Thunder's Place

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If your flacid length gets longer, shouldn't your erect length follow

If your flacid length gets longer, shouldn't your erect length follow


I’ve been doing this for a little over a month now and my flaccid hang has increased by about 3/4 of an inch. Sometimes a little less. But my erect length hasn’t moved to much. If you keep on stretching your flaccid length, shouldn’t the erect length follow after a while? If so, how long does it usually take? I know it’s only been one month but I wouldn’t like to stretch my flaccid hang to 7 inches and then when I get hard, it shrinks to 6 inches erect. I don’t think this is possible anyway, lol

It’ll take a while be patient.

Just be happy with what you’ve got and take comfort in the fact your doing yourself some good every time you PE.

It’s taken me about 2 months to increase 1/8 on my EL. Be patient, it will come.


Congratulations on your gains, cbick66!

Just keep going on your routine, if it’s working for you, and don't overdo it to try and gain “that extra bit of length”. I’ve never heard of FL exceeding EL, but as you get bigger the gap between these two measurements usually shrinks: most guys that PE usually go from being “growers” to “showers”.

Many guys on the forum have gotten great results from programs like yours: do a search on “stretcher” or “extender”, and you’ll see some encouraging sucess stories.


Thanks for posting that cbick66: My LOT is 12 o clock and within two weeks I was hanging an inch longer flaccid. Last week my wife said the magic words upon entry: “It’s bigger.” So my girth may be more, but maybe not since I had just finished some o bends before sex. One encouraging thing from my sweet spouse. Her password on her computer was formerly my name followed by 8. She told me this week she had changed it to my name followed by 9. Do I have a great wife or not? We have a great time in our marriage of 32+ years.

I have seen no change in erect length. One question here. In the newbie routine, 200 jelgs are recommended. Is this 200 sets of two jelgs (right hand-left hand) or is this a total of 200 jelgs? I don’t want to overdo it but I want to see gains as fast as possible.

Finally, jelging is one of the best kept secrets for erectile quality for us older guys. I get it up much more easily and during sex, it is rock hard right before ejaculation—just like I remember it as a teenager. This website is a threat to Eli Lilly and Pfizer. This is changing my life for the better. I see some on this line are commercial donors and then some are just donors. What is the difference. Can someone post a link on donating and the categories. You guys are great.

I find my flaccid, erect length gains at the same time roughly, at first it was just flaccid but now my erect length is bigger too, I just have to pump that PC!

Hi Thinktank

If you scroll all the way down this page, there will be an icon that says donate. If you have paypal, you can do it with that. I’m not sure of any other methods of paying but I’m sure if you ask on the newbie forum, you will get answered

A commercial account means the member has something to sell thinktank. There is a donate button at the top of the main page and at the bottom of every page. We added the Amazon Honor System for donations last week. Seems to work OK and the one person that has donated using it, says that the donation is anonymous, no Thunder’s Place on his credit card statement. I’m not sure that will happen with all credit card statements though.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

Just about every guy starting out has flacid gains preceding erect gains. I have no idea wht time frame it follows. We have had a couple of guys with a larger flacid than erect but this is very uncommon. They were guys that had been baned from going to the zoo because they depressed the elliphants if you canch my drift.

I thought P9 was one of them but I must be searching incorrectly as I can not get a hit even with a wild card. Hopefully someone else will clue us in!

Take what gains you get, and don’t worry, the erect gains will follow.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Thanks guys for the information on donating and the encouragement on getting erect gains. I guess everyone is different as to when they begin to see erect gains but the general rule seems to be that erect gains follow flaccid gains. In my post above, I asked if 200 jelgs daily on the newbie routine was 200 sets (right hand, left hand) or a total of 200 jelgs? Anyone here care to elaborate on the recommendations or what worked for them as a newbie. Alot of us are in limbo waiting for the root to sprout so to speak. Thanks again.

Well I can not tell you really what the recommendation is but I can tell you that it seems to be around 15 min of jelqing when you start off and then gradually go up from there. I started off by counting the strokes but now I just do it for a certain amount of time. Just don’t jelq till it’s soar. That’s what I was told anyway

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