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Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

I just got a shipment from

Last edited by Deblasio : 08-01-2019 at .

Drug Sites

Does anyone know of any legitimate sites to purchase drugs from? A lot of the sites that are mentioned above only sell in powder form and that is not really what I am looking for. A friend of mine purchased Siltada120 online and let me try it. I really liked it and would like to purchase some of my own but I am not able to get the site that he used to purchase it. I know of some other people who have purchased tadafil online also but I am not comfortable asking them.

If anyone knows of a good site, please share, or send me a message. Thanks for your help.

Blinkhealth or Goodrx?

Has anyone tried the free coupons with BlinkHealth or Goodrx for ed meds? They both seem to have really good prices if you have a pharmacy close by. Blinkhealth will mail them.

Haven’t tried either one, but would like to.

Fuelie if you want legit then I recommend Bluechew they are now legal in most states to prescribe viagra online with a online consultation

Blinkhealth and Goodrx are coupons used at a regular pharmacy. Not all pharmacies take them though. Walmart and Kroger does. I just wonder if anyone has used the coupons.

I use the GoodRX coupons regularly for a variety of meds I take, not just ED stuff in particular with no issues. The price difference is really a no brainer unless you have a miraculous insurance plan that can do better, and I definitely don’t. You can see on their site the differences in pricing depending on the pharmacy you choose so I definitely suggest shopping price there first to save the most money.

Originally Posted by fuelie

Has anyone tried the free coupons with BlinkHealth or Goodrx for ed meds? They both seem to have really good prices if you have a pharmacy close by. Blinkhealth will mail them.

Haven’t tried either one, but would like to.

Yes. I use GoodRx for Cialis 5mg daily and it’s only $30 for a 90 days supply at COSTCO. Way cheaper than my insurance.

BPEL 7.5” EG 5.5” 11/28/19

Goal 9.5” - 6.5”

Good rx

I did the Goodrx coupon and got the 5mg daily Cialis for $20 at Kroger. I couldn’t believe it! Works good too.

If they can sell it for that price with a coupon, why can’t they sell prescription for that price without a coupon?

I just went through HIMS to get generic viagra. First time I tried Viagra and it didn’t disappoint. The process was all on-line and super easy, and I got a three-month supply in about four days. Doctor prescribed 60 mg but I was able to produce a steel hard erection on just 40 mg that lasted well beyond me blowing my load and caused sporadic erections throughout the rest of the day. This means I’ll probably actually get about 4 months use out of them — unless I decide to use them for PE. I haven’t decided whether to go down this road or not. Don’t want to become dependent on them.

Just used HeyDoctor for $20 for an prescription via an online doctor. Got prescribed 25mg Viagra and doctor immediately called it in to local store I chose (I had to make sure they had a drive through haha.). The doctor gave me a coupon for GoodRx to get it for $19.62. I just called the pharmacy and they said it’s ready- going pick it up now. Not bad for a 40 minute turnaround!

*️⃣ Now (6/1/20): 7.125” BPEL x 5.6875” MSEG

*️⃣ Start (10/31/19): 6” BPEL x 5.25” MSEG

Easy Peasy’s Quest to Swang an 8x6

The Grindstone Labs website shows “under construction”. I don’t know how long it has been that way, but it’s also been quite a while since I’ve received a newsletter from them. Does anyone know what’s going on with them? Are they still in business?


It looks like Grindstone Labs is out of business. I would like to find another supplier of liquid tadalafil, and in a recent post you mentioned I went to that site, but found no tadalafil, just a few items of other stuff. If you meant .net, it says “store is closed temporarily”. Can you recommend a good source for liquid C? I know most have switched to generic tablets, but I think liquids are still about half the price of the tablets. Anyway, any recommendations would be appreciated. I should say that I’ve never had any effect from anything I bought from Iron Dragon, so they would not be an option for me.

That is awesome

Originally Posted by MrEasyPeasy
Just used HeyDoctor for $20 for an prescription via an online doctor. Got prescribed 25mg Viagra and doctor immediately called it in to local store I chose (I had to make sure they had a drive through haha.). The doctor gave me a coupon for GoodRx to get it for $19.62. I just called the pharmacy and they said it’s ready- going pick it up now. Not bad for a 40 minute turnaround!

With it being so easy to get online prescriptions and either Sildenafil or Tadalafil from real pharmacy, liquids aren’t needed anymore. Prices have came way down.

Just wanted to report that I used a GoodRX coupon at Costco this morning to fill a prescription for daily tadalafil, 5mg, 90 tablets, and the cost was $33.34. The coupon had said $33.33, which is pretty close. :-) The tablets were manufactured by Burel Pharma.

Another cheap source, which I have not tried, is, a “Canadian” pharmacy with free shipping to the US. Their cost is about $35 for 90 tablets, plus 5% if you use a credit card. Prescription required, and 2-4 weeks shipping time.

So it looks like GoodRX/Costco is the best source in the U.S. This is still about twice the cost of a liquid, but buying a legit liquid has always been problematical, and it seems a number of the traditional research liquids sites have shut down. So at about 37 cents per day, these cheap tablets are a pretty good option.

U.K. vIagra and more

Hey guys

It’s been a while but wanted to let you know that in the U.K. you’re now allowed to buy viagra OTC. So I’ve bought from this place recently. It’s a legitimate supplement website but these medicines are supplied by a pharmacy. If you check the footer you’ll see it’s regulated iow.

Medical Accessories | Predator Nutrition

As a bonus though, they even got chloroquine in there which I got some of cos of the Corona issue.


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