Thunder's Place

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max stretched flaccid length vs. standard stretched flaccid or erect?

max stretched flaccid length vs. standard stretched flaccid or erect?

as i wrote in another post i’m using the jes-extender regularly with pretty good results in the beginning.

now, for more than a year i have the impression that i have no more visible gains, neither flaccid nor erect :-(

but the max. stretched length is nevertheless still increasing.

do you think that these gains will one day be translated into “standard” visible flaccid and erect gains?

do you have similar experience and any suggestions?


do you think that these gains will one day be translated into “standard” visible flaccid and erect gains?do you have similar experience and any suggestions?>>

Yes, my own personal theory is that the lenght gained due to traction takes a while to show up in erect length. I think that you can hasten them to show up by jelqing or other exercises that expand the corpora.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

relationship between stretched and erect?

I too have been wondering about the relationship between stretched flacid length and erect length. Correct me if I’m wrong but for the veterens it seems that erect length and stretched length are similiar. Not so sure though. For me my stretched length is longer than erect by about .5” but I haven’t even reached my 2 month mark of PE’ing (and I consider the first month to have been more of a learning experience). Theres been a lot of talk about the quick initial gains phenomena, is it possible that the catching up of erect length with stretched length is somehow related to these quick gains? hmmm

I have been into this for some time and my stretched is always longer then max erection-length.

I´m about 8” a good day and my flaccid stretched is not far from 9”. I would say 0.8” difference or so.

So… I really hope flaccid stretched is the size to come :-)


Any more thoughts on this? My flaccid stretched length has recently increased, so I’m wondering if erect gains are soon to follow.

Currently (10/2019): 7.75bpX5.75eg

9/26/21: 8.125x5.75

Goal: 9.5bpX6.5mseg

I think I am at the point where my stretched length is 0.5” more than erect. I hope my erect length catches up.

Same here. I extend and my stretched length is about .5” longer than erect. But I’ve always been a grower and it seems, from the information I’ve gathered on TP, having an elastic tissue makeup is a positive trait for big gains.

My guess is your max stretched length to max erect length difference will always remain true even as you acquire more length over time.

I have an entire inch difference. I just started PE late last Fall and can’t really complain too much. I’m rocking a girthy 7 inches with a BPFSL of 8 inches. I want 7 1/2 inches in length and no more girth.

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