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Does stretched length mean anything?

Does stretched length mean anything?

Can anyone out there tell me what has been your experience in the past with measuring stretched length? I’m slightly larger stretched than I am erect. Does this mean that I’m slowly working to achieve additional length?

Have any of you guys run into a similar situation?

Thanks in advance to all!

Re: Does stretched length mean anything?

Originally posted by Acer
Can anyone out there tell me what has been your experience in the past with measuring stretched length? I'm slightly larger stretched than I am erect. Does this mean that I'm slowly working to achieve additional length?

Almost everyone has larger FSL than EL, so it doesn’t likely mean gains to come, but - If you’ve gained FSL, you’re probably going to gain EL as well very soon (few weeks max to catch FSL gains).

Keep Gaining! :jelq:

A Man behind his mask.

I measure longer the oppisite way? I am longer errect than I am flaccid Stretched….go figure

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple


I notice many guys here measure flaccid stretched length. I just started paying attention to BPFSL myself, and it’s always a bit less than the BPEL.

Check out Luvadus’s post here, he always posts his stats in FSL, seems that is the most reliable and consistent.

Someone said someplace here (just searched but couldn’t find it) that those flaccid gains are just “waiting for the right type of erection”. I believe that - I’ve noticed some erections during sex that we’re like - “wow, is that my dick?”.

Originally posted by DarkTrick

I notice many guys here measure flaccid stretched length. I just started paying attention to BPFSL myself, and it's always a bit less than the BPEL.

I do my official measurements flaccid for length even though I am a tad longer erect. My reason is my erections vary in length depending on hardness, attitude and other factors. But my FSL is always consistant.

On another note, I think my erect length is longer than my stretched length due to the increase in head size. My head flaccid measures 1.75” but erect it measures 2.25” I think some people have heads that don’t change much in the erect state.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

DLD, that’s one of the best explanations for the discrepancy I’ve heard. Makes sense.

I used to have a 2cm smaller BPFSL than my BPEL, over 2-3 years of ocasional stretching at light force(don t know if it counts because i may have stretched for a total of 1-2 hours in 2-3 years) and after my recent 4-5 months PE experience i can measure a 1-1.5 cm over my BPEL. Our bodies are different, you can t make a proper statement on this.

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