Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pre-PE FLACCID Length (NBP, Non-Stretched)

View Poll Results:

Pre-PE FLACCID Length (NBP, Non-Stretched)

< 1.00"


1.01 ~ 1.25"


1.26 ~ 1.50"


1.51 ~ 1.75"


1.76 ~ 2.00"


2.01 ~ 2.25"


2.26 ~ 2.50"


2.51 ~ 2.75"


2.76 ~ 3.00"


3.01 ~ 3.25"


3.26 ~ 3.50"


3.51 ~ 3.75"


3.76 ~ 4.00"


4.01 ~ 4.25"


4.26 ~ 4.50"


4.51 ~ 4.75"


4.76 ~ 5.00"


5.01 ~ 5.25"


5.26 ~ 5.50"


5.51 ~ 5.75"


5.76 ~ 6.00"


6.01 ~ 6.50"


6.51 ~ 7.00"


7.01 ~ 8.00"


> 8.01"

Total Votes: 741. You may not vote on this poll

Pre-PE FLACCID Length (NBP, Non-Stretched)

NBP, Non-Stretched FLACCID Length

So we now know - thanks to our BPEL poll - that the Erect Length average is less than most of us thought, but what about flaccid length? Personally, my flaccid size is almost as important as my erect length. Well here’s our chance to find out based on votes of fellow PE’ers that we know and trust. Please select your Pre-PE NON BONE PRESSED flaccid length from the options above.

BTW, I decided to go with NBP since that seams to be what the consensus is concerned about regarding flaccid size.

Also, please vote in the FLACCID Girth poll.

Good polls stevie.

Thanks beenthere. Hopefully we can get the same kind of sample size on this as the EL poll got.

Good grief, after 12 votes I’m at the very bottom as my pre pe nbpfl was about 2.51-2.75. Oh well, I’m at 4.50 nbpfl now and intend to be rolling it out to my kneecap one day. :)

What scares me is the 2 votes for 8” flaccid length. Thats simply amazing if true.

I started at some 4” but am happy to say that I now measure 7+” flaccid (NBP). It’s a great change. Nonetheless, I would like to reach 9+”.


A 7+” flaccid length is incredible. That is an example of being truly hung.

Originally Posted by Priapos
I started at some 4” but am happy to say that I now measure 7+” flaccid (NBP). It’s a great change. Nonetheless, I would like to reach 9+”.


Holy crap. How long did tha take??

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Pumper for a while got to the square dick 7X7 , hanging now 7-2010

Originally Posted by GrowingPains
Holy crap. How long did that take??

Some 20 months. It´s funny, but you get used real fast to the bigger size. Now, it does not look that big. Also, before I got from 4” flaccid to 7.25” erect (NBP), i.e. a 3” increase. Now, I get from 7” to 8.5” (NBP), i.e. only a 1.5” increase. I would have liked to maintain the 3” difference.


Originally Posted by Priapos
Some 20 months. It´s funny, but you get used real fast to the bigger size. Now, it does not look that big. Also, before I got from 4” flaccid to 7.25” erect (NBP), i.e. a 3” increase. Now, I get from 7” to 8.5” (NBP), i.e. only a 1.5” increase. I would have liked to maintain the 3” difference.


Your ratio of approximately twice as much flaccid gain to erect gain is interesting to me because my ratio is approximately the same so far (almost 2” flaccid gain and about 1” erect gain). I wonder if this ratio gain of 2-1 flaccid to erect is typical among most PEers? Will this mean that when I have gained 2” erect my flaccid will be at 4” gain? A ratio poll would be interesting.

The variables in this poll range so wide that we’re going to need a lot of votes to get a truly accurate representation of average. Come on boys, vote!!

I think flaccid varies way too much to get any kind of accurate average. I know in my case, I can be anywhere from 2 1/2”, on a really cold morning; to a little over 4” after a hot shower or just lounging around. I don’t really know where I would put my flaccid size at.

jGman, I agree, my flaccid size varies as well. The thing to do is don’t take the cold morning number, or the fresh out the shower number, instead go with somewhere in between.. like the “lounging” number you mentioned.

Actually, I’m already starting to see an average develop in the results. I’m sure if we get the same kind of turn out as the EL poll, a good average will emerge. Only one way to know for sure: everyone needs to vote dammit! :)

To Stevie31: my vote is in your pool. I encourage others do the same. Information and statistics alwais help.

That’s the main reason I got into PE. Sure I wanted to increase my erect size, but at 6’3”, a 4” softie just looked so damn small. Now I’m used to 6+” soft and it looks small. I guess it’s all relative.


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