Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis Size - A realistic view

Penis Size - A realistic view

I’m posting this thread as there are several posts emerging along the lines of guys feeling small when they have 6.5 inches or more bpel.

According to the studies if you have 5.5 to 6 inches, then you are average. Now, most of us dont want to be average, but it isnt small.

If you know anything about women, you will know that they comment on the pressure that they feel from the media to be perfect according to the images that are presented to them. So the question becomes; Is this attitude of I’m small when I’m really not small coming from the media that you watch?

Lets start with the body and work our way to the penis. Many of the male body images we see are actors and models. These guys dont do a normal job, in fact working out is part of their 9-5. Most of us do not have the hours that they do to put into things like exercise (especially as we take on more responsibilities and commitments in life), and they usually have the money to pay for cleaners, nannies, personal trainers, plastic surgery,etc.

Now to the penis. Most of the cocks we see are in porn. The porn industry does do a few small/normal films, but most of the male actors are hired because of their cock size. So if you’re sat around watching porn, and most of the cocks that your brain sees are about 8 inches, then when you look at your way above average cock it is possible that you are going to think my cock is smaller than those cocks that I look at in porn, which can then be shortened to ‘my cock is small’.

Now lets take a glance at some made up stats. So, in the porn industry there are probably tens of thousands of male actors globally. So lets base some figures on an exagerated number of there being 1,000,000 male porn actors at any moment, and they are all hung like donkeys.

The global male population of 15-64 year olds is 2,234,860,865, so even if you had seen each and every porn cock out there, you will have only seen ~0.0004% of cocks.

At a realistic level, you’ve probably seen less than 1000 male porn actors (yes some of you will have seen more, you deviants :) ), so this would be ~0.0000004% of cocks from the chosen sample range(The data I have does include 15-17 year olds, but that is the way it is collated).

So, if you are thinking that you are small because of the cocks that you have seen in porn, then you are basing your feelings of inadequacy on seeing less than 0.0000004% of human cocks on the planet, and that is a skewed sample (see NB below) because of the nature of the industry.

There will be guys who come here, looking for a solution when they have much less length than you. Often we dont hear from these guys, yet these are the people who could gain the most from the vets on the forum in terms of technique, and probably could do with the support of the TP brotherhood.

So when you start looking at a 6.5 inch cock, realise that it isn’t small, and that there are members here who dream of having 5 inches one day. And then maybe think how you look to them, and how off putting your comments could be to them. Remember that TP is about brotherhood as well as getting a bigger wang, so look after your brothers.

Two pertinent quotes

“The eyes are the window of the soul” Traditional Proverb
“We begin by coveting what we see every day.” Hannibal Lecter

Global Population data:

NB - a sample is skewed when the data chosen is loaded, for example using the average cock size of men in the porn industry to derive a global population average penis size would be skewed.

Last edited by stuzilla : 04-16-2011 at .

Nicely typed! I agree with the majority of your posts.

2005: 5.5 EL & 5.6 EG, FL: 4in > Now: 7.5 NBP & 6.1 MEG, 5.8 BG (Goal: MORE !)

Stumpy1's Progress Thread

Everytime I Visit Thunders, I Do 50 Kegels or More

This should be put on the page of articles recommended to every new member.

I'm a disciple of science.

Excellent article. stuzilla! Thanks for posting this.

A couple of things it reminded me of:

On media images, let’s talk male underwear ads. I have read that there are “fake bulges” on hand and in use in every photo shoot.

I remember walking by an underwear store window in a mall where it was clear the clerks had stuff the manikin’s crotches with the packing paper that came in the boxes! It was quite obvious that there was crumpled up paper in there. Which was hilarious.


On porn stars - In “quality produced porn” like Bang Brothers, Brazzers, etc lots of effort is put into making the guys look as big as possible. Of course they are big guys. But the directors use camera angles etc to make them look bigger than they may be in real life. I am not talking about “trick photography”, just the most flattering and enhancing angles they can get.

You will also see what is called “lens distortion” in the closeups - Take Bang Bros for example: notice how huge the guys look when they do those extreme close-ups of the blowjobs. Now take a look at the women’s face, you are going to see that her face looks all distorted too - features stretched out in odd ways.


