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Stretched length longer than Erect length

Stretched length longer than Erect length

Hi, I first started measuring my penis today an I notice my SL is at least .5 inch longer than my EL. Why is that so, can someone elaborate on this? Is it normal?

Comparing the two isn’t reliable. For one, you can exert more force by pulling than the internal pressure caused by an erection. Second, I notice that I can doctor my FSL by how I hold the glans. That tissue is fairly elastic, so you can kind of squeeze it to get pointier and get another 1/8”. Finally, think of balloon. You can stretch it much longer than you could ever blow it up. That’s because more material can go into stretching lengthwise, since there’s no force stretching it girth-wise.

So yeah, stretched length is usually longer.

Then: 6.75" x 5" ----> Now: 8.5" x 5.75"


It because an erection stretches the width too.

And just pulling on it to stretch doesn’t use any of the tissue in width, so it gets longer.

I second hbgreek.

Originally Posted by supacu
Hi, I first started measuring my penis today an I notice my SL is at least .5 inch longer than my EL. Why is that so, can someone elaborate on this? Is it normal?

Rest assured, it’s normal.

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

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