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newbie routine versus mine...

newbie routine versus mine...

I have yet anither question.
The following is the newbie routine…

The following is an outline for a beginner’s routine. This is a suggestion only. Modify it to meet your goals or concerns:

5 min hot wrap
5 min manual stretch (ten 30-second stretches)
10 min of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes)
5 min hot wrap
50 kegels of five second holds each

Schedule: 2 days ON / 1 day OFF

Notes: gradually increase to 10 min total of stretches and 30 min of jelqing over about 6 weeks time

Now I’ve been at this for about three weeks, and I had incredible length gains in the first two weeks, (no girth gains), yet no further gains since.
I started the first week doing the newbie routine, then the second week, I did the stretches for 45 seconds, and did 12 of the, This week I’ve been doing 14 - 60 second stretches. In the last week, I’ve had no gains. (infact, I’ve lost about 1/8 of an inch from my gains.

Am I over stretching? Should I stick to only 30-45 second stretches?


Specs: May 13th 2003 EBPL=5.9 EG=5.0 June 13th 2003 EBPL=7.0 EG=5.0

Try going back to what you were doing if you were seeing some gains. Maybe increase the number of reps but keep the time the same? Just have to experiment here and there to find out what works best for you.


There shouldn’t be a problem with 60 sec stretches, after all hangers have continuous tension for 15-20 min.

So what is your current stats?

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

My current stats?
I promised myself when I first posted stats, that I would wait a month unti lposting the new stats. I’ll be posting on June 13th 2003. I just hope I don’t lose anymore gains!!!


Specs: May 13th 2003 EBPL=5.9 EG=5.0 June 13th 2003 EBPL=7.0 EG=5.0

That is the first time to me to do this exercises and I need to ask about:

1- I should do exercises by this arrange :Jelq after that Manual Stretches - Hanging -Uli’s and Squeezes and Pumping , so I must do all that in the first?

2- when I read I found more exercises in jelqing and more exercises in stretching, I must do all this exercises or some only?

Please reply

Thank you for cooperation

Hey wannabedeep, quick question. If you were making great gains why in the world did you change your routine? Ever heard the phrase if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Too many guys think that if a certain amount of time stretching produces good results, then more time will produce great results. This is not really true. If something is working for you don't change it!. Only change your routine when you haven’t seen results in a while. You very well may be overtraining now. Read Sparkyx’s PI thread in my signature.



May 13th 2003

EBPL=5.9 EG=5.0

June 13th 2003

EBPL=7.0 EG=5.0

this is amazing. I gained 1/4” in BPEL in one month and I’m stoked. I can’t imagine gaining over an inch in only 1 month. Are you sure you gained this much? We’re your measurements accurate?

This is probably a silly question, but I’m still unclear on what kegeling is or how to perform

An inch in a month is amazing. Is this correct? For some reason I am a bit skeptical.

EDIT: Got linked here from another thread. Did not realize it was several years old.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Originally Posted by wannabdeep
I have yet anither question.
The following is the newbie routine..

Now I’ve been at this for about three weeks, and I had incredible length gains in the first two weeks, (no girth gains), yet no further gains since.
I started the first week doing the newbie routine, then the second week, I did the stretches for 45 seconds, and did 12 of the, This week I’ve been doing 14 - 60 second stretches. In the last week, I’ve had no gains. (Infact, I’ve lost about 1/8 of an inch from my gains.

Am I over stretching? Should I stick to only 30-45 second stretches?


You should have just kept what you were doing. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

I know this is old, just research.

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