Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New guy, never done anything like this before

New guy, never done anything like this before

Hello everyone. So basically I ended up here after surfing the web for absolutely everything. My first thoughts were like any common man’s (who was never heard about anything like this) would be, no way you can increase your penis size after growth has ended, it’s all fake and scam and whatnot, but after reading a while and going through so much stuff I actually decided to give it a go. I’m still very skeptical about this but if I can gain anything through this without any downsides I’d be thrilled.

Basically as a beginner I just had to test try some of these moves (Jelqing as the first one) and I found them somehow unpleasant, it feels like I can’t really get a good grip and it just doesn’t make sense to me as to how it would increase your erect size.

Now when it comes to pumps and almost fully erect techniques I have much more optimistic view about them, it would make sense that when your penis is hard (biggest possible size at the time) and you stretch it to push it even beyond, it would really be the best way to go about it (combination of blood expanding it internally and your hand pulling it externally)

So anyhow, I decided to get a Bathmate Goliath after some research, I’ve been quite convinced that it is safer than the air vacuum pumps, more evenly distributed and gives more girth (which is my main goal)

Basically from the stories I’ve heard people can gain a few inches doing a combination of exercises, and I was wondering what would my potential gain be as a total newbie just using the water pump (or possibly other exercises if I get convinced enough of their functionality)

Currently I’m 18 years old soon 19, I’ve had quite a late puberty so there might still be some natural growth to girth (I really hope so), and that in combination with young age will hopefully really max out the potential (I’ve heard that PE works best for younger guys of 18 to mid-late twenties)

And my current stats are:
BPEL: 7.835 Inches (19.9 cm)
EG: 5.157 (13.1 cm)

(I know, that’s quite a noodle if you imagine it but it doesn’t look like one, it’s actually not completely cylindrical, if the diameter is measured from the top I get a reading of 1.850 Inches (4.7 cm) which multiplied by pi would give the circumference a value of 5.811 Inches (14.8cm) I wish it was as big on all sides, I guess one could even argue that only the thickest diameter value for it is what would be the effective stimulating part)

Most everyone universally on this board and others recommends jelqing as a newbie conditioning exercise… but you go right ahead and skip it and start with a Bathmate Goliath?!?! Jelqing is for conditioning your penis for these exercises and learning to understand how your particular penis responds to the training. It’s an exercise that increases pressure up the various cavities in your penis as you milk it. Learn to love it and do it right and stick to the newbie routine while you read and learn more. If you REALLY insist on starting with the Bathmate only, go slow because you’ll probably only end up with fluid and nothing that helps you really grow. Personally, I was going to throw out my Bathmate because I thought it was useless as a newbie but find the Bathmate to be a much more useful device after a year of manual training.

11/20/2011: BPEL: 6", MEG: 4.75" (goal BPEL: ~7", MEG: 5.25")

5/9/12: BPEL: 6.5", MEG 5" (goal BPEL: 7.25", MEG: 5.5")

3/5/13: BPEL: 6.875", MEG 5 5" (max goal BPEL: 7.5", MEG: 5.75")

Hmm so you would definitely put the water pump on hold and start with basic manual exercise.. I am willing listen your advice (that’s basically why I’m here) so I guess I will just try and get on with Jelqing (probably will take some time before I even get the device) but I really found it hard to do it as slow as people recommend because as I said it just slips.

And what about combining both, good idea bad idea?

Oh and I guess I missed what my goals would be, realistically I’d think maybe from 0.25 to 1 Inch in both length and girth, if those glorious gains of multiple inches are really real, all the better.

IMHO, you shouldn’t over think jelqing technique. Find a lube that works for you, privacy, a partial erection and just enough pressure to feel like you’re working it by applying pressure as you move up. It should feel pretty good. Experienced jelqers can really focus on the specifics of time, pressure and reps. You should just focus on following the newbie routine before incorporating the Bathmate because you NEED to make sure your physiologic indicators (PIs) are positive or you may hurt yourself (Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!). Many people start experiencing gains with the newbie routine and, if so, you want to continue riding that momentum before you add in pumping. Also, don’t forget to warm-up first with a rice sock or other means.

I guess for novelty, you can try using the Bathmate but I personally don’t think it makes much sense for a complete newbie. I can appreciate the incentive value is seeing what might one day be in your future. For example, I was 4.75" MEG when I started and 5.5" after a full Bathmate session felt like an impossibility. Today I am ~5.5" MEG and 6.25" after a full Bathmate session feels like an impossibility. Hopefully I will be able to look back in a year or two and say 6.25" MEG….

Everyone seems to be different in gains, but +1" in length, +1/2" or more in girth seems like reasonably achievable results with time and dedication. Some people get more some get less. You’re young and starting at a good size so you can hope that you’re an easy gainer but regardless plan to be patient and diligent. Definitely don’t try to rush it and injure yourself.

11/20/2011: BPEL: 6", MEG: 4.75" (goal BPEL: ~7", MEG: 5.25")

5/9/12: BPEL: 6.5", MEG 5" (goal BPEL: 7.25", MEG: 5.5")

3/5/13: BPEL: 6.875", MEG 5 5" (max goal BPEL: 7.5", MEG: 5.75")

I really appreciate the advice, but regarding lubing I really don’t think I can acquire it all that easy, I’m uncircumcised so I thought that I could do dry jelqing easily enough since the foreskin just rolls over the glans.

