OK, I think I made what I wanted to say a bit too brief. Let me start over. What I meant was that the difference between my flaccid stretch and EBPL is always basically 0.25”, so I monitor my increases by measuring my flaccid stretch every 2 weeks to see if there were any gains in the flaccid stretch, and if there were any flaccid stretch gains, then I knew that I had gains in EBPL. Example, if my EBPL is 7.75” and flaccid stretch is 8.0” and I measure one day flaccid stretch and get 8.25”, there is about a 99% chance that when I measure EBPL that I would get 7.75”. I monitor gains this way as it takes too much for me to muster up a 100% erection just to measure no gains, so I monitor gains by flaccid stretch. This factor applies to me, someone else’s factor may be different. Did I clarify myself?
Also, my measurements after my jelking session is always about 0.2-0.4” larger than before i jelked, and this is when you know that you’ve had a successful jelking session.