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Should I start with the Newbie routine

Should I start with the Newbie routine

I’m not sure if I should be considered as a newbie. I have been reading reading this posts and tried a few things. Here is what I’ve tried:

July 2005-September 2005 - Tried a newbie routine, not too strictly, but I don’t think I see any gain.

September 2006 - I started a newbie routine again for about 1 month, but I don’t think I see any gain again.

June 2007 and July - August 2007: I again started a sort of newbie routine, but I don’t see any gain.

I don’t think I have seen gain, and I always think I’m doing it wrong. Sometimes I get too excited and don’t really stick with newbie routine. Below was what I normally do:

5 mins warmup
5-10 mins manual stretch
10-15 mins jelq and squeeze
5 mins warm down

I do kegel 100-150 reps before bed time. I have to admit that I haven’t stick with the routine for more than 2 months due to time constraint, but it seems that most people can see some result even after one month.

Now, I think I can stick with it.

So I wonder if I should start again with newbie routine, or make a slightly modified newbie. I really need help with both my length and girth.

I would be really grateful if anyone in here suggests me with any suggestions for good gain. Thanks so much in advance.

Here is my stat:

BPEL: 5.8-6 inch depending on how I measure
EG: 3.8-4 inch(very thin I know)

Thanks so much!

Be consistent, be patient, be dedicated.

Go with the newbie routine.

Doing the newbie routine (not consistently) for 1 month probably won’t do anything. You need to stay consistent with your routines and try not to quit after a month! Good luck this time around.

Hey Junjung, let’s make a deal. Last time I did PE was in 2002. I did three weeks. That’s it. Now I’m back and just a few days into it. Two months on the newbie routine for me - how about you? Even if you don’t show gains after 2 months, at least then your dick is prepared for more intense practices to step it up if necessary.

you shouldn’t expect a lot of gains in 1 month. PE is a marathon not a sprint, so you need to put in all that extra work. Give it some time and watch your dick grow.

Be patient and consistent and you will grow.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

My Pics

AOM's training log

Thanks for all the replies, everyone!

Don’t kid yourself, you are still a newbie. Start with the newbie routine.

Yes you definately need to do the newbie routine, especially if you don’t see any gains. I reccomend you read up on all of the stretches, jelqing and kegeling. Jelqing is the most important. Make sure you have perfect form so you can reach the goals you are trying to accomplish. If I were you I would max out my length first, remember to be at 60% erections, jelq for long 3-5 second strokes, and your grip should only be the grip you use to masturbate with. Bye the time you max out your length and cement the gains you should realize and read up on girth gaining.Other than that if I were you I would go and watch the newbie Faqs and videos of how to jelq and so forth. Set a standard for yourself by posting stats, you need a starting point to get committed.

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