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Accurate Method for Determining Functional Penile Length in Turkish Young Men.


Accurate Method for Determining Functional Penile Length in Turkish Young Men.

Accurate Method for Determining Functional Penile Length in Turkish Young Men.

Annals of Plastic Surgery. 48(4):381-385, April 2002.

Sengezer, Mustafa MD; Ozturk, Serdar; DevecI, Mustafa


There are only a few reports that investigate the measurement of functional penile length and compare the methods used for this purpose. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between the measurement techniques and to determine an appropriate method that correlates the erect state most closely. Measurements of penile length in 200 healthy men were made during three different states-flaccid, erect, and stretched-of the penis. The results were evaluated using descriptive statistics, paired t-test, correlation coefficients, and regression equations. The correlation between the flaccid and the erect lengths was 71.2%, and it was 80.2% between the stretched and the erect lengths (p < 0.01). Using regression equations, the degree of accuracy in estimating the erect length by using the stretched length was 65.3% (R2 = determination coefficient;p < 0.01) and was 50.8% by using the flaccid length (p < 0.01). When both the flaccid and the stretched lengths were considered together, the predictability of erect length was R2 = 65.5%. The results obtained using different statistical methods showed that the most accurate results can be obtained by considering stretched penile length, whereas flaccid length had little importance in determining erect penile length. In conclusion, the stretched penile length measurement technique is highly recommended for the accurate prediction of the erect penile length.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher



Last edited by matutinal_euphony : 04-30-2005 at . Reason: Double Post.


For anyone who doesn't know the size of their hard-on, simply stretch your flaccid unit out and measure it. It should be around the same length as your boner. Rest assured that your flaccid size is hardly an indicator of anything.

I’m glad Turkey’s uncovered this astonishing fact.


When i stretch my flaccid out its about 1/2 inch bigger than what my EL is.

Originally Posted by Joe_X

When I stretch my flaccid out it’s about 1/2 inch bigger than what my EL is.

Me too- probably because the penile girth is dedicated to stretching for length- whereas when you get hard, the girth volume is no longer available to be stretched.

In a sense, this confirms my belief that BPFSL is the most reliable indicator of growth.

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"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Two things surprise me here: First, that the correlation between (unstretched) flaccid length and erect length was as high as it was, and second, that the correlation between stretched flaccid length and erect length was as low as it was.

I have access to the full text of the article, and for those who are curious, the average NBPEL found in this study was 5.01”. The subjects were 200 young men, 20-22 years old.

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Originally Posted by Para-Goomba

Two things surprise me here: First, that the correlation between (unstretched) flaccid length and erect length was as high as it was, and second, that the correlation between stretched flaccid length and erect length was as low as it was.

Alright, I’ve read this statement over a half dozen times. Transalation please.

Originally Posted by Para_Goomba

I have access to the full text of the article, and for those who are curious, the average NBPEL found in this study was 5.01”. The subjects were 200 young men, 20-22 years old.

5” was the average NBPEL in Turkey. Interesting. Since you have access to some variant on Medis, can you search for other national length studies? That would be, to paraphrase Paris, hot!

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Andro - I just updated and bumped up a thread called “Penis Size: The True Average.” In there I have info on 8 medical studies on penis size. A variety of nations are represented.

Regarding my first statement above, what I meant is that I would expect a far smaller correlation between flaccid length and erect length than .712 and a larger correlation than .802 beween stretched flaccid length and erect length, simply drawing from what I’ve seen on this forum. I think I have overestimated the size of the shower/grower phenomenon (i.e., the idea that you can’t predict erect length from flaccid length). Over 50% of the variance in erect lengths, in the study above, could be predicted by flaccid length alone.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Thank you kindly.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Man, I’m closing on 9” flaccid stretched. Wish my boner were that long.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Hmm.sounds about right. I noticed this correlation a few days ago as well. In my case, I have an upward curve and when I measure it straighted and compare it to stretch flaccid, the measurements are right on.

A couple of things:

- In a warmer climate, my flaccid hangs much longer. I’m puny when it’s cold. I do believe Turkey has a pretty hot climate

- I mis-read the title as being a study in functional penile length. It flashed in my mind that somehow a study was done that was able to determine the range between bone pressed and non-bone pressed penile length being utilized inside the vagina based on positions.

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

My erect is about an inch and a half longer, most likely due to my head expanding alot.

Originally Posted by Muttley
I mis-read the title as being a study in functional penile length. It flashed in my mind that somehow a study was done that was able to determine the range between bone pressed and non-bone pressed penile length being utilized inside the vagina based on positions.

Yes, in the text of the article the authors mention that many past studies have defined “functional length” as BP, but that they prefer NBP — it’s a matter of dispute among medical researchers whether the penis “hidden” by the fat pad is useful during sex, just as we at Thunder’s dispute the same question.

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