Thunder's Place

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length vs girth vs flaccid

length vs girth vs flaccid

Hey all,
my first post recieved such a massive response i know i am in the right place to get my questions answered so i started this second post. I applogise in advance if these questions have been asked before but i am still reading through the main forms!!

Ok my goals for peing is to gain at least 2 inch in length and 1.5-2 inch (or more!!) in girth. Relasing that this is a tough goal i am currently looking through the tutorials and the begginer workout routines but i have a question. Is it a good idea to have a routine that targets BOTH length and girth or is it more preferable to have seperate routines and exercise them on alternating days or something of that fashion.

Another related question is regarding flaccid gains. again do i need a seperate routine for that or is there one qorkout routine that combines all three elements. (I assume the element of stamina is being addressed in most of the routines which include any PC exercises but if there are more specifics on that i would like to know aswell).

Well thats it for now and thanks in advance.

My routine, in my second year of PE has always mixed both length and girth exercises, dry jelqing uli’s, horse squizing plus manual stretching daily.

That seem to have worked for me very well though I must say that jelquing was my exercise in the initial year and it seemed to have given me both erect, flucid length gains plus girth gains too.

As with flucid gains they seem to come with the other gains my flucid length and girth seem to improve with more time spent PEing

You must always remain patient as growth comes with time

photoman, here’s a repost from your first thread:


This is your lucky day! Check out my new device in the hanger’s forum.
Follow the advice of the hangers there including Bib, the Yoda of Hanging.

Hanging seems to be the fast method of choice for length, even adding to girth on the base of your dick.

Good luck and welcome aboard.<

There’s a theory that says if you work on girth first or on girth the same time as length, it will be harder to gain length. Hanging seems to be the only method that defies that since it does girth too in some degree.

Your flaccid gains will come along with the erect gains. I flaccid gained a lot at first when I began my “new” PE career in April when I jelqed for 6 weeks before I found Thunder’s and hanging, which started July 1. By the end of June, I gained 1/4”BPEL and 1/4”EG and over 1/2”in flaccid length and flaccid girth each.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Hey chickenchoker,
So if i am to understand you correctly, you recommend that i add hanging to my newbiee workout (which i find out from the forum anyway) or should i delay hanging till later.

I also heard many bad things about hanging including the possibilty of getting the dread pencil dick and alos loss of gains later on. I am NO expert on this matter obviously but what do you think of that.


you can combine length/girth exercises in one convenient workout routine. Jelqing, stretching and The Squeeze. As a newbie I don’t think hanging is a good idea to start with. Give it maybe a month or so before you incorporate device such as weights, pumps or any other PE related aide into your workout.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

I guess the non-hanging type of PE will get your dick acclimated to it as well as seeing how your dick responds to the various stresses you put it through which would then establish a sensory baseline for a hanging program.

Don’t worry about the needle dick myth. You will gain in girth too ( at the base of your dick - kinda like a traffic cone shape ) when you hang.

By accident, I jelqued for 6 weeks when I first started and then switched to hanging. Looking back, I guess it was a good thing but my length gains took off faster with hanging.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

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