Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does Age matter

Originally Posted by Redlight
Starter 47, greetings:
I am 65, and I started PE at roughly your age, and with roughly your measurements. I am now 7x5, and although I haven’t posted here for some time, I am working up to submitting an accont of my progress (and difficulties) during the past couple of years.
Meanwhile, if you would like to know something more about my “senior” experiences, check my other posts. Good luck.

Hi Redlight
Thank you for your response and good wishes, Glad to hear that it works at 60 too. When will you publish your report of progress. Could you please let me know whether 7” you have now whether hang or erected ?If latter NBP or BP ? How long did it take to reach this ?

I think a special Sub-Forum should be created for “Seniors”. If any moderator/administrator is reading this would like to have your comments. Thank you

Hey Starter

This is great for anyone of any age you will most likely get a reclaimed size gain from the size you have most likely lost since your 20’s. I started in my 30’s I wish I found PE when I was 18 but even in my 30’s I had lost some size and my hard on’s weren’t the greatest and PE has changed all that. So welcome to the forum:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Good thread starter. I have picked up some good info myself on your quiry as I have just kicked off with PE. At age 55 with much younger head and appetite the whole thing has given a positive spin. I am experiencing a number of effects and changes and will continue with recommended sessions before I start fine tuning and chasing feedback. The forum is full of positive support and sound experience. Thanks - get what you deserve.

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Hey Starter

This is great for anyone of any age you will most likely get a reclaimed size gain from the size you have most likely lost since your 20’s. I started in my 30’s I wish I found PE when I was 18 but even in my 30’s I had lost some size and my hard on’s weren’t the greatest and PE has changed all that. So welcome to the forum:)

Hi Dino9x7,
Thank you for your comments and the warm welcome. I know that PE is great for anyone of any age, but what I meant was having a sub-forum (separate heading) for over 50’s or 60’s so that those who are a bit older get the opportunity of exchanging views. After all, the same routines for the younger cannot be taken over by us one-to-one, not mention that it can be even dangerous. It will be more convenient for the “seniors” than searching and looking for topics related to our category.
By the way, although my thread is moved to the “Main Member Forum”, I still cannot start a new thread here. When can I expect ? What is the criteria ?

Originally Posted by jak8

Good thread starter. I have picked up some good info myself on your quiry as I have just kicked off with PE. At age 55 with much younger head and appetite the whole thing has given a positive spin. I am experiencing a number of effects and changes and will continue with recommended sessions before I start fine tuning and chasing feedback. The forum is full of positive support and sound experience. Thanks - get what you deserve.

Hi jak8

Welcome to the “club of 55 and over” :) . I am glad that my query resulted in so many serious responses from members who are “older” but young at heart. Let’s keep this thread active for consulting experienced members, feedback and also reporting our experience. Good luck to you on your PE.

We’ve talked about the possibility of forum for older guys in the past. There are merits to the idea; we do face certain physical challenges that most of the younger men don’t. But then there is the negative of making any area exclusive.

There are certainly annecdotal indicators here that older men may be able to gain size faster than younger ones. Are our ligs more supple? Who knows?

You have to have been a member for 20 days (or make, I think, 20 posts) before you can start threads in any public area.

Welcome to Thunders. You’ll get lots of support here in your PE efforts.



Originally Posted by avocet8
We’ve talked about the possibility of forum for older guys in the past. There are merits to the idea; we do face certain physical challenges that most of the younger men don’t. But then there is the negative of making any area exclusive.

There are certainly annecdotal indicators here that older men may be able to gain size faster than younger ones. Are our ligs more supple? Who knows?

You have to have been a member for 20 days (or make, I think, 20 posts) before you can start threads in any public area.

Welcome to Thunders. You’ll get lots of support here in your PE efforts.

Hello avocet8
Thank you for the clarification on creating threads in Main Member area and also for the warm welcome.
As for my suggestion, I don’t think that it is “exclusive” as you put it. I don’t think it would discriminate any other member. I meant as a child forum like “newbie”” or “Hanger’s”. I hate the word “old” may be we can call it “Seniors” or as I put it earlier “55 and over” or similar. It is just a way to make the forum more clearly laid out just as one creates a folder in a computer. The reasons are obvious - I mentioned already in Post #19 PE Methods cannot be generalized and the problems for the seniors are different.
Anyway, it is up to the decision-makers in the forum. It was just a positive suggestion from me.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

14 days and 20 posts.

Thanks ThunderSS also for the link of Manual

GO for it man! 60 or whatever! PE! WEEEEEEEE!

I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

Originally Posted by Marco_187

GO for it man! 60 or whatever! PE! WEEEEEEEE!

I’m pissed of with my gains and loses. I’ve been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

Hi Marco_187

Why don’t you submit your progress so that we could get some positive ideas After all you have been doing for 4 years.

Are you a younger one :)

Grumpy old men ---- not

Eh? What’s that?

OK. Seriously. Today’s my first day here but I’ve been doing PE on my own for a year. I’ll be 60 … Soon.

In the past year with various stretching, pulling, tugging exercises (here they call em Jelqs, Ulis and Inverted V-A Something-or-others) I’ve managed to gain almost a full inch (and without seriously injuring myself — moderation is important - pain down there will put you out of commission and ya don’t want that).

Man, am I glad I found this group. One day and it feels like home. Tried some new routines I just read about and feel like I’ve gained another inch just today (wishful thinking — but you know what? Wishful thinking is like “affirmations” , in PE it’s helpful).

So, why would an “old guy” want to do PE?
I mentioned in my “virgin” post here that sex is better, bigger, and longer now that I am also better, bigger and longer. It’s true, shooting stars, when before it almost felt like “work”.

Nice to meet you guys. Hope all us old codgers can share some good “sh*t” together here. Lookin’ forward to a better, bigger and, maybe if I’m lucky, longer life with PE as a “hobby” that will make stickin’ around for awhile… Worthwhile.

I hear kegeling is an important exercise for PE. I just want to mention that over doing it at first could constipate one so watch out.

Originally Posted by Ithy Fallik
Eh? What’s that?

OK. Seriously. Today’s my first day here but I’ve been doing PE on my own for a year. I’ll be 60 … Soon.

In the past year with various stretching, pulling, tugging exercises (here they call em Jelqs, Ulis and Inverted V-A Something-or-others) I’ve managed to gain almost a full inch (and without seriously injuring myself — moderation is important - pain down there will put you out of commission and ya don’t want that).

Hi Ithy Fallik,
Glad to hear that you have been successful. Could you please post your routine a bit more precisely here so that others also benefit. Especially I am interested as I am also in the same age group. :) Thanks.


I am waiting for your response.


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