Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

Dino -

How long (roughly) is this viagra copy stuff’s shelf life?

See Ya,


I ordered from these last week. Sometimes there order system doesnt work properly. I don’t know if they ship to the US, I heard they didn’t but don’t see it mentioned. I’ll let you know when (if) it arrives.

The "average size" is usually over-estimated. Small guys don't take part in surveys and big guys jump at the chance.

Girl claims she had a huge ex? Stick a spider in the bathroom or a mouse in the kitchen and when she comes out screaming ask her how big the spider/mouse was...

Has anybody read the “legal disclaimer” link on that site? Great prices, best out there right now, but the disclaimer worries me. It says that you are paying for a referral to a site that will sell you the stuff, etc. Does anyone know if that is true?? I would order from them in order to stock up even though I have an order coming from another site. I just want to know if anybody knows the deal with this site first. Trigger- you have to keep us posted as to your experience with this site. Also, I can’t find a phone number on that site. Take care guys!


The stuff I have ordered in the past has at least a year and a half shelf life. The expiration dates on the last stuff I had were almost 2 years out. It is printed on the sealed package. I know the stuff is made in India, but it really works good. I get great results taking just 1/4 of the 100mg pills.

OK guys...

That mondec site is phenomenal as far as delivery goes… I ordered the stuff on the 13th and it came through to the uk - no problems - yesterday morning.

Shelf life of 2 years, haven’t had the chance to try it yet but I’ll tell you when I do…

I won’t be wasting it for workouts or anything like that - it’ll be strictly for the ladieees… :)

See Ya,



That’s great!

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hmm…ordering perscription-type drugs via the web seems very interesting. I’m getting decent results with NOX2 right now, but I keep wondering what kind of extreme results generic Viagra or Cialis would provide to a healthy 23 year old. I want to experiement with this sometime soon. Has anyone else who’s young and healthy considered this and actually followed through? Was it so hard it hurt?

12/10/03 at 5.90" BPEL x 4.75"

07/15/04 at 7.00" BPEL x 5.00"

Goal...bigger ;)

BigJ -

Thanks for the update. Anyone know if you have to sign for this in the US?

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.


I am only 29 and healthy. Yes, the stuff is incredible if you wouldn’t normally need it. I can take 1/4, or even an 1/8 of a 100mg Viagra (generic equivelent) and it works wonders. Best uses: Been drinking, picked up a new girl at bar, take one (1/2 or even 1/4) when you are leaving with her, by the time you get to your, or her place, your whisky dick is hard as a steel pipe! Try it, the stuff is not just for older people. My brother gives it to his wife and it has great effects on her too! Literally a fun, legal recreational drug!

helluvastud- I have received several shipments of generic Viagra from India based companies. Every time I was not home, I had to go to the post office and sign for it. It has a signature confirmation card that goes back to the shipper so they know you got it. I think they do this because of the occasional stuff that gets siezed by US customs. Then they know if you are being honest when you request a re-shipment or refund if say you didn’t get it. Still waiting for my shipment from the mondec site……

Awesome, Beretta92! Thanks for the reply. At Mondec, they offer 24 100mg pills for $56 bucks (that includes shipping). If I cut the pills into quarters, that makes 96 25mg doses. Heck of a deal. I’m really looking forward to trying it out…I get stiff, but a mean rod of steel would be crazy fun to use.

12/10/03 at 5.90" BPEL x 4.75"

07/15/04 at 7.00" BPEL x 5.00"

Goal...bigger ;)

Hey Dino!!!It's came!!

Hey guys,

just wanted to update you on my order from the modoc site.It came in todays mail!!!It was shipped out on the 12th and got here today.I think you can trust this site, give it a try,


Is the Mondec site down?

12/10/03 at 5.90" BPEL x 4.75"

07/15/04 at 7.00" BPEL x 5.00"

Goal...bigger ;)

Hey guys-

I received my order from that Mondec site on Saturday. It took about 2 weeks to arrive. I am in Minnesota, USA so that is not bad! I will be ordering from them again to stock up! Trust these guys and get your shit before they get shut down! Also, the stuff I got has an expiration date of 1/06!! Says it was made 2/04. Take care guys!

The Mondec site…..

I just went back to the Mondec site and it was not there! Shit! I thought they were already shut down but when I clicked on the link in the confirmation email I got after ordering, it was up. Apperantly it is at another address. Try this one: Get it while you can! I tried the stuff I got from them on Sunday night. It works as good as any I have tried! Take care guys!

Thanks, Berreta :)

12/10/03 at 5.90" BPEL x 4.75"

07/15/04 at 7.00" BPEL x 5.00"

Goal...bigger ;)


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