Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Linear Newbie Routine

Linear Newbie Routine

You can gain doing PE in many ways. I have gained with gentle way and with hardcore way. I have to say, that the gentle way is much better. You get results safer and gains stay more likely as they are. That is why I feel, that there is need for a new standard routine, that can be used as a newbie routine and in a advanced stage.

Why it is better, than the current newbie routine? Because it takes full advantage about enlarging soft untrained penis and is more gentle routine and so safer.
It is called Linear Routine.

The following estimations are for total newbies.
I recommend trying this routine at least 2 weeks, but preferably one month. You should see at least positive signs in 2 weeks and real growth within a month.
I estimate, that in 2 months you can gain at least about 0,25 inch (0,5 cm), although I think, that average gain in 2 months will be little under 0,5 inch (1 cm).

Now I need volunteers to try this routine. Try this at least that 2 weeks or month and report to this thread whether you have gained or not and how much. I don’t want to
know your penis size, I just want to know how much you have gained. Good luck.

LINEAR ROUTINE for newbies

- Do 5 minutes warm up before and after workout and massage your penis little after you have warmed it.

- Stretching: I don’t recommend doing any stretching within the first week or two.
When you begin stretching do one 30 second pull to each direction (down, up, left, right, forward).
Within the first 2 months add max. 1 stretch (up, down..) per week, but if you feel, that it is not
necessary to add number of stretches, then don’t.

- Jelqing: Start from 10- 20 jelqs. At the beginning add for example 10 jelqs about every 3 workout, but there is no need to go over 50- 60 jelqs within the 2 or 3 weeks.
Beyond 50- 60 jelqs add 10- 20 jelqs in a week if necessary. If you seem to gain with a lower amount, then don’t increase the amount until you feel it is necessary.
At the beginning when your workouts are short it is a good idea to do workouts in a shower. It offers brilliant warmup and cleaning possibilities.

- I recommend doing this workout every other day or 2 on 1 off and giving a extra resting day whenever you feel it necessary.

- After workout don’t play with your dick within a couple hours if possible, just let it be.
When your workout enlarges your penis it should grow slowly, but surely. If you encounter troubles increase quality before amount.

- Use caution doing this routine as in any other PE. This should be quite safe routine, although some little red spots may appear, but they are pretty harmless.
Anyway use caution. It is your your penis, your responsibility.

- If you have tight penis skin, you can prevent hair climbing up the shaft by taking jelqing grip from the head and bottom of penis and stretching the skin between for a 30 seconds.

LINEAR ROUTINE for advanced

This is the advanced part of the routine. If you started using the linear newbie routine, you can continue it with the same principles and maybe add some spices
to the routine (like Ulis).

The following is mainly for those who have used some other routine for a while.

- As not being a beginner, set a comfortable amount (like 100 -200) and add to it 10-20 jelqs in a week if necessary. If you seem to gain with a lower amount, then don’t increase the amount until you feel it is necessary. You might do some Ulis between the workout.

- Using the same principles start stretching from a comfortable amount (like 3-5 per direction) and add the number when and if you feel it necessary, but try to keep the total amount less than 10 per direction.

- Otherwise the routine is same as in the newbie version.

- If you have used some hardcore routine before, it is recommended to take a little brake or do a gentle maintenance routine for a while and let your penis to accustom to a slighter routine before this routine could be effective.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Veterans, comments?

Originally Posted by J123
Why it is better, than the current newbie routine? Because it takes full advantage about enlarging soft untrained penis and is more gentle routine and so safer.
It is called Linear Routine.

The following estimations are for total newbies.
I recommend trying this routine at least 2 weeks, but preferably one month. You should see at least positive signs in 2 weeks and real growth within a month.
I estimate, that in 2 months you can gain at least about 0,25 inch (0,5 cm), although I think, that average gain in 2 months will be little under 0,5 inch (1 cm).

Now I need volunteers to try this routine. Try this at least that 2 weeks or month and report to this thread whether you have gained or not and how much. I don’t want to
Know your penis size, I just want to know how much you have gained. Good luck.

Hi J123,
Without knowing your Linear Routine, I myself modified the Newbie Routine as I wanted to take it slow and easy without running into the danger of overdoing. The main reason was because I am on the upper range of age. See my thread Does Age matter
I have been doing this reduced Newbie Routine (almost same as your Linear) since ten days now. Only thing is that I added pumping for 10 minutes about 3 times a week. For the first time yesterday I also tried ADS for two hours. Lil1’s Simple ADS Tutorial
The idea was to find out what I could take-up without negative side effects. So I plan to do Lil1’s ADS also every other day (not the same day as pumping) allowing 48 hours for regeneration.
Appreciate your comments.
You can count me as a volunteer for reporting progress, I will let you know after one month. I think 2 weeks would be too early to expect any progress as a fresh starter of PE

Thank you for your interest starter47. This Linear routine is good start to PE, because you can’t lose anything else, than a little time compared to other routines. It is safer and if you for some reason want to abandon it, you can always jump to more intense routine if you want, although I don’t recommend it.

That ADS and pumping thing is a pretty tricky issue. You can easily overdo both, especially pumping (I have) and the bigger reason is, that I think, that you don’t need to do either at this point. You will get gains just doing the basic stuff.
If you still decide to use them now, be cautious, because by overdoing you can easily get yourself
to point where you may not get any newbie gains and only possibilities are moving to harder routine or giving your penis some kind of brake.

