Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Your Vote Matters!

Your Vote Matters!

Alright fellas, if you’re one of the 19,169 (update: 82,400!) members who haven’t voted in the pre-PE length and girth polls yet, please consider doing so now. It will only take a minute of your time I promise. Look, I’ve even got a few easy to follow links for you:


The more votes we have, the more accurate the percents will be. Come on lurkers, you don’t even have to type a response, just help us out with a quick click of your mouse (its completely anonymous).

Thank you for your patronage. :)

Last edited by stevie31 : 12-14-2007 at . Reason: updated!

Ok Stevie I’m in. I never saw these two polls before.

The polls shows me starting ahead of the curve in length at 6.75 but well below the average in girth at 4.3. I’ve been gaining quite nicely in length but I’m still below the curve in girth. Oh well, it’ll all work out in the end.

Nice one Stevie, still think they deserve sticky push pins to. :)


Definetly sticky worthy. The official Thunder’s Penis Survey

Done (:

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.

I just noticed Stevie31 and Thunder (Can’t even find his) along with alot of other mods and others need to make some updates in 2004. `:-)

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.

Thanks guys, let’s keep them coming!

Melvin and trips, this thread should generate a lot more attention/votes than sticking them ever would. Seems that people tend to ignore sticky threads.

Mug, I was below average in both categories, but now I’m above in both. I love PE. :D

Yeah n2, I need to get in there and update my numbers. Thanks for the reminder!

Damn, I don’t even remember voting.

bt, your earlier vote is definitely appreciated. Thanks to the new software we can see what we’ve voted for in case we forget (the option in bold or italics is the one we chose).

Neato mosquito steven. It normally takes over a year to get 100 votes.

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Thanks Tube. 30something more votes since yesterday is great. Thank you to everyone!

Although, there are still 5,420 votes yet to be counted. Come on active members, it won’t hurt a bit. Hell, even the bots and google spiders are welcome.

Very puzzling isn’t it trips?? :)

One of the best thing this site has helped me with is anxiety about my size. I used to watch a lot of porn and always thought all guys were that big, and that I was small. I never trusted surveys because I always assumed they were trying to sell me something by making me feel better about myself. Well, I trust everyone here, and seeing that I’m (now) above average is such an incredible confidence boost. So come on fellas, let’s get a lot more votes in to help make the results as wide-ranging as possible. Just think of how this will help your fellow PE brothers’ confidence and self-esteem.

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