Thunder's Place

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Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs


Bro you shouldn’t keep it all bottled up :D

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yeah I hear ya man. I’m on a crusade to find internal peace and I think I found the answer. Ima release my internal Kundalini YO

Since you are my property, the contents of your mind are also my property, and you will give them to me when I ask.

Just got my order in form , took about 2 1/2 weeks.

Came in the mail and left in the mailbox.

Haven’t tryed it yet, but will post when I do.

They call it Sildenafil Citrate , is that just another name for Generic




Yeah that’s another name, let us know how it works for you

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Thanks Dino, will post as soon as I have a night off.

Look for me Sunday morning,I hope!


Don’t know if this has been posted yet. I don’t have time to check the forums as much anymore, but I saw is back and running again.. I am looking to order some gen. Viagra, and was wondering if anyone has ordered from them lately?

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson


Thanks for letting us know I hope they stay around. Is anybody using the Caverta Viagra they have on sale? they have 32 pills for 99 bucks.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Since January I have only been using silagra. I recently started using Pfizer brand which is stronger for me. I have used kamagra which I thought was useless and some other brand called ulti-mate which is a little weaker than silagra.

Kleanup, I have used silagra for over a year and also find it a tad weaker than V. But at $1.50/100mg still a bargain.

Ya I pay $1.25/100mg for my silagra at any order amount.

But Kleanup what was your fee for this service again was it 50 bucks or 80 bucks?

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
But Kleanup what was your fee for this service again was it 50 bucks or 80 bucks?

It is 50 for outside traffic. Since I am a member to this PE place and another one and have learned lots. I pass them right through to the supplier. This supplier has been my main supplier for a few months because they are willing to work with me. I get them to lower their price and in return bring them more customers. It was almost $4.00 per tablet when they first asked to be a supplier to me.

Interesting thread -

I hear you all express concern about the demise of ex-US sources for prescription drugs. So, what’s your take on the possibility that you won’t even be able to buy a vitamin pill in the USA except by Dr prescription someday soon? Think not? Do a Google search on “codex alimentaris” and see what a treasure trove that promises for the big, international pharmaceutical companies. All supplements by prescription is where Euroland is headed, and, under WTO trade agreements, we’re next. Two bills in Congress already have the riders and weasle words embedded in them.



Then - BPEL 5.9, EG 5.2 - Now: BPEL 7.2, EG 5.6 Listen woman, "Don't bitch at me for burning the candle at both ends - just get me some more wax!"

Originally Posted by MrTips
Interesting thread -

So, what’s your take on the possibility that you won’t even be able to buy a vitamin pill in the USA except by Dr prescription someday soon?


I have known about that vitamin consolidation for a long time. So many people are conditioned to watch CNN, Fox News, CBS, etc., where they report only what the government tells them. They fail to see the connection when YUM Foods, who owns A&W, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Long John Silvers, & KFC, has a member of the board of investors who is President & CEO of CVS Pharmacy. Make one sick, cure one’s sickness, and the same people get the money from you. They fail to read how Donald Rumsfeld was involved in the passing of the bill for Aspartame. He muscled that through Congress years ago. Guess what, Brain Lesions, Alzheimers, and other horrible diseases develop because of this sweetner. They fail to see that we are the FATTEST country in the world, due to MSG put in our food under other additive names that are hard to recognize without research. Guns, Car Accidents? Forget that, that is cake batter compared to the number of lives heart disease takes each year. They fail to see that MSG additives have an ADDICTIVE content which makes you come back for more and more of the food, not to mention all the horrible side effects. The medical industry and the fast food industry go hand in hand. So, not only will they make a killing making you fat, sick, and lazy, they will make additional billions giving you the “cure”. I don’t see any of the major media report this. Why? Because their advertising dollars depend on these same animals that poison us and plot against us. However, how much money, health, and years off of your life would one have saved had they avoided this poison, or at least eaten it in moderation, and took vitamins and herbs and minerals to keep them healthy and strong?

The message is out there, but people need to read and connect the dots. Listen to your body, and your mind. Otherwise:

You will drink the flouridated water that makes you docile, You will eat the MSG laden food that makes you dizzy, fat, and sick. You will eat the hormone loaded chicken from Monsanto that rots out your insides. Then, on the brink of death, you will come to our medical institutions and take drugs, drugs which cost thousands of dollars, to cure a problem that could be cured by natural vitamins, minerals, herbs, and exercise. It will be easy to take you over and control you. Because you are overweight. You cannot think straight. You read our papers, you believe what we tell you. We have already made you financial slaves because your average aggregate tax is at 50%, the level of medieval serfs hundreds of years ago. Fighting back won’t be an option because you will be overweight, lazy, and sick. Assimilate now citizen, there is no hope for you. :ufo:

Formerly known as Sex&Guns. R.I.P.

Originally Posted by MrTips
Interesting thread -

I hear you all express concern about the demise of ex-US sources for prescription drugs. So, what’s your take on the possibility that you won’t even be able to buy a vitamin pill in the USA except by Dr prescription someday soon? Think not?

I can see that happening but by time that kicks in, you will probably have other problems than just buying medicines. Since you have been doing a search about that also do searches on how the US goverment wants to issues nation wide ID cards. Read abou the “cash-less” society they are trying to create and how Martial law is right on the doorsteps.

Having a prescription drug just for vitamin pills makes sense as it would help them keep track on everyone and what they are taking.


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