Good luck.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

For me, it is very hard to count the number of jelqs I do. Well, I am sure if I tried it would be possible. Is it really that important to do a small numerical amount of jelqs when first starting? I have been using a clock to count for me and jelqing for approximately 10-20 min. I have been PE’ing for about 1 month seriously, 2 or 3 months half-assedly. Should I re-do my routine, because I do not want to overdo anything and have it be harder to gain later on in the process.

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

The numbers are most easy and most measurable way to keep track of intensity, that is why I have used them.
Of course if you try to squeeze your dick to death, it doesn’t matter if you just do 2 and the same as reverse.

If you are gaining well with your current routine and you think it is not too hard, then you should maybe stick with it. If you have not gained well or at all, take a couple day or a week off and start with the Linear routine.
Remember, that when you change from a more intense routine to the beginning of the Linear routine it can take 2 or so weeks, until it starts to make some effect.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Thank you for your feedback and advise. Will keep in touch via the forum.

In your initial posting you mentioned you have gained also with the “gentle way”.
Can you let me know the results achieved.

I have got most of my gains with the gentle way (actually all..).
When I was newbie about 4 years ago, I got about 2,5 cm withing 4-6 months using routine, that is almost identically to the one I posted, except I didn’t stretch at all.

Time went and I didn’t do very much PE. Then I found (I ordered Jelqing device and Penimaster<— I don’t recommend PM and JD is advanced) and then I found this place and I joined after lurkin about a half year.

After, that I did some quite hardcore routine with the Jelqdevice and stretching and clamping and so on..
I gained 0,5 cm more, but I lost it when I was forced to leave PE for 2 weeks. Anyway I started again doing similar routine, than above and I have gained, that 0,5 cm back. So I totally have gained now a little over 3 cm (about 1,25 inch) and some girth too, but I didnt measure it when I started, so I have no measure about it.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Originally Posted by J123
I have got most of my gains with the gentle way (actually all.).
When I was newbie about 4 years ago, I got about 2,5 cm withing 4-6 months using routine, that is almost identically to the one I posted, except I didn’t stretch at all.

That’s great - getting 2.5” cm within 6 months. I will be more than happy if I could achieve the same in that period :) which would be 50% of my goal 2” total gain.
J123, Thank you for response. I will post my stats from time to time.
I don’t plan to do any hard core stuff at the moment. Let’s see what the “gentle way” brings. What are your suggestions after completion of the first six months ?

The time doesn’t actually matter, it is the amount of force, that is required to achieve growth.
Penis gets used to higher and higher amount of force (until maybe cracks) and so the amount of force required to make growth increases also.
It is a little bit like in combat flying (just playing games), altitude is speed and when you burst it, it is slowly to gain back to make some speed. In PE being a newbie is altitude and when you burst it, it is hard to get back.

In Linear routine you take everything you can from every drop in altitude so, that you have got most of it (gains) when you are near ground.
The answer to your question depends on , that how much you have bursted your altitude. OK, back to PE words.
So depending about situation, either you can just continue your routine or take a little brake or a lighter period of PE to gain altitude.

I hope you understood mine little unusual explanation.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Hmmmmmm J123 this is a great post. I’m also in the same boat about not wanting to overdue it. I’ve change my routine since I first joined to add ADS and clamping. Here is a link to my current routine Hello all

Now I do all my stretching before hand since my penis is not totally limp after jelqing. I’ve added clamping this week (although I’m having a problem keeping it erect for 10 mins even with a new wrap and 2 clamps) and may get rid of it and see how much girth gain I achieve from just jelqing. I did ads yesterday for 2 25 minute sessions. Today I did about 2 hours worth putting the belt around my left leg for 2 25 minute sessions, and putting the belt around my right leg for 2 25 minute sessions.

Current measure ment 8-2-06 EL- 5.5, EG- 5.25, BPEL-6 7/6, BPFSL-7.25

Short term goal EL- 6.0, EG-5.5

Long term goals EL- 7 to 7.5, EG- 5.5 to 6.0

Sounds pretty harsh routine. Mainly, because of the clamping. I admit, that clamping may be the best way to get girth, but it is quite harsh method. If you want to stick with it, I recommend using like 1 on 2 off routine, but I think it is best to stay away from clamping for now.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Yeah I’m going to stay away from clamping for now seems like a good idea. I’m also going to add another day of rest so my routine is 2 on 1 off, 3 on one off. Doing the routine 6 days straight seems like over doing it to me and I don’t want my member to get used to that.

Current measure ment 8-2-06 EL- 5.5, EG- 5.25, BPEL-6 7/6, BPFSL-7.25

Short term goal EL- 6.0, EG-5.5

Long term goals EL- 7 to 7.5, EG- 5.5 to 6.0

I’ve dropped all the hardcore stuff and have been doing something similar to your advanced routine with a few differences. I jelq for 5-15 minutes 4 to 6 times daily and it is working great.

Man, Who’s the chick in your avatar? She seems like a fine candidate for a good fuckin’ :D

She is Met Art model, but I don’t remember the name right now. I like her, because she looks like a nice Finnish blond and the outdoor scene where she poses, looks like a Finnish nature and I may have also some kind of outdoor fetish.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

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