Thunder's Place

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Flaccid stretched length


Flaccid stretched length

In just over a week and a half of manual stretching my flaccid stretched length has already increased.

My question is this, :I know there is a thread on flaccid stretched length is an indication of future gains to come, but it seems it would only make sense for tunica stretching-whereas the tissue has not yet developed, therefore you don’t see the erect gains.but I have been doing mostly all low angle stretching, hitting the ligs, and I feel as though that is where my flaccid length-and stretchted length gains are coming from, yet I have no erect gains yet. How is this possible?

I realize it’s only been a week and a half, I shouldn’t expect any gains, and I don’t. I just am wandering about the whole flaccid stretched length indication, albeit that ligament stretching reveals more existing penis- so shouldn’t I already see the erect gains since no tissue has to actually develop?

Like I said-I don’t expect gains right now, I’m just trying to get a better understanding of how it all works


I’ll try to explain. When you get lig extension it would seem that that would allow an extension of erect gain as well as flaccid but is not the case because the tunica and other structures have yet to grow. The tunica for all intents and purposes expands not only length wise but width wise as well. It’s this width wise expansion that prevents us from seeing the length gains right away. When the cell growth takes place in the tunica then the erect gains can be recorded. So you see this is very well where clamping can help but the problem with clamping is that it is a big contributer to girth gains. If what your after is length gains it is best to stay way from girth gaining exercises because with girth gains comes a greater difiiculty in length gains because there is more tunica structure to over come. Hense this is why most guys concentrate on length gains and when they have accomplished that goal they then hit the girth exercises that generally come pretty quickly with clamping and pumping.

I myself found that girth kind of came along with the ride for length gains so I’m relativily happy where I’ve ended up. The wife complains about my size during BJ’s though as her jaw gets tired. That is the trade-off for PE overall. I still chase length because I know she can take more and so why not?

My flaccid length is always out front of my erect lenght so I always have something to look forward to.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

I found your post very informative and useful. Thank you. But I’m still a little bit curious as to why I am not seeing erect gains yet, beit that I have only been hitting the ligs. And since this is just revealing penis that I already have, why I am not seeing the erect gains,.hence no tissue has to develop,- the penis is already there. I understand the tunica what not.

Just kinda wandering bout the lig situation- have more flaccid stretched length now due to lig stretch only, yet no erect gains yet

Well said Monty, I’ve never thought about that. I will probably put my girth exercises on hold for a while. It will cut down on time anyway. Glad I read this thread!

Tiger, just keep working it. Give it more time, I measure a lot too and I’ve found that my size will stay the same for a while then all the sudden on day I’ll have what feels like a super strong and hard erection and I will measure it and sure enough, 1/4”! After that happens it’s a big motivator.

Hey! I’m a new member here, but not new to PE and PE forums. In viewing this thread, I was wondering if the technique of purely working on length and girth has proven to be a superior technique, in most cases. I will probably give it a try, but I don’t want to lose valuable time in girth work. You know how it is! So, what results have you seen from this technique, and do you believe this technique to be superior to working length and girth simultaneously?

Originally Posted by bigman07
Hey! I’m a new member here, but not new to PE and PE forums. In viewing this thread, I was wondering if the technique of purely working on length and girth has proven to be a superior technique, in most cases. I will probably give it a try, but I don’t want to lose valuable time in girth work. You know how it is! So, what results have you seen from this technique, and do you believe this technique to be superior to working length and girth simultaneously?

Sometimes, you just have to take whatever gains you can get. I have a theory that those with stouter units, gain girth more easily. Those with longer, thinner units tend to gain length easier.

As I’ve been reminded here, you can’t always build a designer dick. The problem is that jelqing - probably the single most effective PE exercise - can affect both. If you ignore jelqs because you fear girth gains because you want more length, you may not get either. But I would agree that you should not be extensively focusing on girth if you want a lot more length.

I guess since I haven’t been on here much lately, I cannot make my own thread, so I am just using this old one to ask a similar question.

I have been using an EXTENDER for 3 months, and I have gotten increased flaccid stretch length, but NO erect gains. I have been on and off PEing for years and haven’t gained all that much, mainly just from lig stretching-guess I’m a hard gainer-and I’ve tried pretty much every exercise in the book, it’s very very frustrating.

1. Are extenders just a scam- does stretch length even correlate at all, to erect length?
2. I am 7.00 NBPEL and 5.25 girth. Is this small? I’m 6’2.5 in height.

Thanks to anyone with insight

You can start threads in the newbie section. Anyway you are asking the same thing you asked previously in this thread, so your post can remain here. :)

Generally speaking, FSL comes before EL; so, if you have one, after a while you have the other. Length oriented exercises tend to lower EQ, so if you don’t do jelqs or other girth specific exercises, you could not reach in EL what your FSL could allow.

In the case of extenders, the FSL come mostly from tunica lengthening, not from ligs lengthening - extenders don’t push that much on ligs, IMHO.

