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Any popular PE routines beside the Newbie Routine?

Any popular PE routines beside the Newbie Routine?

I did a quick search and it didn’t pull up anything so I hope this hasn’t been asked too many times.

I’m a little over 2 weeks into the Newbie Routine and looking forward to a more intense routine. I realize this isn’t much time, but I plan to stick with the Newbie Routine or similar variations thereof. The only routine I can remember aside from the Newbie Routine is a routine written by mem, and also one from a different website called JP90. Any idea of a more intense routine?

The best advise I think you can get right now is to not worry about a more intense routine. The Newbie Routine is the best thing for this point and time, going more intense will most likely lead to an injury you do not want. Take this time to explore different variations in the newbie routine, meaning time and number of reps, and learn what your indicators are. The more you are in tune you are with your body the better it will be latter on. Plus, why change something if it is working? Give it time to work.

~No Worries~

I started off very lightly doing a little over 100 jelqs. Then at the two week mark I upped the jelqs to 150, and since yesterday, about 200 jelqs on every “on” day. Can someone explain the importance of kegels to me? I hardly do them, because I’m afraid I’ll mess up my pelvic floor balance. I don’t know too much in that area honestly though. Also, I’m thinking of switching to a 5/on, 2/off routine instead of the typical 2/1. Which is more favorable for gains?


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