Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Looking bigger flacid

Looking bigger flacid

I think I am more interested in looking big flacid than being bigger erect. But I am thankful that I got them both with pe. I have found some little tricks for hanging longer and fatter; being more impressive at the urinal or in the shower room. Really, for impressive sex, who needs more that a fat 7 incher? Use that with great technique and your gal has visual stimulus and great pleasure. But looking good in your pants, being impressive at the urinal or in the shower is important too. At least to some of us. Here is what I have found that works for me.

In the mornings I do jelq’s, squeezes and stretches. Following this I ejaculate (for a strategic reason). Following this I pump for about 45 minutes. When you ejaculate the ole unit shrinks to its minimum length. If you “lock it in” at a greater length, your minimum length will be longer and you will hang longer all day. the idea is to make your minimum length longer. The connective tissue “hardens” at the greater length.

Drink lots of water and take creatine (5 grams/day) and 6 grams of L-argenine, and 2 ginko tablets. This fills the unit up with fluid making it hang longer. I take these immediately upon arising and before pe.

Wear some sort of constriction band for about an hour or two after pumping. The rubber bands found on broccoli in the produce section is just right. It can’t constrict too tight but holds extra blood in the ole unit. And “Spike” seems to enjoy it.

When you pee, use the ok grip around the base of your unit and you will appear fatter and longer. If you really want to make a bulge, wear briefs and leave your penis and balls hanging through the fly. No one will know unless you drop your pants and it will pull your unit forward and out making a great visual presence. Wear your penis to the right and it will show up more because that side of your pants does not have as much fabric. Just something to ponder.

Man, you already gave what I was looking for lately. Well let’s apply that technique before and after PE and see what happens. Thank you very much.


And shave your pubic hair back to a little behind the base of the penis, so nothing is covered by hair. Also, do piss pulls at the bathroom to keep you in an extended state through the day.

(Just a couple more)

MagnumXL is 7UP?

I didnt know that, hello dude!


Hey Magnum XL!

I remember your old V-stretch, and it is still one of my favorites ( I alternate it with DLD’s Blasters).

If I recall, you have made some astounding gains, combined with “punctuated pe.”

I’m sure many would like to hear how much you gained, and a brief history of your routines.

If you have the time, that is.

Great post, incidentally.


Keep doin' what your doin' ...

And you'll keep getting what ya got.

northstar and thunder

Hi, guys! So busy these days I hardly get to write but I do lurk and read the site regularly. About your questions: I grew from about 6.5 “X 5.9” to about 8 3/4” X 6.25”. (9 1/16th flacid stretch and usually 6” to about 7” flacid unstretched). feel as though I am about right so I am mainly in a maintenance routine. Occasionally jelq, stretch, and pump…just to keep things in good shape. regularly V-stretch when I use the bathroom. Good luck to everyone. Hope you reach your personal goals. Keep pulling it! MagnumXL (7-up)

Magnum what was your routine to get those great gains?

Watermelon for flaccid girth

I suppose it’s definitely the water in the watermelon that’s actually causing what I see - whenever I eat watermelon, the following day, my flaccid girth increases. I haven’t measured but there is a huge visual difference.

Now.. rush to your local fruit market before they are sold out to other PE’ers in your town :)

But there are no watermelon to sell in the winter season,

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