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Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

Andrew69 is 100% right but I hope it don’t happen, because pfizer is fucking ripping off the public with what they charge the dirty bastards:D

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Although, pfizer only has a patent on Viagra (the medical name for the drug). They do not have a patent on Sildenafil Citrate which is why so many generic viagra sites are popping up in the US as fast as they get shut down overseas.

Good point Kleanup

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I agree wholeheartedly with you they are profiting from guys misery.

Kleanup (or is that Kausion 420 from MOS…I get confused sometimes :) )
It is not possible to get a patent for a name..that would be a trademark. Assuming you are correct in that Pfizer does not actually have a patent on the drug itself, then they cannot stop anyone from selling Sidenafil Citrate provided they do not call it Viagra.

Originally Posted by Andrew69
I agree wholeheartedly with you they are profiting from guys misery.

Kleanup (or is that Kausion 420 from MOS…I get confused sometimes :) )
It is not possible to get a patent for a name..that would be a trademark. Assuming you are correct in that Pfizer does not actually have a patent on the drug itself, then they cannot stop anyone from selling Sidenafil Citrate provided they do not call it Viagra.

Yes that is correct they can’t stop selling people from selling it which is where terms like silagra, suhagra kamagra, caverta, vega etc.. come from. The problem is the generic sites in the US cannot compete with the overseas prices so they try to get the overseas suppliers shut down. There are many ways to get them shut down and in the last few months I’ve heard of some pretty low ones.

As far as I know, Pfizer’s patent on sildenafil citrate is still intact in America for another decade or so, but in UK it looks like it was kinda overturned by a court a few years ago: … ess/1013244.stm

I don’t think Pfizer has any patent valid in India, though, or else I’d assume all the manufacturers there would have been shut down.

Thats an interesting read. So howcome so many US generic pharmacies are popping up? Wouldn’t and Shouldn’t they be the first to be shut down before the overseas online pharmacies??

Dude. I don’t think any American companies besides Pfizer are producing sildenafil citrate. I would assume that American online hawkers are importing (illegally?) the generics from India, with their computer base somewhere outside the US, to evade authorities. What’s your evidence that generics are being produced domestically?

Oh I know they aren’t being produced domestically. Just I figured since it was a US based online pharmacy it would be easier to shut them down is all. The US pharmacies pay about $1.50 per pill and turn around and sell it to US customers for $3.00-5.00 actually I seen one online pharmacy selling generic viagra for $7 per pill. I pay that much for pfizer viagra.

The reason..

The reason Indian companies can do this is because of their different patenting laws..

In the US Sildanefil Citrate itself is patented, as in Europe, however - in India the patenting laws only allow you to patent the process used to produce it. So if a drug company can produce the same chemical using a different process there is no infringement of patent.

Unfortunately the huge US pharmaceutical companies are piling on the pressure and the laws will probably soon be changed…

See Ya,


Erectionshop delivered as ordered. I’ve been out of town for a week, so it may have been here for a while. The site is also still working.

Cool, erectionshop seems quite cheap. Have you noticed the big “up” button at the bottom?



Thanks for the info, how long did it take for you to get and are you in the states?

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Do you think the Finasteride 5 mg made by Cipla is as effective as the Avodart at stopping androgenic alopecia?

I hope so because the price of the Finasteride is very good when broken into fourths.

Do you use Nizoral shampoo along with the Finasteride?

4corners pharmacy have stopped stocking Rogaine now. Can anyone provide a link to a cheap supplier to the UK please?


The 5 mg from 4 corners has been working great for me, I’m going to re-order next week. The 5mg cut into 4 as been working so good I stopped using rogaine all together. My hair is a lot thicker I’m very happy with the results.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


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