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My Newbie Routine with a twist.suggestions welcome

My Newbie Routine with a twist.suggestions welcome

I just started doing some PE exercises after reading very in-depth over the course of the past few days. The exercise routine that I have come up with is this (keep in mind I just started):
3-4 minutes warm-up with hot cloth in shower
5 mins. - Stretching in the up, down, left, and right directions
3 mins.- making circular motions with periods of 10 seconds
75 jelqs overhand (with with pinky finger away from body)
75 jelqs overhand (with with pinky finger close to body)
3-4 mins. Warm down using hot cloth.
I believe I will continue this routine for 2on/1off and 3on/1off, alternating between the two.

After reading this forums, I have seen that most PE routines continue in the same fashion:
-Warm up
-Warm down

I have played sports for many years, and after an exercise period, it is good to stretch at the end of a workout period as well. So, imagine the above workout routine, with another stretching immediately before warm down. Is this advisable? I would also like suggestions for how often to do this routine. 3on/1.4on/1off.etc. (I only do the routine once per day)

In addition, I run, do some slight weight lifting, and I take my daily vitamins. All suggestions are welcome.

My beginning measurements:
5-3/4” NBPEL
5-1/8” EG
4-1/2” NBPFL
4-1/2” FG

My goals are:
5-1/2” EG
Flaccid length really doesn’t concern me much.

I put my faith in you all.


I always stretch after a jelq session and before warm down. After a workout, my little guy is pretty tired and I go flaccid fairly quickly. Stretching before the warm down, I believe, has helped me. It certainly hasn’t hurt anything!

Same here. I start and end with stretches. (After warm-up and before warm-down.) In fact, if I have time, I hang light weights after a work-out, too, just to maintain the stretch.

Also see the “Extra Stretching” thread…

Originally Posted by dude1169
…In addition, I run, do some slight weight lifting, and I take my daily vitamins.

Good, a healthy guy. Keep that up and get good sleep. Your body heals while you sleep.

Originally Posted by dude1169
All suggestions are welcome.

Welcome or not, you were bound to get some.

Originally Posted by dude1169
My beginning measurements:
5-3/4” NBPEL
5-1/8” EG
4-1/2” NBPFL
4-1/2” FG

My goals are:
5-1/2” EG

Reasonable goals are a great place to start. Sooner or later (when you realize that this stuff actually works) you will become “unreasonable”.
Not that there is anything wrong with that…

Originally Posted by dude1169
Flaccid length really doesn’t concern me much.

It will. In fact, many members notice that flaccid increases are the first sign of progress. Mine started at 2-3” and now I consistently hang over 4.5” soft. I wasn’t looking for it, but when it started, I realized how good a thing it is. I’m not suggesting that anyone goes around flashing people, but a heavier flaccid hang does get a little extra attention. That’s not always bad.

Originally Posted by dude1169
I put my faith in you all.

Yikes. I can think of better places for that to be invested, but I get it. You trust us. We have no reason to lie to you.

Welcome to Thunders, dude. *sigh*

"Debate the idea..."

Originally Posted by goonbaby
It will. In fact, many members notice that flaccid increases are the first sign of progress. Mine started at 2-3” and now I consistently hang over 4.5” soft. I wasn’t looking for it, but when it started, I realized how good a thing it is. I’m not suggesting that anyone goes around flashing people, but a heavier flaccid hang does get a little extra attention. That’s not always bad.

Same here. It wasn’t a goal, but it’s a very nice side-benefit :-) It’s a daily reminder that PE is working.

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