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Stretched length no where near erect

Stretched length no where near erect

Hey everyone,

The topic pretty much says it all. When I do stretching, I can stretch my penis maybe half as long as it is when it is erect. I stretch when I’m flaccid. Is this normal? I have been PEing for about a month and have yet to see length gains, could this be why? Any help/advice appreciated.

I am not sure if i will be much help, but do you warm up correctly?

For example: Rice sock,heating pad.


Thats odd, but definately not unheard of. My flaccid stretch is about 0.5” longer than my bpel. My FSEL is 8.5” while my bpel is 8”.

Now: 8.5" bpel 6" eg Goal: 9.5" nbpel 6" eg (maybe more)

Unless I was inaccurate when I began my FBPSL was the same as me BPEL. Now it is 0.5” longer.

However, I could have been 0.5” off in my measurements. Tight skin stopped me measuring properly in the beginning.

Re: Stretched length no where near erect

Originally posted by Even11
Hey everyone,

The topic pretty much says it all. When I do stretching, I can stretch my penis maybe half as long as it is when it is erect. I stretch when I'm flaccid. Is this normal? I have been PEing for about a month and have yet to see length gains, could this be why? Any help/advice appreciated.

This is pretty much undeard of. Maybe you need to do some “arm” days at the gym? I can’t imagine that you can only “stretch” yourself half as long as when you’re erect.

Rice sock for warm-up will probably help this a lot. Also try to stretch it all day, you know pull on it at the urinal. That type of stuff. I bet it will come around within a couple of weeks.

Just keep it up, and I am sure you will see gains!


Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."

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