed as little as 6mg and as high as 15mg. I’ve found that my dosage with great effects and minimal sides is 10-12mg. Anythng higher gives me terrible headaches and an upset stomach. Granted the results are amazing at higher doses, but I also get great results with lower doses aswell. You should feel the effects for up to 72hrs afterwards. I still have “phantom” ragging erections for no apparent reason.

Originally Posted by turbonyg

Has anyone tried making their own Cia “hits” with the liquid? Seems like this would be a little easier than having to deal with the liquid and syringe.

Not sure how you would do it with the liquid. Maybe get a small eye dropper bottle from a pharmacist. Something like the little bottles that they sell the homeopathic liquids in.

I used to do it with powder from kits with gelatin caps from a health food store. Worked fine.

Last edited by manage123452000 : 12-14-2010 at .

What is the best site to purchase Cialis/Levitra from?

mad, that’s what this thread is all about. there are various accounts of personal experiences throughout. i added one, and there are many others. work your way back a few pages, check out user experiences, look at the prices, and make your decision from there.

Got the viagra from ADC the other day. Took maybe 2 weeks or less not sure didn’t check the p.o. Box everyday. Anyways the pills came in a plastic blister pack and seem by appearances to be the real thing. I tried a half a pill two times on two different days. My erections seemed a little bit more spry and easier to achieve but nothing that impressive but I’m 26 though. Although I took a half of one yesterday and I had excellent morning wood this morning. I also got some side effects like a mild headache and nasal congestion which are listed as viagra’s common side effects. These side effects seemed less intense the second time I took it. All in all I’m satisfied and think I got the legitimate product.

Has anyone found a decent brand of generic cialis (pill form)? I’m another underwhelmed customer who finds that ADC’s brand is weak, 20 mg works about as well as 50mg of their viagra if not worse and doesn’t even seem to last into the next day. I’m looking at elitepharm and rx right now, but I don’t wanna invest more money into a potentially disappointing product.

Liquid C from ResearchStop has been working very well. Started off with an intial dose of 15mg (0.5ml). Been following up with 5mg doses every other day, and have maintained the effects. Girlfriend noticed a difference right away, too, without me having to say anything…


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