At my first period of PE my growth stopped most likely because of overworking and also because of lack of interest. Growth of course slows down after time, when you have used the “lack” to growth. When you expand the little cells in expanding tissue there is of course point where the growth of the cells slows down, because of purely practical reasons. Of course the cells have to be fully healed before they can offer safe growth after certain point, so some kind of break after time is necessary. Of course with a good routine, that offers enough healing time the necessity for longer break is not so urgent. Of course besides the cells also everything else, that have to grow with penis needs proper healing and growth time.
Determining right amount of force and healing time requires proper examination of outer signs and right context.
The right context has to do much and is explained best with pain levels. It is well known fact, that you can raise your pain levels, but in PE it is bad. For proper measurement about needed force and healing time the measures should be compared to fully rested penis, so that there is no disturbing factors. Again with a routine, that offers proper healing this is done much easier.
The outer signs should be also compared to rested penis. The right amount of force feels somewhat comfortable, but offers enough force for growth. I think, that any kind of bump and spots are not necessary for growth. For example I got red spots only at very beginning of my PE and I have growth quite well after that.
Any kind of negative signs are not necessary, if some appear temporarily it is not a big deal, but they should be avoided.
Determining the right amount of force and healing time is what everyone must do itself. With Linear routine I just try to offer the right context.