There is anyway an alternative explication: maybe, doing length oriented exercises, you just got a more elastic tunica, so it can be stretched more than before, but it also tend to return to its original length when the force is removed. I think it can easily happen when too much force is used in length exercises, but it could be caused also by some specific, individual predisposition.

Last edited by marinera : 01-03-2010 at .

I was forgetting:

2. No, you aren’t small at all. I’d say you are pretty big. I could validate this opinion with some statistics, also.

Originally Posted by the tiger
I guess since I haven’t been on here much lately, I cannot make my own thread, so I am just using this old one to ask a similar question.

I have been using an EXTENDER for 3 months, and I have gotten increased flaccid stretch length, but NO erect gains. I have been on and off PEing for years and haven’t gained all that much, mainly just from lig stretching-guess I’m a hard gainer-and I’ve tried pretty much every exercise in the book, it’s very very frustrating.

Thanks to anyone with insight

Tiger, where have you been hiding, the media has been looking for you everywhere. lol.

Anyway on a serious note, I believe if anyone do PE on and off, they will definitely be a hard gainer.
I mean you can try every thing in the book if you want, but if you not consistent how are you going to be able to see results.

I suggest you try and stick to your PE routine consistently for at least one year. Since you have already got gains in the form of FSL, like marinera said EL gains should come at some point, if again you remain consistent.

Originally Posted by the tiger
I guess since I haven’t been on here much lately, I cannot make my own thread, so I am just using this old one to ask a similar question.

I have been using an EXTENDER for 3 months, and I have gotten increased flaccid stretch length, but NO erect gains. I have been on and off PEing for years and haven’t gained all that much, mainly just from lig stretching-guess I’m a hard gainer-and I’ve tried pretty much every exercise in the book, it’s very very frustrating.

1. Are extenders just a scam- does stretch length even correlate at all, to erect length?
2. I am 7.00 NBPEL and 5.25 girth. Is this small? I’m 6’2.5 in height.

Thanks to anyone with insight

Might I recommend you read ALOT of on this site, a question as to whether or not you are small is something that you need to research for yourself, my friend. Read, read, read, use the search function, and read some more.

My friend tiger you have a big dick. Be sure that many members of the forum including me would love to have your size. Good luck.

Was (july 07): 5.25 nbp (5.9 bp)X 4.5

July 10 :6.15 nbp (6.65 bp)X 4.8

Goal: 6.75 nbp (7.1 bp) x 5.1 Final goal : 7.25 nbp x 5.3

Originally Posted by the tiger
I have been on and off PEing for years and haven’t gained all that much, mainly just from lig stretching-guess I’m a hard gainer-and I’ve tried pretty much every exercise in the book, it’s very very frustrating.

What’s on-and-off for you? A few weeks on or a few months on? I’m really on-and-off myself but I tend to go a few months on before losing motivation (basically I find something else to spend my time on), but I tend to gain when I am in the game. For how long have you tried each exercise? Did you really give the newbie-type routine your all for 2-4 months?

I know, lots of questions, but answers might go a long way towards figuring out if you might have to do something different or if you just have to do the basics better.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]

Here is my PE history: (I actually have all this logged in a book- so it is accurate)

Started 6.00nbpX4.75 girth

May 2004-september 2004
Newbie routine
Gained: .25 length .15 girth
End- 6.25 npb X 4.90 girth

October 2004-may 2005
All hanging and jelqing
Hung for 3 hours daily, did 1500 jelqs daily
Mostly ligs-hanging
Gained: .25 length, .15 girth
End: 6.50nbp X 5.00+ girth

Aug 2005- November 2005
Stretch/jelq routine only
Routine usually lasted 2 hours long
Gained: .25 length, .1 girth
End: 6.75+nbp X 5.15 girth

August 2006- November 2006
Jelq only
30 minutes daily
Gained: 0 length, .10 girth
End: 6.75+npb X 5.25girth

April 2009- October 2009 ( 6 months)
Everyday jelqed 30 mintues

October 2009- Jaunary 2009
Extender and Jelqing
Extender 4 hours EVERYDAY minimum- jelq 10 minutes daily- 100 kegels daily
(I did actually get gains, but I feel small gains-for the amount of stretch flaccid length increase—and small gains considering the time I’ve put in with this routine- and the claims from extender sites)
Extender usage was done exactly as directed- actually was able to increase length faster than claimed.

Gained: .25 length, .025 girth
Now: 7.00 nbp X 5.275 girth

Note***flaccid stretch length has increased by 1 inch, but erect length only by .25 inches.

I really have read alot, on this site and sites all over the internet about what “small” is, and isn’t. But for being 6’2.5 I feel like I’m somewhat small at 7.00 nbp X 5.275 girth. Maybe not. I don’t know. And PE has been very frustrating for me, because I TRULY have been in some many hours, that it has consumed alot of my life at times, but don’t feel like I’ve gotten the return I was hoping for. For now I’ll keep wearing my extender for 4+ hours daily and jelqing and kegeling. Can’t gain sh*t if I don’t try at all.


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