Thunder's Place

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Flaccid stretched length vs Erect length

Flaccid stretched length vs Erect length

I decided to measure my FSL ( flaccid stretched length ) and oddly enough it’s the same length as my EL ( erect length ). Is this meant to be or is it just a coincidence because I think I read a while ago on this forum that they are the same. Just a general wondering by myself.

Do you stretch from the tip or grabbing the coronal ridge?

Where are you supposed to grab from?

3/02/2019 - BPEL 6.5", MSEG 5.5"

BPEL 6.5” to 9.0" 8% Progress 6.7”

MSEG 5.5” to 6.5" 19.7% Progress 5.71”

I stretch from the tip. The space underneath the glans is very elastic and if you grab from the coronal ridge you are getting only a partial stretched lenght IMHO. Maybe this is the reason why many report their EL being longer than FSL. On average the FSL should be slightly longer than the EL. Not that it is a problem if that doesn’t happens, it doesn’t matter at all.

Originally Posted by marinera

I stretch from the tip. The space underneath the glans is very elastic and if you grab from the coronal ridge you are getting only a partial stretched lenght IMHO. Maybe this is the reason why many report their EL being longer than FSL. On average the FSL should be slightly longer than the EL. Not that it is a problem if that doesn’t happens, it doesn’t matter at all.

My rationale in introducing this idea was to try to match the erect length without having an erection. I found that grabbing behind the glans gave me the most accurate reading. ~ Measuring your penis.

Well I grabbed behind the head of the penis or glans if that is what I believe it is called. It measured to roughly the exact same length as my EL so I figured they have something in common therefore if one day I measured my FSL and it was say 0.2” longer than now then perhaps my EL would be 0.2” longer too. Obviously you would find out the answer if you measured both EL and FSL but maybe it could be a guideline. It also leads me to believe that stretching can be a big factor in PE due to their relationship, not to say that I don’t stretch. I stretch and jelq.

My FSL is usually 1/2 inch longer than my El.. When I stretch my flacid, the mid shaft girth is significantly thinner than my erect mid shaft which would account for the additional FSL. When I am fully stretched in my VacExtender, it is almost 3/4 inch longer than my EL.

I’m still very new here, and to measuring in general, but when I did my pre-PE measurements my BPFSL and my BPEL were literally less than 1/10th of an inch apart from each other. I’ve read throughout many posts that some guys have more flaccid stretch than erect length, while others may actually have the opposite.

My personal opinion, for what it’s worth, is that it varies from individual to individual given different factors (genetics or PE experience for example).

For some reason I find that my BPEL is longer than BPFSL, even thought I can’t really grab it from the tip and I have to do it behind the glans, it still seems shorter than BPEL. I don’t really understand how your BPFSL could be longer than BPEL unless you can’t achieve a total erection, in which case you could stretch it further than it would seem in erect state.

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile

My FSL is way shorter than el like 2 inches shorter

Originally my BPFSL was around 0.5” less than BPEL, but once i started PE, it quickly caught up. Once it did is when I started to see BPEL gains.

Currently my BPFSL is slightly more than my BPEL by about 0.1-0.25”. Typically though when I see growth in BPFSL, it means BPEL is soon to follow. Also considering I’ve just started seeing 8” BPFSL, I’ve really got my fingers crossed for the big 8” BPEL in the not too distant future.

Current: BPEL 8"/NBPEL 6.75" MEG 5.2", BPFL 6.75"/NBPFL 5.5" FG 4.5"


Realistic Goal: BPEL 8.5"/NBPEL 7.5" EG 5.5" | Optimistic: BPEL 9"/NBPEL 8" MEG 5.75" | Dream: BPEL 10"/NBPEL 9" MEG 6.5"

Just started measuring BPFSL as I’ve given up porn during a 2-month decon break without which I can’t get an accurate BPEL. Found to my surprise that my BPFSL was a half inch longer than my BPEL stretching from the tip if that’s the right way to do it - for our purposes, does anyone if that’s the correct way?

Life is short - your dick doesn’t have to be!

Now (07/24): 7.1 x 4.6 - vol 12.1 ci :woot2:

Starting (01/17): 5.5 x 4.4 - vol 8.4 ci

My FSL longer in a 0.5 in than my BPEL

But befor PE my FSL was just the same BPEL

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