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Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

No problem.

Not sure what you meant to say ab I UT the 5mg cialis but I’d order the 20mg and cut one in half the first time to see how you handle it.

Good idea about cutting in half.

Bad sentence structure on my part. The 5 mg and the 50 mg Cialis are the same price for a count of 200 for instance. I was thinking about buying the larger quantity but maybe a test run would be a good idea.

So far I haven’t been able to order because the charge won’t go through.

Did you use IT coins or a charge card?

They won’t take mastercard, only visa.

I tried to circumvent that by buying a prepaid visa card but that won’t work either so I ended up using bitcoin.

Originally Posted by Ed726
They won’t take mastercard, only visa.
I tried to circumvent that by buying a prepaid visa card but that won’t work either so I ended up using bitcoin.

OK, thanks for all your help! I ordered 200 Cialis. We’ll see how it all works out.

Have a good evening!


Originally Posted by zy
OK, thanks for all your help! I ordered 200 Cialis. We’ll see how it all works out.

Have a good evening!


Not a problem man, that’s what this forum is all about, give and take.
Good luck let me know how you make out.


Originally Posted by Ed726
So I have a lot going on today so I don’t have time to do the conversion dosage from liquid peptide to soft tabs, nor read back through the thread.
The peptide is 25mg dosage which means you’d need to take 4x that to equal 100 mg viagra soft tabs. Bioavailabilty and absorption should be about the same either way.
I’m not sure how much you mean by paying "extra" for the soft tabs but to me it’s negligible and in fact the soft tabs are easier to take on the go so if a few bucks more it’s worth it.
But just for curiosity, 100 viagra soft is 99 bucks plus you get 30 free and there are also 20,25 and 30% discounts.
How many doses are in a bottle of the peptide?

https://viagrab … ne/viagra-soft/

Thanks for the link! I’ve been asking if anyone had an alternative to ADC for pills for awhile. That is the purpose of this thread!

Have you ordered from them, and what brand did they ship from what manufacturer? Were they still in blister packs with expiration dates, or were they bottled? (They don’t list the brand or manufacturer on that link, they just say generic) I have tried most of the manufacturers and have my preferences.

RE: Cost— I was comparing the price to ADC’s soft tabs which are twice the price of their regular pills.

How many times have you ordered from them?

Has anyone else had good experience with them?

Originally Posted by manage123452000
Thanks for the link! I’ve been asking if anyone had an alternative to ADC for pills for awhile. That is the purpose of this thread!

Have you ordered from them, and what brand did they ship from what manufacturer? Were they still in blister packs with expiration dates, or were they bottled? (They don’t list the brand or manufacturer on that link, they just say generic) I have tried most of the manufacturers and have my preferences.

RE: Cost— I was comparing the price to ADC’s soft tabs which are twice the price of their regular pills.

How many times have you ordered from them?

Has anyone else had good experience with them?

The packaging info I’ll post tomorrow.
They say they source from sun pharmaceutical, the world’s 5th largest manufacturer. I went further and researched sun pharma they are legit.
I’ve placed 2 orders and have used both the regular tabs and the soft tabs.
The first order got to me in 9 days, the 2nd order was a day or 2 quicker I think.

Quick tip to everyone is to drink a good amount of water when taking the pill, supposed to cut down the side effects. For me I only had side effects for my first cialis pill which was the one prescribed by my doctor. I never had any side effects after that no matter if I took the prescribed brand name or the generic.

They are in blister packs with exp. Dates.
I know the tadalafil (cialis) is called tadasoft.
I actually threw out the levitra because it doesn’t do much for me so I can’t help with that one but ill look at the viagra tomorrow.

I got some liquid C from purchase peptides bogo sale. Can someone confirm what the dropper that bottles comes with size is? Is it 1ml?

Originally Posted by WhiteNoise309
So you’re taking about 1.6mg per day (5mg / 3)? That’s a pretty tiny dose. Whatever works for you.
My best measurements from their dropper bottle (assuming they’re all the same) was that:
36 drops = 1ml of the liquid / 30mg dose of tadalafil.
So 1 drop is about 1/36th of 1ml of the liquid, and .83mg of tadalafil.

Put in more useful terms:
2 drops = 1.66mg dose.
6 drops = 5mg dose.
12 drops = 10mg dose.
24 drops = 20mg dose.

Since you’re looking for about 1.6mg, I would take 2 drops daily. 2 drops is going to give you about 1.66mg. See how that goes and increase by 1 drop if it’s not working for you. These measurements aren’t necessarily super accurate.
By my calculations, 1 bottle has 1080 drops of liquid in it. That’s 540 doses of per bottle at 2 drops per use.

I used to use the syringe to measure my doses, but since I figured out the drop/mg ratio I just take 6 drops out of the dropper and call it 5mg. I’ll take 5mg for a few days around when I’ll have sex, but then take a few days break in between. I’m also fine about not having exact dosages.

One benefit of the tadalafil is it’s cost effectiveness. A max dose of 2mg is only 2/3 of ml and that can last 3 days as compared to the others which require you to take more and the bottles are the same price.

Thanks for the detail Whitenoise. My 2 bottles liquid C - aka tadalafil - came from pro peptides, discrete and well-packaged. 2/10 mil from syringe worked fine for 40 hours, just like OEM Cialiss. The usual slight headache which one aspirin fixed. I backed off slightly from 2/10 three days later and similar result. I’ll try your 2 drop technique next.

Growing is Good, and feels good.

So it’s Tadasoft-20


Originally Posted by Andy77
Thanks for the detail Whitenoise. My 2 bottles liquid C - aka tadalafil - came from pro peptides, discrete and well-packaged. 2/10 mil from syringe worked fine for 40 hours, just like OEM Cialiss. The usual slight headache which one aspirin fixed. I backed off slightly from 2/10 three days later and similar result. I’ll try your 2 drop technique next.

I just got my delivery. Are you saying you filled the syringe twice as one dose?

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist

I just got my delivery. Are you saying you filled the syringe twice as one dose?


I used 2/10, two/tenths of one syringe. Like 1.66 mg. Yikes, a full syringe and I’d probably have a raging headache. I’ve always been a cheap date - used less medication / alcohol / drugs etc. for same effect as those around me. The typical dose is more for most men. But I also expect many men take more than is necessary. When I have taken more, it does take less to arouse me. But I enjoy being aroused by my wife.

Growing is Good, and feels good.

“Originally Posted by WhiteNoise309
My best measurements from their dropper bottle (assuming they’re all the same) “

I just double checked the dropper from my bottle - and MY DROPS ARE SMALLER THAN WHITENOISE drops, kinda funny to say that here.
But anyhow, if you’re going to use the dropper, I’d suggest you calibrate it by filling the syringe once to the amount you want, while counting the drops.

Growing is Good, and feels good.

Haven’t gotten a 4th of July coupon code for ID yet. Anyone receive one?

Yup got it this morning its, independence2016


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