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How do stretched flacid and erect length relate to each other

How do stretched flacid and erect length relate to each other

My BPEL is 7.5”, while my BPFSL is 8”.

I’m curious how exactly the two relate to each other and is it correct that flacid stretched length should be greater than erect length?

Any insight is appreciated.

On most guys flaccid length is smaller than erect length.


In most cases flaccid length is smaller than erect length. My BPEL is 7”, NBPEL 6,5” and flaccid length is 3-4”.

It can go either way. For most guys, FSL is a bit longer than EL. Mine is about 1/2 to 3/4” longer. On the other hand, Slack’s EL is longer than his FSL. So, go figure. There was one guy who reported a FSL over 2” longer than his EL! That’s about the largest difference I’ve heard of.

I think that the difference is attributable to the structure of the sinusiods in the CCs. I don’t know that it’s better or worse for FSL to be greater than EL. It’s just one of those things that varies between guys.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Ok thanks.

Just curious.

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