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Increasing on Newbie Routine

Increasing on Newbie Routine

So I finally got the resolution to start PEing again! So far about a week in. I have a few questions:

Is it normal to start off on the Newbie routine (5 minutes warm up, 5 minutes stretch, 10 minute Jelq, 5 Minutes Warm Down/Kegels). Over a period of 6 weeks increase Jelqing till you hit 30 minutes?? So far from reading lots and lots of threads not many people do 30 minutes of Jelqing, Usually just 15-20 minutes of Jelqing.
So would it be normal for me to hit 30 minutes by my 6th week of PE-ing? Would I be better off hitting 30 minutes after a longer period of time, like 3 months?

In General my plan was to:
Newbie Routine for 3 weeks.
Newbie Routine + 10 minutes more of Jelqing starting on 3rd week.
Newbie Routine + 20 minutes more of Jelqing starting on the 6th week.

Maintain that routine for couple months.

Any input on how I should improve the intensity as time goes on would be great! Any problems with the above plan?

Starting BPEL: 5.6-5.75 Starting MSEG: 4.1 to 4.3

Most of PEers don’t believe is useful jelqing for more than 20-20 minutes. You should increase time both on your stretches and jelqs slitghtly week after wee. After 2-3 months, you can evaluate things and ponderate if adding more advenced exercises, like in example V-stretches, jelq squeeze etc..

However, right now, you don’t have any needs to complicate things: just do the ‘regular’ newbie routine and see where it leads.

Marinera is right — Just do the newbie routine for 3 months and see where it gets you.

Another possibility is to try

NEW newbie + advanced routine

That one starts real slow, and has a schedule of ramping up.

Personally I found the regular newbie way too much — 250 jelqs pretty much killed my penis after my first workout. So I did something similar to the Linear Routine.

If you haven’t read it, this thread is kind of interesting:

Is starting out lesser necessarily better

And don’t forget these — excellent for helping you manage any routine:

Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!
Warning! If you haven’t gotten improved erections:


Thanks for the reply guys.

So I guess for the first Month 1.5 Months I will do the regular Newbie Routine, After which I’ll smash it up to 20 minutes Jelqing instead of 10 Minutes.

Than maybe 3-4 Months In I’ll look into more advanced Techniques.

Does that sound solid?

Starting BPEL: 5.6-5.75 Starting MSEG: 4.1 to 4.3

Probably the best approach is

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

In other words, if you are gaining on the newbie routine, there is no need to “fix” the newbie routine at 1.5 months.

Just see how it works out.


There is something else to consider. I beleive that the first two to three weeks of my career, my workouts weren’t that great. It took me that long to get the hang of the exercises.

So just relax and get started — don’t worry about 1.5 months from now.

Best of luck!

I tried the newbie routine for nearly a month.. I’ve tried to jelq with 15 mins, that made me need to rest for few days, until now I’m just jelqing with 5mins, I would rather to grow slower than hurting my penis


Sounds like Solid Advice, I’ll just stick with it and see how everything works out!.
Thanks for the advice everyone.

Starting BPEL: 5.6-5.75 Starting MSEG: 4.1 to 4.3

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