Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New guy, never done anything like this before

Month 5 Report

Month 5

BPEL: 20.2 Cm (7.953 Inches)
EG: 14.1 Cm (5.551 Inches)
Diameter: 4.9 Cm (1.929 Inches)
Diameter x Pi: 15.4 Cm (6.063 Inches)
FL: 13.0 Cm (5.118 Inches)
FG: 12.2 Cm (4.803 Inches)

Ever so close to 14.2 Cm (5.591 Inches) EG but not quite past the line so, until next month.

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile

Month 6 Report

Month 6

BPEL: 20.2 Cm (7.953 Inches)
EG: 14.1 Cm (5.551 Inches)
Diameter: 4.9 Cm (1.929 Inches)
Diameter x Pi: 15.4 Cm (6.063 Inches)
FL: 13.1 Cm (5.157 Inches)
FG: 12.4 Cm (4.882 Inches)

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile

Month 7 Report

Month 7

BPEL: 20.32 Cm (8.000 Inches)
EG: 14.2 Cm (5.591 Inches)
Diameter: 4.9 Cm (1.929 Inches)
Diameter x Pi: 15.4 Cm (6.063 Inches)
FL: 13.1 Cm (5.157 Inches)
FG: 12.4 Cm (4.882 Inches)

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile

Month 8 Report

Month 8

BPEL: 20.32 Cm (8.000 Inches)
EG: 14.3 Cm (5.630 Inches)
Diameter: 4.9 Cm (1.929 Inches)
Diameter x Pi: 15.4 Cm (6.063 Inches)
FL: 13.3 Cm (5.236 Inches)
FG: 12.2 Cm (4.083 Inches)

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile

Just logging that I’m going to take a break for a while, maybe a week maybe a month. Don’t have any problems gaining or such but I just want to see what portion of my gains is really permanent, and I also want the discoloration to go down a bit.

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile

Well it turns out that after a little more than 24 hours the temporary pump goes away and underneath is a rock solid vascular unit. I did go down a couple of millimeters before getting completely solid which would indicate that pumping with lymph retention like this causes a buffer to your gains since one simply may not have enough time between sessions to have it go down completely.

As for the discoloration, I guess it’s just the price I have to pay and I’m okay with it, although I would like to lessen it as much as possible while gaining.

After even a break like this the first time I got back to pumping resulted in more than usual amount of discoloration which eludes me, after some time of getting used to the routine it doesn’t occur as much.

I’m suspecting discoloration to be more specifically hemosiderin staining, which unfortunately doesn’t have many other cures than taking a break.

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile

As I was getting back on the routine from break I was slowly building up the duration. However doing 2x 8 minute sessions a day I seem to have found the golden middle. It seems to be the perfect amount of time to get a good pump on, but not excessive, AND I also hardly get any discoloration at all!

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile

Month 9 Report

Month 9


BPEL: 20.32 Cm (8.000 Inches)
EG: 14.1 Cm (5.551 Inches)
Diameter: 4.9 Cm (1.929 Inches)
Diameter x Pi: 15.4 Cm (6.063 Inches)
FL: 13.1 Cm (5.157 Inches)
FG: 12.0 Cm (4.724 Inches)

Notes: Going with 8 minutes per session, really seems like the way to go.
Quite a bit less water retention and it seems my permanent girth with absolutely no bloat, just rock solid boner was 13.8 Cm (5.433 Inches) which is a permanent gain of 0.7 Cm (0.276 Inches).

I think I’m going to measure again in 3 months instead of the usual bimonthly basis.

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile

Hey guys,

I would like to post some pictures. I’m a fairly new member. Can I still post them on the members page ?

Originally Posted by Dude151
Just posted some pics on the member’s section at Dude151 Pictures


That’s some impressive pictures.

Well done with your progress !

How do you rate the Bathmate ?

It’s almost 1 year since I started Jelqing but I have to admit that I haven’t got the patience to do more than a few minutes each day, almost always when I take my morning shower which means plenty of hot water which helps. Anyway I’ve definitely gained a small amount of length and the girth is certainly better, I can tell just by putting my hand around my dick. (Haven’t bothered with measurements I know my own dick) Never suffered any discolouration due to short sessions. I know my progress is slow but it is progress so I’m happy with that and will continue with my routine for the moment. I work out 3 times a week and this combined with daily jelqing has definitely increased my sex drive, no doubt about that!

Well here we are, 1 year later.

At the start I almost couldn’t believe it could be true but it was. Penis Enlargement actually works.

I have taken over a week off and I have set at 14.0 Cm (5.512 Inches) [really like veins bulging through the skin] and I’ve also lost a lot of discoloration which is nice, though it’s really not a major concern for me anyway.


BPEL: 20.32 Cm (8.000 Inches)
EG: 14.0 Cm (5.512 Inches)

As I previously thought there is some buffer when it comes to gaining with a pump but you can definitely increase your girth permanently by using one consistently and for a long time.

Although I really don’t need any length I would like to gain some just to see that it’s possible as well. The length “gains” as I have had could simply be an increase in EQ.

And with that I will absolutely continue to see where I can get with this.

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile

I think it is about time to do another update.

To my disappointment it seems that I have gained NOTHING since the last measurement so I must have hit a plateau.

I used the water pump 1-2 every day with 15+ minute sessions, I have no problems with erections and I don’t feel like I’m getting fatigue at all. I don’t know if the old model is hitting its limits and I’m not getting enough negative pressure to push through, or whether I’m simply doing it too much. I have a feeling it is the first and so I would need to either push everything I can out of it or try another pump.

Anyone else hitting a similar barrier using pumps? Kind of disappointing although I’m glad I’ve gained a significant amount from the start regardless.

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile


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