Thunder's Place

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Pointing downward usually appears bigger

Pointing downward usually appears bigger

Seems that the guys who point downward especially with a slightly downward arch appear bigger than the guys who point upward.

Its because we view the unit from the top.

Just like viewing a guy who points upward laying on his back looks bigger, the downward arch does look bigger looking at it from most angles.

Question is. What is most effective way to lower erection angle, while still having some ligament strength to support the unit?

From what I gather by reading here, it seems deep lig stretches down next to the the pelvis would be optimal for such a thing. I’m not an authority by any means but maybe someone who knows better would like to chime in on this? I do believe most females, at least ones I’ve been with, prefer upward angles of the penis.

It does, I look bigger when I’m semi erect and pointing down rather than when I’m 110% rock hard, but I don’t think lowering angle is worth it. You can always bend it down during action, and from what I know women prefer higher angles.

But as far as I noticed after months of stretching my angle went down a bit, due to inner penis getting pushed forward. Try A-Stretches

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