Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does Age matter

Does Age matter

Any one 60 or over who has PE experience ? My new girl friend was not very happy with my size. So I decided to start PE. Presently I get 5” L x 4.5” G on erection. Target is at least 7” L x 5.5” G. Do I have a chance ? Appreciate if you post your experience.

So you’re over 60 and want to start PE now?

Well, better late than never, go to the newbie routine.

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Starter 47, greetings:

I am 65, and I started PE at roughly your age, and with roughly your measurements. I am now 7x5, and although I haven’t posted here for some time, I am working up to submitting an accont of my progress (and difficulties) during the past couple of years.

Meanwhile, if you would like to know something more about my “senior” experiences, check my other posts. Good luck.

The penis tends to shrink a bit with age. This shrinkage is rather rappidly reversed with jelqing so you will probly get a small amount of gains right off. You are not even close to being the oldest guy here. :)

Wewlcome to Thunder’s.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Hi Redlight. Thank you for your warm welcome. How long did it take you to reach 7x5 ? Are you still continuing PE work ? It will be nice to see your account of progress. In the meantime I will look for your previous posts. And Thanks to others too.

Does Age Matter


Sure age matters but I don’t think it matters as much in PE. I started last August (05) with 6 1/2 inch erection. I haven’t gotten to my first year yet but have gone to 7 1/4 inch erection in that time. Actually, my groin area is pretty good despite a too generous fat pad. I have always had turtle problems but that too has gone. My erections are stronger now than when I was 35. I am 74 years old. So, most of the rest of my body has wrinkled and shriveled but the unit hangs longer, stands higher and acts younger than ever. Now 3/4 of an inch may not be much to some but it hasn’t been a year yet. They said it couldn’t be done. Somewhere that 3/4 of an inch appeared?


Hello Rhadames,

Thank you. And congratulations for the achievement at your age. It surely encourage me. Could you post your schedule. Have you also supplemented with additional stuff (pills, gadgets etc) than manual exercises? Appreciate your help.

Originally Posted by Rhadames

I have always had turtle problems but that too has gone.

Btw, What is meant by “turtle problem” ?

Starter47,unless she’s under the age of 30, let her go find a bigger dick somewhere else! Of course if she’s a young one, tell her your working on it.

Never grow old! ;-)

Starter47 - My Dad used to jokingly tell me: “Never grow old!” But, what’s the alternative? All kidding aside, sure, age matters. I just turned 60, and about half a year ago, after a routine physical exam and blood work, I found out I was suffering from very low testosterone levels. Low T levels are associated with loss of sex drive (libido), feeling tired, depression, and bone density loss. The cause can be unexplained decrease in testosterone output from the testes, to a pituitary problem. Fortunately, it is easily treated, in my case, by topical gel (Androgel) applied to the upper arms and stomach.

Now my T levels are within normal range, and I feel and act like a new man. My wife is impressed with positive change in me. I’m more attentive, “lovey dovey”, and no longer need Cialis, and am as horny as a teenager. I’ve re-discovered the fun in flirting and think women are just amazing.

Soon after starting on Androgel, I discovered and joined Thunders place. Some practical reasons for wanting a longer penis were that my penis would often slip out of my wife’s while love making, and during cold weather, I would often shrivel up so much, that, when sitting down on the toilet seat, would often urinate over the end of the seat and onto my pants, if I wasn’t paying attention. Some non practical reasons is “penis envy” - I want to be hung like a porn star - who wouldn’t?

My routine was basically the Newbie stretch and jelq routine, including warm ups with a heating pad or microwaved rice sock. I was amazed at the rapid initial gain in both length and girth. My routine now consists of daily morning stretches (15 min) and jelqs (15 min) during the work week, with weekends off.

For the past few months, I seem to be stuck at 7 - 7.25” BPFL. My girth is increasing - which I attribute to wearing multiple cock and ball welded steel rings. That’s another story.

I really enjoy and look forward to the morning stretch and jelq routines. They feel good, put me in the right frame of mind, and I believe will eventually result in increased length and girth.

My goal is 8” x 6” - hey, everyone should aspire to greatness.

By the way, older post menopausal women also can suffer from low T levels. My wife, impressed with the positive changes Androgel has made in me, is just beginning to take Estratest, a female estrogen & testosterone hormone replacement drug. It’s supposed to have some of the same positive effects as Androgel. I’ll keep you posted on how it works. If she gets as sexy and horny as me - watch out! I may have to run for cover.

Anyway, nice to see that there are a few “Geezers” out here. In fact, I’d be interested in a “Geezer Report” now and then. So fellow Geezers, drop a post from time to time and let me know how you’re doing. MC

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."

Originally Posted by Redlight

Starter 47, greetings:

I am 65, and I started PE at roughly your age, and with roughly your measurements. I am now 7x5, and although I haven’t posted here for some time, I am working up to submitting an accont of my progress (and difficulties) during the past couple of years.

Meanwhile, if you would like to know something more about my “senior” experiences, check my other posts. Good luck.

So this Even works for 60+

Never sweat a hoe.

You've got no chance in hell!

Originally Posted by starter47
Any one 60 or over who has PE experience ? My new girl friend was not very happy with my size. So I decided to start PE. Presently I get 5” L x 4.5” G on erection. Target is at least 7” L x 5.5” G. Do I have a chance ? Appreciate if you post your experience.

As other people have told you, you do have a chance. But if your girlfriend could begin a Kegel training, both of you would notice a big difference in pleasure within weeks or few months, instead of the many months or a few years that will take you to grow noticeably.

The best thing in my opinion is that you do PE and she trains her PC muscle with Kegel exercises. In a few months, both of you will feel like sex machines ;)

This might be of interest to you.
beenthere - Gains in relation to age

(Oops, I did a search for it by using my handle, and that has caused my handle to appear in the copied address link.)

What a fantastic community. Thank you all.

Special thanks to mrconvertable for the detailed info. We have many things in common: Age, Stats at start.:-) Hope I will be able to be achieve the same like you. Nice meeting you here. Keep in touch.

Interesting Thread

Hey starter47, glad i could help. This is an interesting thread. I enjoyed reading beenthere’s poll. Looks like our age group is in the moderate gainer group. Ah, youth is indeed wasted on the young :-) Good luck with PE, and let me know how you’re doing. MC

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."

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