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Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs


I may have not explained the mixup properly. I did order the 25 mg tablets (by mistake though) and got the 100’s so I did okay with that one. Same quantity of 90 so I did okay.

Its okay that it took three weeks to receive I will just have to remember to order sooner next time. I was using my real Viagra for pumping and at $10 a tablet I wasnt liking that too much. I just barely got my doctor to give me the 50 mg tablets knowing that I was splitting them into 25 mg. She doesnt like that shit. So getting her to go to 100 mg would be virtually impossible.

This doctor wont even prescribe an antibiotic over the phone. I have to go in today so that she can see me to get a Z - pak when she knows my kids and the wife have had strep and now I have come down with it. This is the last time, I will find the zythromycin over the internet. I will over prescribe it myself and build up a complete immunity to all antibiotics, that’ll teach her. Fucking bitch.

I hope she brings in her hottie little nurse today for the visit, I will be waiting there in my birthday suit.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Feel better my friend. My doctor is the same way about antibiotics but I’m one of those people that never goes to the doctor until I’m half dead. I was tempted to order some antibiotics from 4 corners just to have in the house so I don’t have to miss a days work if I need some.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


Seven Seas has z-paks for $16 for the 1000 mg 3 pill regimen. It cost me $15 for the co-pay plus $30 for the drug at the pharmacy. In my next C or V order I think I’ll throw in some Z as well. I ordered a bunch of C this time but I have a couple of guys who want most of it from me. This older guy down the street from me has been all over me about this shipment. He takes V now but doesnt like the headache from it, so he is hoping the C is better.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

I’m still waiting for the Erection Shop to deliver the V to me. Which is better, V or C? I don’t know a whole lot about C.

I prefer brand C. I just got 20 tablets 20mg in the mail yesterday. Tried half of one out and worked better for me than V did and without the flushing.


This is a great thread. I had never known that there were so many options out there in terms of being able to not have to go through the rigoramour of going to the Dr. to do all of this. Hopefully these pharmacies will stay open for awhile longer. It’s been about a week since I placed my order, so hopefully within another couple weeks this will show up. I’m anxious to see how it matches up to the real “v”.


The drugs are just as good. I fine it really funny that the US will give it’s corporations tax breaks to move and open up in India but on the other hand will protect corporations by supposedly protecting us from inferior Indian drugs. Most US drug companies by the raw products from these same Indian drug companies.

You should have you order in 2 to 3 weeks did they email you a confirmation of order and shipping?

As far as which is better in my opinion Viagra makes me hornier but Cialis last longer. I sometimes get headaches with Viagra and I sometimes get leg cramps with Cialis usually not bad with either.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

What I find really weird is how According to Pfizer, China makes potentially dangerous Viagra. I know of two Chinese
Pfizer wholesalers who sell to the big wig US online pharmacies. The drugs are manufactured in China then sent to the US to be bottled or blister packed and stamped “Made in US”. These same pharmacies were on Pfizer’s site for
companies you can trust when buying online Viagra. Also on their site it says any Viagra from China is dangerous.

I guess they want to keep the cheap source from all of us and confuse us into buying very high priced medicine in
fear of buying dangerous pills. In the end most of them are coming from the same place anyways.

For the guys who have bought off of erectionshop or sevenseaspharmacy, how was the quality?

Am looking to buy.

The stuff from Erection Shop is very good. I take only 1/4 of their 100mg (generic Viagra) and it works great. They have excellent customer service and are trustworthy. I highly recommend them. Ordered from them several times with no problems with the service or quality.


So far so good I’m very happy with sevenseas. I’m going to be ordering some generic Propecia from seven seas I have been very happy with 4 corners but seven seas is a lot cheaper and the generic Viagra is good . I will let you know how it works out. I haven’t tried erection shop yet but we have had some good reports.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931) has some very good offers if you’re on their email list. They’ve been offering 40x 20mg tadalafil(cialis) for $99 for a while now, and have a similar deal (I think it’s 40x100mg) on their sildenafil(viagra). Their website has much higher prices than that.

I haven’t purchased from them recently, but have in the past.

Silagra is by far my favorite generic have been using it close to a year now.

Good to see so many other generic sites. On that Silagra site it says price per strip and 2 strips which is 8 pills is $30.00?
I think I read it right not 100% sure though.

Originally Posted by Kleanup
Silagra is by far my favorite generic have been using it close to a year now.

Good to see so many other generic sites. On that Silagra site it says price per strip and 2 strips which is 8 pills is $30.00?
I think I read it right not 100% sure though.

Join their mailing list and you get promotional prices. Here is the current $99 offer.

Silagra is my favorite generic V too.

Originally Posted by MDC
Join their mailing list and you get promotional prices. Here is the current $99 offer.

Silagra is my favorite generic V too.

I can get Silagra 100mg at $1.50 at min order of 16tabs, shipping like $15 expidited. Tadalis I think is $2.00x20mg but I only have been using brand Cialis lately. On my first order it was $2.30 per tab for Silagra but now on re-order it is less.


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