Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

Is it really cheaper than getting a prescription? Also how hard would it be to get a prescription ? I can see how that appointment goes. “Excuse me doc my tally wacker wont get up anymore” Doc says ” heres some viagra”

2004 6.5 bpel 5.5 eg 6 months bpel-7.75 eg- 6

Back after 10 + years break bpel 7.5/eg 5

The two doctors I’ve had to talk to about ED were very cool about it. The second one was recently, after Levitra and Cialis came out, and he didn’t think there was much difference, so I stuck with Viagra, even though I’d had variable results from it.

I have no insurance, so I paid $10 each for 10 Viagra. Reading here at Thunder’s, I gather that Cialis has a mroe enthusiastic following, so I got a pack of 4 for $36 from They have you fill out a short questionnaire so their doctor can prescribe it for you (assuming your answers didn’t raise any red flags), then ship soon thereafter. Not much price difference with that small an order, but still cheaper, and very easy.

The advantage of going to a live doctor, of course, is that he/she may address the issue in broader terms than just meds, and may offer a more appropriate treatment.


The generic viagra from India was 1.50 per pill versus 10.00 for the real thing

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I got my order already from http://www.4cnr … com/fincar.html it was less than two weeks so I’m happy with the service and the package was discreet.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hey guys looking for a replacement for…. I too ordered from genegra several times and it took a couple weeks to get here (US) from India. Best prices anywhere in the world! $1.50 per 100mg PILL (not 50mg dose like the rip-off sites sell). Good shit too! You choose from several brands of generic Viagra. They even offered 4-pill FREE samples of any one you wanted to try. It was the 100mg pills too and all you had to pay for was shipping. I got 3 orders before they shut down because their payment processor dumped them to comply with new US laws. They claim they will be back up soon, but who knows. I keep bugging them with emails asking. After weeks of shopping around and being dangerously low in supply, I found another one from India offering good prices, best on the internet now. $1.90 per 100mg pill and $10 shipping to the US. I cut the pills in quarters anyway and they work great. Take a whole pill and your cock will almost expolde! Also, taking 1/8 pill for PE is quite helpful too. I have not yet received my order from this new site, but expect to soon. I will post my shipment time when they come. You guys should check out this one quick before it is gone too! Also, when I was in Mexico (not a border town) They had Levitra for about $1.50 a pill! Anyone planning a vacation should pack a little extra cash! Check out this site before it is too late: Any other sites offering cheap Viagra, please post the links. Take care guys!

Last edited by Dino9X7 : 04-11-2004 at .


I took out the affiliate number on your link, they have some good prices thanks for the source.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Generic Viagra


Thanks for taking out the affiliate part of the link. I thought of that after the editing time had expired. Some spammer shouldn’t be making a commission off us! I hope we all can enjoy cheaper prices for at least a little while before they get shut down like the others. I hope to be getting mine soon. Take care guys!


Let us know how long it takes for you to get it and if it’s any good.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hey all,

Just ordered from that mondec site…. We’ll see whether it comes through or what…

See Ya,


I ordered from there as well,Sat.night, but have heard nothing since, not even an e-mail, so I guess I will play the waiting game as well.

When I went to India. The viagra 100mg pills were around .50 cents.

SkyFine -

I got an email from them instants after I ordered:

>>World Wide Marketing Services, ehf.
>>Your Internet Purchase has been Approved

>>If you have any questions you may reach customer service at the above number or email us at:

>>Customer Service Numbers: USA Toll Free 888 513-2874 or International 242-506-8636

Try contacting them with the numbers above…

See Ya,



Keep us posted on them, skyfine let us know if you get through and BigJ let us know when and if you get your stuff.

neneago you should have brought a suitcase full home, you would have been rich

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

order update

Hey Dino and Guys,

I mentioned that I had not heard anything about my order.I called today to check it out.I got customer service right away and a very pleasant,young sounding woman helped me out, although at times a bit hard to understand! I had a little scare at first, as they could not find my name nor could they find my e-mail! But she finally found it under my “user name”!I ordered Sat night the 10th and she said it was mailed out on Mon. AM the 12th. At this point everything is going as it should, I will rest better once it gets here!!I’ll keep ya posted


That’s great, If you guys get your stuff and it’s good I will mostly place a big order just to have more on hand before they disappear also

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


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