Thunder's Place

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Flacid vs. Erect length

Flacid vs. Erect length

I have been experimenting with different ways of hanging. for the past three weeks I have been hanging from behind pulling my Johnson straight up behind my but cheeks. I have noticed much improvement in my results. Unfortunately, there has been by far more flaccid improvements than erect length improvements. I have gained 1/4 ” erect length and 1.5” flaccid length (average measurements). Has anyone else experienced this and if so is this a clue that more erect gains are on their way?

Thanks for all your posts—I am really inspired!!

1/4 inch erect length and 1.5 flaccid in 3 weeks? Very good gains. Flaccid gains usually come first, you seem to have nailed a technique that works for you, I would keep at it until I hit a plateau, then try something different. I am assuming that you are talking about hanging BTC, or do you mean something else? Your post could be interpreted as a backward OTS, please clarify. What type of hanger are you using and how much weight?

Stretching in the sun


Thanks for the input. I use a pulley system above my bed. I use rope tied to 5’ plates(2=10lbs) and have the cable pull my Johnson back between my legs as I lie on the bed and watch TV.

i have actually been PEing for three months but did not notice any growth until I tried this method with the ADS(4hours). Let me know if you need more clarification I am having difficulty explaining this routine with my limited experience.

I will grow.

I think that I understand what you are doing. Sounds like an interesting setup. I believe that what you are doing is the equivalent of BTC.

Stretching in the sun

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