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Question About Stretched Flaccid Measurement In Relation To Erect Length


Question About Stretched Flaccid Measurement In Relation To Erect Length

Sometimes I’ll grab a ruler while doing my stretches just to see if I have gotten further along in length. If you can stretch your flaccid cock to a certain length, how close would or should that length be to your erect length? Or does it fluctuate? The other day, I was able to stretch it a few notches (a couple 16ths of an inch) beyond my usual max stretch point. That’s progress, no? Should my erect measurement be the same?

I can already see pubes on the base of my cock that have been “moved” foward. That means that length has definitely been gained, right? Does this mean that when I reach my goal length, half my shaft will have pubic hair growing on it? Freaky. I guess I can always shave it.

What do you think?

I’m not quite sure, but I can tell you what, I have hairs on the shaft too and I hate them!! There is an odd one here or there, but what’s the solution, NAIR your dick? I think that would kill!

hmmmm, I wonder if I could bring my shaft into the ladies at the laser hair removal and get them to remove them!! heehee

Re: Question About Stretched Flaccid Measurement In Relation To Erect Length

Originally posted by Prickle

I can already see pubes on the base of my cock that have been “moved” foward. That means that length has definitely been gained, right?

omfg…i think your onto something….i remember when i started pe (5.5x4.25)i had about half an inch of hair growing on the base of my shaft…now (6x4.5)it looks like a whole inch of the stubble is there, i never thought about that…now that i think about it that kind of sucks…more plucking means more soreness afterwords

For most guys BPFSL is longer than BPEL, though some are the other way around. DLD speculated the few who are backwards have heads that lengthen greatly upon erection.

It is common for the difference between erect and stretched length to grow over time - meaning flaccid stretch gets more and more ahead of BPEL. In others the gap stays the same. My stretched flaccid has always run 1/2” more than my BPEL.

Hair further up the shaft is the price of progress. ;)

Hair further up the shaft is the price of progress, but it might just as well be the result of stretched skin and nothing else.

Take care,

Ahhhhh… The old hair along the shaft problem. This is good! It is a sign of gains. I have almost 2 inches of hair along my shaft. Bigger has 3 inches or more. He trims his with an electric beard trimmer. He leaves stubble because he said that his wife likes it. I shave mine about once a week.

My flaccid is also 1/2 inch more than my erect length. I remember when my flaccid couldn’t stretch to 7 inches. Now it is getting close to 9. I check my flaccid length much more often than I do erect.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

I wonder if uncircumsized guys also experience the Creeping Hair Syndrome as they gain. I’m cut, but loosely. My hairline has moved forward some, but not in proportion to the length I’ve gained. I’ll bet guys who started with tighter skin experience more hair migration.

Shaving the dick directly...

Since we’re on this dangerous topic about shaving off pubes that grow directly on the base of the dick, I’m wondering…what DO you use to prevent any John Bobbit type accidents from occurring?

I’ve trimmed the pubes that encircle my cock for bitchy girlfriends who in the past would complain about the 2 inch hairs bothering their teeth, but have never shaved the core, as I am not at the point yet where I want to feel razor burn in my groin area.

Yet…pubes on my actual dick are kind of annoying when jelquing…and I’m sure they’re a bit strange to look at it as well. But there’s no way I’d take an electric razor and go to town on my shaft…there must be some safer, painless, delicate way to removing unwanted pubic hair on the shaft.

Plucking isn’t what I had in mind…


plucking is exactly what I do, isn´t too bad, don´t know what all the fuss is about. It takes time though.

How do you use your electric razor anyway? If you don´t consider it safe, I couldn´t hurt myself on one if I tried :p

I can´t really shave, with razor or machine, because I get ingrown hairs. But I do use a beard trimmer where I don´t pluck. So that might be an option, especially if you don´t have much and thick hair. When using a beard trimmer you have to be somewhat causious though, been nagged a couple of times and it´s not much fun.


I´m uncut and I have hair moving forward as well, skin being stretched, as sizemoore pointed out. Don´t think you can avoid that hanging, no matter how lose the skin is to begin with.

bpfsl was 1/4” longer than bpel when I started, now it is 1/2” longer. I use a beard trimmer on the shaft and just get as close as I can ( about 1 millimeter or so length after trimming).

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

I used to have a flaccid stretch that was 1/2 inch over erect length, now it is a whole inch over, so hopefully my erect length will catch up soon….


Originally posted by hobby
For most guys BPFSL is longer than BPEL, though some are the other way around. DLD speculated the few who are backwards have heads that lengthen greatly upon erection.

You are right hobby. I am loger erect than flacid stretched but I still use flacid Stretched Bone press as my official measurement for gains. This is the only way I can track “Real Gains” I measure from the exact point first thing in the morning FSBP.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Being new to the DLDs and A stretches, I see them being promising. But my question is for those with larger BPFL than BPEL.

Does a gain in BPFL automatically mean a gain in BPEL? Or do the other parts of the penis need to catch up thru jelqing(or other)?


Something I’ve been thinking about is that the tunica can only lengthen so far, limited by the ligs. Once this potential is met, further jelqing doesn’t seem to give me any more length gains. I’m theorizing that once I have blasted my ligs longer and have gained in flaccid stretch, it will be time to jelq more to catch the tunica up with the ligs. Then repeat the whole cycle over and over until my wife screams uncle :)

I am currently only blasting and bending, no jelqing. I wanted to try that for a month or so to see what I got. If my theory is correct, once I advance my ligs ahead of my tunica, I should be able to catch the tunica up fairly quickly as I started out my pe career as a fast gainer, which I think was basically jelqing my tunica to reach my lig potential. Don’t know, just a theory…

Does anyone think that stretching after jelqing would be a good idea?

I usually do all my stretching beforehand, and have yet to try it after a good jelqing. I would want my penis to stay engorged for as long as possible after a workout, and I think stretching would squeeze all the blood out, so I’m undecided if it’s worth trying. Maybe an hour afterwards?

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