On our reaction to pornstars - an interesting blog post from Daniel Rose:

Does Size Matter?

Does size matter? Yes and no, but mostly no.

There’s myths out there that larger cocks provide better physical stimulation (”hit spots that a smaller dick can’t). This simply isn’t true.

Think about the vibrators and dildos that are sold for women to masturbate with. The vast majority of dildos that are sold are between five and six inches, with proportional girth — the size of an average penis. The twelve inch monster cocks are relegated to the joke section.

You can see then, that a bigger dick doesn’t provide any extra physical stimulation. Otherwise, women would choose larger sized sex toys.


So then, why is penis size such a frequent insecurity among men? The reason is that it is a vicious cycle among guys who don’t get laid very much. Their only sexual outlet is internet porn, which almost always features guys with freakishly large cocks. Seeing that size is the measure of your worth in the porn world, they begin to think that size is the measure of your worth in the real world too. This causes them to become insecure about their “merely” average sized penis.

When they do have sex with a girl, their insecurities ruin their Immersion. That is, they start to think and worry in bed, instead of just enjoying the experience and being in the moment. This makes them perform poorly in bed.

But, they don’t recognize that the reason why they are performing poorly is because of their insecurities caused by this limiting belief. Instead, they take their sexual failure as evidence that their beliefs about penis size are true.

They then go back and masturbate to porn that stars guys with even bigger dicks, and the vicious cycle continues.


Last edited by sta-kool : 04-16-2011 at .

Hear hear!

Well put.

“I was like, Am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized...I'm just slutty. Where's my parade? What about slut pride?”

― Margaret Cho

:up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :)

So true!

I agree with posts like this being presented and perhaps gathered together for newbies.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

I strongly agree with all comments. As a 5.5 inch man though I still find it hard to believe this is average. I know 80/90% of my friends are bugger than me. I’m sure particularly with girth (I;m only 4.5” girth)

I WILL Double my Volume! Size Doesn't matter - THIS DOES!

19052010 - have you ever thought that maybe your friends are show-ers and you are a grow-er? Well, that is what I am thinking.

Good definition of showers versus growers:

What’s the average penis size?
by Dr. Petra Boynton
http://www.mans … -penis-size/a15 [link is dead, article no longer on internet]


Research shows soft (flaccid) penises vary in size much more than erect ones do - and it isn’t possible to predict from a soft cock what It’ll look like when It’s hard.

Some guys don’t change much between flaccid and erect, others do.

Sometimes this is referred to as guys being ‘showers’ - they’re big when soft and don’t get much bigger;

or ‘growers’ - they’re smaller when soft but then grow a fair bit as they get hard.



Also, your friends also know that 80/90% of their friends (including you) are bigger than they are.

“I was like, Am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized...I'm just slutty. Where's my parade? What about slut pride?”

― Margaret Cho

One place that I continually get size anxiety from is Thunder’s itself.

There are so many guys here who are 7+ and it just makes me feel tiny. There are several posters that I have had to ignore because their very presence makes me feel insecure.

Then every now and then a guy with a 7 inch dick shows up complaining about how small he is and wishes he were bigger. Stuff like that just makes very angry.

So how realistic is Thunder’s Place compared to the real world?

Start 5.25 BPEL x 4.36 EG

Current 6.2 BPEL x 4.60 EG

Originally Posted by Maxtro
One place that I continually get size anxiety from is Thunder’s itself.

There are so many guys here who are 7+ and it just makes me feel tiny. There are several posters that I have had to ignore because their very presence makes me feel insecure.

Then every now and then a guy with a 7 inch dick shows up complaining about how small he is and wishes he were bigger. Stuff like that just makes very angry.

So how realistic is Thunder’s Place compared to the real world?

This is why I posted this thread. TP is as real as we choose to make it. There should be as many members here with 5 inches as there are with 7, but the ones with 7 make more noise, and that makes guys like you feel like they dont want to be here. Often the moderators will cut in, but the members also need to be active, and tell these folk that they are being insensitive towards their brothers, and that is not what we should be about.

Last edited by stuzilla : 04-17-2011 at .

I watch too much porn man I’m shooting for 8 or I’m going home.

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