Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bigger IS Better


Bigger IS Better

Having increased my penile mass from 13.17 cubic inches to 21.63 cubic inches (more than 64%), my sex life has undeniably improved - in both intensity & frequency.

But why?

Is a bigger cock just “eye candy,” as some have suggested, or does a larger tool actually afford more pleasure?

Last night my wife & I lay there for a long time, I held off my nut and just moved in and out of her - so slooooooooooooowly. I mean I was barely moving and she was loving it (so was I, of course). And while my wife was having her 3rd orgasm - yes, her 3rd - I decided it was time to pull the trigger & let fly.

But I really paid attention to the sensations I felt and these are my conclusions:

1) A bigger cock is visually stimulating, but it’s value doesn’t stop there.

2) A bigger cock has more surface area - obviously a plus when the woman’s vagina is dilated & fully lubricated. More surface area on me means more contact area for her (stimulating more of her insides also, of course).

3) A bigger cock makes each of us feel more of the other. I think that is the key. In the past, especially when I had E.D., I was often times not even 6” el, and probably less than 5.2” girth. I would have to thrust pretty vigorously for either of us to feel anything. And if I slowed down too much, it basically felt like nothing. Sex was nothing to brag about. But now, with my bigger & harder cock, I can move so slowly that I’m barely moving at all - yet we both feel mad sensations. It’s like a constant tension or “sucking” sensation on my meat.

Damn do I/we love it!

Wadzilla, I totally agree. I don’t understand the “penis size debate” at all. To me this is just obvious.


2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof

wadzilla, bunbuster….

I agree aswell. I too think that why is there a debate on size, just about every survey I have read, the women have all comented on a bigger dick is more exciting visually, and feels a hell of alot better than an average size dick. A women may say that size does not matter, although if there was a chance to sleep with a guy with a big dick, no attachment after, just to experience, most women would jump at the opportunity, I`m talking about 95%…..

Gettin Bigger

Ah yes… the fragile male ego. I’m glad to know that at least every man has a choice… you don’t have to be small or average if you take proper action.

And aside from women having all the fun, the way I see it is, more dick = more sensation for you.

Becoming.... Godsize


you are so riiiiiight, yesterday my ex was sucking on my dick. and the way she was sucking it was extremely different from sucking on it before. Before I would get then every blue moon and the when she sucked it, it was like it was a chore for her. Now it’s much, much better she sucks on it like it’s her favorite freeze pop. It is great. And when we fuck she moans and groans like I’ve never heard her or any one else sound before.
It was turning me on so much I asked her to stop cause I was about to blow. Her comment was “I can’t help it, you feel so good” now mind you it would some coaxing to get a ” you feel good” out of her or a ” I’m satisfied “. But the true kicker is that she said it felt so good she didn’t want cum. Damn I can’t wait till I get to 10”.


At what point do you get too big?

Though bigger is more exciting to most women I talk to, they also say there is a maximum limit. 8”-9” is great for most, but what about 14”?

To me John Holmes just looked freaky. Mandingo is supposed to be 10” and that looks bigger than I would want to be. At the same time I’ve grown and noticed the positive effect in my own confidence. My girlfriends like it too, but PE works so slowly, what if you just kept at it until all you could get were the serious size queens?

Sex is about connecting, in my opinion, and a bigger penis makes for a stronger, deeper connection.


Just talking off the top of my head here, but I would say no longer than 9” and no thicker than 7”. Too long and you won’t be able to get fully inside her and may even injure her, too thick and you won’t get too many blowjobs. Just my two cents.

Wad, How long has your wife known about your PE? I was wondering what her initial reaction to it was. Did she think you were silly or support you or just think that you’re wasting your time cause its an impossible feat?

I have to agree with you Wad.

That bigger,stronger,harder cock means a far more intense experience for both you and your partner.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Originally Posted by macrotermitinae
At what point do you get too big?
Though bigger is more exciting to most women I talk to, they also say there is a maximum limit. 8”-9” is great for most, but what about 14”?
To me John Holmes just looked freaky.

John Holmes was smaller than Mandingo (Mandingo might be close to 10” BPEL). No porn actor in history had 10”+.

Anyway, how did you determine that 8-9” is great for most women?

Lol, don’t you guys look at dates?

Grow yourself a whopper, then tell her to fuck off.

Originally Posted by tweek13

Wadzilla is still around though ain’t he?

Yeah, he occasionally drops by to bash theories and opinions that are at odds with his EtP theory.

Originally Posted by gjurob
Yeah, he occasionally drops by to bash theories and opinions that are at odds with his EtP theory.


I’m going to do a search to find out what that is right now.

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