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Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

I have not gone to the doctor but will probably be going next week.

Hey Chingobling,

You might want to look into this: The Phoenix | World’s First Home-Use Acoustic Wave Device. It uses the sound wave technology similar to Gainswave, but you do it at home. I’m really pleased with it. I can get by with 5mg generic Tadalafil which I use as much for PE as EQ. I can often go without any ED meds, but I never used anything more than 100 mg sidenafil, 20 mg tadalafil or 20 mg levitra.

Good luck

Tadalafil powder

Originally Posted by TheDark
Good day,

Anyone from Europe that has a steady supply, or ordered a few times, from a trustworthy tadalafil source? I wouldn’t mind going to a darknet marketplace if anyone has any experience with tadalafil purchase over there.

Thank you.,

I am in Germany and years ago I ordered Tadalafil powder from Airsealed, Bosnia Herzegowina the webpage I had found here (thx Thundersplace!). Now years later I was looking for this again and after having looked for european providers I decided that China is the place to go but whom to trust? I came back here, read the posts in this thread andwent with one of the recommendations:


Everything went very well for several times now and I can recommend the seller. Product is genuine determined by bioassay and a quick check on impurities by TLC shows only one compound present, thats as far my analytic possibilities at the moment go but it is also good enough for me. The product is packed, declared and labeled perfectly there is no problem with customs, I was of course quite anxious the first time too. Took abit longer then expected the first time, carrier problem, now it is less then 10 days. They have a US warehouse too but to Europe it is shipped from China.

Before airsealed closed doors I had a nice chat with the owner and he told me that his Tadalifil was produced in China too and somewhere else it got analysed and repacked and resold. If you buy any Tadalafil powder in Germany or Europe it will come from China anyways, hopefully it will as I believe the other option, India is much more problematic regarding quality. China before India any time for fine chemicals. One might not forget that the Chinese fine chemicals industry which suddenly mushroomed into existence after about 1990 is of German upbringing, east-German upbringing to be precise. After the reunion of Germany all chemists in industry and on universities lost their job and were clearly told they never ever get one in the field. It was pure revenge on the most sophisticated industry east Germany had and which was one of the leading in the world. Some despaired, some retired but in the end many went to China and worked a miracle by transforming Chinas chemical industry which was stuck in the fifties to one of the leading ones worldwide.
Morals: Cheap revenge can get expensive in the end.
Consequences: Buy german quality chems, buy Chinese chems.

Back to topic: Don´t buy darknet, you most probably will get ripped off. If there is a reason you cannot import from China to your country in Europe write me a PM there will be a way to work something out.


Originally Posted by leciman
Update on viabestbuys post, the pills also source from from India. I guess this guy find a better quality source than Canada Sites.

Has anyone used viabestbuys recently? Looking for any updates

I was just told by a supplier on AliBaba that Sildenafil is now forbidden to export over the platform. I checked availability and the number of suppliers seems greatly diminished, so it may be true (and not just an excuse why they don´t deliver my order, it was a ridiculous low price when I bought it).

It might be worth considering to stock up.

This are expensive months, nicotine for vaping, now the Viagra (and possibly Tadalafil) and what will come next? I estimate bare bone Li-Ion cells/packs will fall victim to more regulation, Germany has just outlawed next to everything with a benzene ring a sidechain and an amino group trying to crack down on the RCs, the EU wants to curb all the small private imports in the next 5 years..
I am afraid in a few years time we might think back to today regarding it as the golden age of direkt international shopping and our grandchildren will shake their heads and say “Now he lost it again, this can never have been.”

When they sold us Globalisation and free trade über alles they forgot to tell that it is not intended for you and me. Must have been in the fine print somewhere.

Just looked at Alibaba and it’s like a ghost town. Sellers I’d bought from in the past have nothing but herbs on their pages now.


Originally Posted by craptacular
Has anyone used viabestbuys recently? Looking for any updates

I have used them several times and no problem. Cheaper if you use Bitcoin. I’m in contact with them now to see if all is well.

I checked there quality against a US prescription for Cialis and could not tell any difference.


Viagra Cialis Levitra to the UK?

Hi guys

I’ve got prescription for daily 5mg of Cialis from my GP which gives me a good “hang” and good usable erections.

However, if I want an extra boost I’ve been using an extra half dose of either generic Viagra or generic Levitra “on top” about 12 hours from the 5mg Cialis. Excellent results.

Problem is, my V and L have run out and my previous online supplier ( has disappeared. My doc has refused to prescribe me more than one ED drug.

Could you guys advise on the best online sources for V and L please? Preferably UK based but I’m also open to using an overseas supplier if reputable.


Any other options for generic tadalafil/sildenafil in Europe ?? Or should I just go with the online pharmacies in my country?

Do any of the Europeans around the forum know any good websites for ED drugs, such as tadalafil, that have a simple payment method, without Bitcoin or anything fancy ?

Fwiw, I only have REVOLUT money, and I have been ordering several things from Amazon and Ebay, so I’m positively sure it works for online payments.

I have been trying to buy some from several websites, a few local ones from my country, with no succes at all. Google doesn’t help at this point, or I’m not doing it right. Please guys, I would really appreciate some help with this.

Does anybody know a good Chinese Herbal supplement, at least?

One that maybe contains tadalafil, and is available on amazon/ebay?

I remember Kingsnake/Saiyan22 mentioned something called Goldreallas, a supplement he found to be working well for him, 2 days in a row, like tadalafil does, but I couldn’t find, his post was from 2013 or something, too old…

Any ideas?

Anyone know where you can find Dapoxetine for sale here in the US?


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