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How long should i do the newbie routine?

How long should i do the newbie routine?


I have been doing the newbie routine for almost a month now, how much longer should i carry on using this same routine before i move onto more advanced exercises? Also, if you do PE 2 days in a row then have a ‘day off’, would the best time to masturbate, if you have to, be on the day off?



Great minds think alike. I just posted almost exactly the same question: When’s it time to switch?


Hi Trevor,

Welcome to Thunder’s. I maintained my newbie routine, (just jelqing) for the first two months, then added the stretches at the beginning of the third month. But I did keep increasing the length of my sessions, especially during the second month.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Will the growth continue if I stick with the newbie routine till eternity?

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