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Newbie routine question:S

Newbie routine question:S


Just wanted to clear something up, when you do the manual stretches in the newbie routine
Are you meant to kegel while you hold these stretches or should the stretches be done
After all manual exercise?

I hear lots of different opinions but what would be most beneficial towards gains and not
Over training for a newbie, because I find with myself if I even do an exercise I wouldn’t
Normally do my penis feels very lifeless the next day:(


Kegel when you like, if you want to fold them into your stretches they should effect downwards stretching but they may effect upper angles (positively even).

Don’t kegel while jelqing until you’ve got jelqing down. Kegeling while jelqing is a more advanced technique and can put a lot of stress on the penis. but maybe 1.5 - 2 months in, kegeling while jelqing is a boon.

The reason kegels are put at the end of the newbie routine is because it’s about strengthening the BC muscle and multiple reps close together will produce the good type of burn body builders and runners like. Personally I think there are other ways to develop muscle without necessarily generating bulk, but then I do yoga, so I’m weird like that.

Thanks I didn’t know you should kegel when you stretch, I just stretched. So I guess starting Monday I should Kegel when I do Power stretch and V-stretch.

Thanks for clearing that up for me memento:)

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