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Erect length and flaccid stretched length

Erect length and flaccid stretched length

Hi everyone. So I’m not exactly new to PE but this is my first post here so I’m not allowed to start a thread in the main forum. Anyway, I’m hoping to get some advice from experienced members here, but of course help from anyone is appreciated.

Basically, I’ve been hanging for about 7 months. Before I started, I did some manual exercises and my BPEL and BPFSL were always about the same, 6 inch. After these 7 months, my stretched length got quite a bit longer, by about 1 inch. And I didn’t really pay much attention to my EL at all until now and I found that my EL didn’t change much at all, maybe 1 or 2 mm, in the past 7 months. I didn’t measure my EL on a regular basis because I always thought that EL and FSL were equivalent or at least close enough, which is apparently very wrong.

So now I just REALLY want to do something to help my EL to catch up to my FSL. I mean I’ve definitely noticed a significant increase in my flaccid size, which is nice, but EL gain is really what I’m looking for. I think a longer FSL means that there’s potential for some EL gain right? Or maybe I’m wrong about that too. So any advice on what I can do, besides keep hanging the same old way, to accelerate my EL gain?

There’s no real PE science to guide you here, but have you tried throwing in some moderate jelqing every other day to accompany your hanging program?

Have your girth increased?

There’s no enough inner blood pressure so you can’t see your gains while erect. Do jelqing and a lot of kegels to increase blood flow. Try BTB (behind the balls) jelqing, that is supposed to expand blood vessels supplying the penis. You surely gained, it will just take some time for EL to catch up with FSL.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
There’s no real PE science to guide you here, but have you tried throwing in some moderate jelqing every other day to accompany your hanging program?

Not very often at all. On average, probably once every week. I also thought about clamping and pumping. Do you think those might help too?

Originally Posted by Congo
Have your girth increased?

Not any that I’ve noticed so far. At the very beginning (7 months ago), I vaguely remember that I noticed some girth gain at the base. But flaccid girth, as well as length, definitely has been growing, especially more recently.

mike, it’s normal having BPFSL gains before EL gains. As P-G suggested, jelqs can aid in diminishing the gap between BPFSL and EL.

Many believes also that a manual based routine is a better starting point than hanging. One should try hanging only when manuals stop working.

I think that if you give a try to a lighter version newbie routine, cutting at half the total work there scheduled and augmenting a bit in intensity and volume, week after week, you could have better overall gains than with hanging.

Last edited by marinera : 06-05-2008 at .
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