On the natural development side, I have had some of the length growth somewhat recently and I have the understanding that the final part of penile growth is girth, so I really hope that potential natural growth in combination with these manual exercises (and maybe even the water pump that’s what I’m kind of aiming for) will really focus on maximizing the girth

I actually tried my first session of jelqing and I didn’t find it that bad when I got into the flow, certainly nothing close to pain or even slight discomfort as a matter of fact, but yeah I definitely don’t want to ruin my dick by going overboard so slow but dedicated advancement it is.

P.S the biggest length measurement I’ve ever gotten was pretty much exactly 8 inches, I’m not really sure whether it was the case that I was at the absolute peak of a 100% erection or have I really come down slightly indicating the ending of length growth?

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile

Dry jelqing is a hard place to start. if you can buy a bathmate you can buy lube. Hell, people use olive oil (I wouldn’t recommend that). Being uncircumcised is not a bar to wet jelqing.

jd10021 has given you some really solid advice.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I disagree with you on Bathmate. Problem with bathmate for a beginning pumper is that there is no pressure gauge.

Pumpers here stay between 3-5HG pressure. Anything higher than that is counterproductive to gains. With bathmate you have no idea what pressure you are at.

I would advise NO DEVICES until you have put in at least 3 months of hands only exercises. That will give you knowledge of how your dick responds to PE and how far you can push it. You need that knowledge before incorporating devices.

Also advice against any FULLY ERECT work as a newbie. Very dangerous for a newbie, again because you don’t have enough knowledge about how your dick responds to PE.

And also agree, dry jelqs are too much for a newbie.

Originally Posted by Dude151
I really appreciate the advice, but regarding lubing I really don’t think I can acquire it all that easy

Olive oil is a great jelqing lube and is available at the grocery store. Better yet is coconut oil, also available at the grocery store. Both are terrific to cook with as well, very healthy.

Looks like a vast majority is against the devices as a starter, I didn’t expect that it would be THAT bad although I will heed your words. Basically I’ve done jelqs with kegels for now and it tends to fluctuate between 50-90% boner, now as to the level of intensity I should use, I’m quite clueless. All the sources I’ve gone through are for the most part pretty much subject to interpretation, basically what I’ve done is like 2 second jelqs and with such amount of force that it pumps enough blood to keep level of erection stabile (at least that’s the goal) and regarding the time I tend to do it for like 15-30 minutes (also quite clueless what’s the optimum I think I could go for quite a bit more)

Oh and another thing, what level of erection should one be when doing stretches 0-100%?

Welcome to the board! You’re almost 8 inches.. Above average! Why do you want to get it bigger? I understand guys who are under 6 inches and want to do PE.

I am new too! Good luck!

(Basically as a beginner I just had to test try some of these moves (Jelqing as the first one) and I found them somehow unpleasant, it feels like I can’t really get a good grip and it just doesn’t make sense to me as to how it would increase your erect size).

Hi Dude, I think if you find Jelqing unpleasant you really have to do more to find it comfortable, it happened to me at first, now I like it!

It takes a time to get used to it, I think you are young, follow the experts is a common sense.

Good luck my friend!

No importa lo chica, mediana o grande con lo que uno empieza. Importa el trabajo y compromiso con nuestro propósito, hacerlo crecer en tamaño y funcionalidad es la meta. Compartir en la comunidad con respeto, unidad y comprensión nos hace mejores personas, así crecemos como hombres.


Dear memento, as you said….(Hell, people use olive oil (I wouldn’t recommend that).

This is what I use, what should I use?

Thank you.

No importa lo chica, mediana o grande con lo que uno empieza. Importa el trabajo y compromiso con nuestro propósito, hacerlo crecer en tamaño y funcionalidad es la meta. Compartir en la comunidad con respeto, unidad y comprensión nos hace mejores personas, así crecemos como hombres.


Originally Posted by masgrande007
Welcome to the board! You’re almost 8 inches.. Above average! Why do you want to get it bigger? I understand guys who are under 6 inches and want to do PE.

I am new too! Good luck!

Basically what inspired me to do this was hearing that a normal guy has gone from like 5 inches to 7,5 and he basically said that if you were bigger to start with you could go even more. So I was like heck why not try this, I mean especially the girth, not the length so much. I would think that my girth isn’t much bigger than the average at all.

I guess we all have our reasons for trying to get bigger. Regardless of your starting size this stuff does work. I’ve gained and haven’t been as committed as I would like. Basically because I’m married and have been doing stealth PE for around a year. For me personally I noticed increased vein bulge and more base girth first. I’m sure it’s different for everyone but definitely stick to the newbie routine until your member can build up a tolerance to more intense pressures being exerted. Good luck with your training and don’t get over zealous and try to much too soon.

See the thing with tolerance, I really don’t even notice any ever so slight pain even if I do jelqs for over 30 minutes at a time couple times a day even if I do it “to the max” and what I mean by that is not as to rip my dick off but do it was much as I can with the grip I can use (Not trying to choke the dick either)

I guess what I’m wondering is, am I just doing it too lightly and I just don’t realize it because it’s so subjective saying doing it loosely or hard, or could it be that I’m just quite resistant, I do have a high sex drive and I do jack off quite a bit (I also have a Fleshlight that I use from time to time)

Using lube would only loosen the grip I would get and I feel I wouldn’t be able to get any effect what so ever if I added lube to the foreskin already sliding across very smoothly and without friction


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