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Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

Originally Posted by Yagami12
Forget about my last post. I’m definitely lost, pretty much every site I visited doesn’t deliver to Canada expect MJR but their 40$ delivery is a scam.
Please guys, I really need your help. I’m looking to buy Tadalafil in tablet or liquid.
My last resort is alibaba. Com where I found some suppliers that have a low minimum weight where you can order as low as 1g for around 10-20$. That’s about 30 - 30mg x 30ml bottles - that you can get from. If I’m not mistaken. I know that I should be careful with everything coming from China, but keep in mind that all these online pharmacies are getting their supply from there.
Did anyone tried this?

I have paid from 4 sources this one have the best tadalafil “” 1.2$ for g and 0.4$ for slidenafil.. ( their slidenafil not he best imo 7/10 )

Originally Posted by Kenoz

I have paid from 4 sources this one have the best tadalafil “” 1.2$ for g and 0.4$ for slidenafil.. ( their slidenafil not he best imo 7/10 )

The only offer I can find on their store is the one with 60$/g with a minimum 5g order. Can you send me the URL to the offer by PM. Thank you

Originally Posted by Yagami12

The only offer I can find on their store is the one with 60$/g with a minimum 5g order. Can you send me the URL to the offer by PM. Thank you


Talk with them via site messenger.. Create account and ask them about the shipping and pricing.. I get 30g tada and 50g slidenafil with shipping for 96$ that’s lifetime supply for me.

Last edited by Tothe8.5 : 02-23-2019 at .

Ok thank you. I’ll do that!

How much they quoted you for the tada alone so I can negociate?

Originally Posted by Yagami12

Ok thank you. I’ll do that!

How much they quoted you for the tada alone so I can negociate?

1.2$ for g ( because low quantity.) and I suggest you to buy also slidenafil and if you can afford the vardenafil ( levitra) to see how ur body deal with them and what the best for you.

Originally Posted by ChuckR
I’ve had good luck with Grindstone in the past, so I’m going to give them another shot. I just placed a tadalafil order while the Winter sale is still on, which should arrive next week. I’ll report when I’ve had a chance to try it out.

I received my tadalafil from Grindstone, and have been using the new supply for three days at 5mg per day (0.167 ml per day). As far as I can tell, it’s the same stuff I received on previous orders, and seems to work the same as my old supply. I’m attaching a picture showing what it looks like after the bottle has settled for a couple days. The layer at the bottom is the C. It’s the same level as on previous orders, and I think higher than I had seen from other suppliers previously. But of course that doesn’t necessarily mean the white stuff is all C, or that it’s fully effective.

No guarantee that it will work for anyone else, but I’m happy with what I received. With the current newsletter discounts and shipping, the two 30ml bottles came to $52.58, which I paid for with my credit card (he calls within 24 hours to get your card info). Or you can do an eCheck on your bank account. He mailed it the next day by Priority Mail, and I received it two days after that. This should last me for about a year. One bottle would have been $28.78, and three bottles would have been $64.34. And there may be an additional discount for using eCheck - I just don’t remember.

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You guys get any side effects? I get stuffy nose and flushing of the face.. Sucks. Lasts for hours


Thanks for the report.. But how you measure the 5mg?


Yeah I get this also but not for hours.. Maybe 1 hour.. Perhaps you may overdose? Or what is ur source ? Have you tried anything else?

I use a one-milliliter oral syringe (no needle), and draw in .17ml. Since the liquid contains 30mg of C per ml, it’s just 5/30 to get 5 mg.

I get some moderate stuffy nose effect, but it’s not that noticeable.

Opened my door today to see a package sitting there that I wasn’t expecting. Open it up and it’s from purchasepeptides. It’s my order that I thought was long gone. One must have leaked a little, contents were damp but the levels seemed pretty full and even between the 2 bottles. Nice milky white color to them. Not sure if I’ll get around to trying them this weekend or not, my Alibaba order should be here by then.

Originally Posted by Sheddinskin
You guys get any side effects? I get stuffy nose and flushing of the face.. Sucks. Lasts for hours

Taking an aspirin or ibuprofen a few minutes before dosing helps a lot. If there were no side effects, then you were probably shipped probably bad product. In the case of V and C, the side effects are normal” occurrences.

Originally Posted by Horror1234

PP is not dead they have a new site i already have received 2 orders from them.

Yeah, that site says “store is closed temporarily”, but purchasepeptides * net is loading. LMFAO

Originally Posted by Yagami12

Forget about my last post. I’m definitely lost, pretty much every site I visited doesn’t deliver to Canada expect MJR but their 40$ delivery is a scam.

Please guys, I really need your help. I’m looking to buy Tadalafil in tablet or liquid. My last resort is alibaba. Com where I found some suppliers that have a low minimum weight where you can order as low as 1g for around 10-20$. That’s about 30 - 30mg x 30ml bottles - that you can get from. If I’m not mistaken. I know that I should be careful with everything coming from China, but keep in mind that all these online pharmacies are getting their supply from there.

Did anyone tried this?

Originally Posted by Kenoz
I have paid from 4 sources this one have the best tadalafil “” 1.2$ for g and 0.4$ for slidenafil.. ( their slidenafil not he best imo 7/10 )

I’m curious Kenoz - when the tadalafil and sildenafil arrive, I expect it comes as a bulk powder in a sterile vial. Is that so? How do you measure the correct dose? Do you weigh out a tiny amount and take it with applesauce? or get some small capsules and put it in those? Do you cut the concentration with something else?

And if .com has mediocre sildenafil, what place (in your opinion) is better?

Live long and prosper.

Originally Posted by ErnieBanks
I’m curious Kenoz - when the tadalafil and sildenafil arrive, I expect it comes as a bulk powder in a sterile vial. Is that so? How do you measure the correct dose? Do you weigh out a tiny amount and take it with applesauce? Or get some small capsules and put it in those? Do you cut the concentration with something else?

And if .com has mediocre sildenafil, what place (in your opinion) is better?

I recently got 10 grams from them. Came in a small Ziploc bag which was sealed inside a mylar bag. Weighed out 1 gram and put that into a dropper bottle with 30ml of sterile water

Originally Posted by pnw_middle_age

I recently got 10 grams from them. Came in a small Ziploc bag which was sealed inside a mylar bag. Weighed out 1 gram and put that into a dropper bottle with 30ml of sterile water

And how the quality?? And how much you paid?


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