Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

Originally Posted by ChuckR

Zero6283 posted about his bad Grindstone experience on 11/22. Did you order after that? If so, I don’t know what would explain his experience with them. Well it looks like I missed out on the 30% holidays discount, but I think I’ll order from them again when my current bottle runs out.

Well I took it the past couple days while dealing with bronchitis and it still worked well. My one complaint is today it gave me a bit of a panic attack. Which tells me there may be some viagra in it.

Originally Posted by grasso
I buy cialis oral jelly here without a prescription https://www.eve … y_generic_n.php

Originally Posted by Hudsonhawk
Is it just me or is the site not working? When I try to browse their products nothing shows up and I get redirected to the home page.

It loads for me. The other sites seem to have payment issues I wonder if this is good?

Originally Posted by Horror1234
thats odd it works just fine on mine. They have usa made peptides and they have peptides that dont say usa. But no i havnt tried what your referring to. If u find a good site let me know. Thanks merry xmas

It’s .net, not .com.

What is the code for buy 1 get 1?

Originally Posted by ChuckR
Did you shake the bottle thoroughly before drawing out the 1ml dose? The white specs are the tadalafil. When settled out, the white stuff should occupy about the bottom 1/5 of the bottle.

Sorry haven’t been on in a while due to the holidays and vacations. I do shake the bottle thoroughly. I will look and see when I get home how much it has white in the bottom of the bottle. I tried some of the grind stone stuff the other day just out of curiosity because my bottle from purchase peptides was in the truck and it felt like maybe it did work or maybe it was leftovers from the last dose of the purchase peptides bottle still working.

I might try it for a week and see how it work consistently. Every bottle I’ve bought from purchase peptides has been consistent though even if it is underused. It does seem to be more white in the purchase peptides bottles vs grindstone but possibly it’s just a different way of mixing? I know the frothy bottles were much more potent. Also does anyone know what they mix as a solution? Just curious if there is any long term health worries from what they mix it with that anyone is aware of.

I am curious and I might start another thread on this but how long have some of you been taking the liquid c or any erectile medications and do they ever stop working? I take them to eliminate my refractory period and I read some stuff that says eventually it will quit working and possibly could eventually cause me to no longer get erections at all. Hoping that’s a bunch of scare talk since people take the same blood pressure medicine for decades and it never loses efficiency and this is essentially blood pressure medicine for your junk. Has this been true for anyone on here?


I was considering purchasing a few bottles of the TADALAFIL 30 MG PER ML X 30 ML, but every bottle has this warning that its not meant for human consumption, is this just one of those warnings that can be overlooked? Sorry for my ignorance.

Also I read how Zero6283 was getting better erections with the sildenafil, Has anyone else had that kind of experience from it?


Originally Posted by Oniel
I was considering purchasing a few bottles of the TADALAFIL 30 MG PER ML X 30 ML, but every bottle has this warning that its not meant for human consumption, is this just one of those warnings that can be overlooked? Sorry for my ignorance.

Also I read how Zero6283 was getting better erections with the sildenafil, Has anyone else had that kind of experience from it?


The “not for human consumption” part is because they are considered research chemicals. Thats how they are allowed to sell them.

I re-upped again at alldaychemist. I got the ceebis and tadacip. Both work great. Again no issues ordering or with shipping. Used my checking account and got within 2wks. I bought 100 of each. No issues with any. I can pound railroad spikes with the results. Best of luck to all.

Thank you SlipperyTrout

Any tips on where to order some generic Cialis for european guys? Thanks

Sorry about this quick question I want to adress, I haven’t read much of the thread it is new to me:

Do any of you use Cialis/Viagra for actual PE gains? As in supplementing a PE routine?

I am in my mid 20’s, do you think it would be a good idea to try these out? viagra/cialis/etc, never used such things, only bodybuilding supplements, and very little quantities actually so almost 0 maybe…my budget is very low unfortunately

Originally Posted by train spot
Sorry about this quick question I want to adress, I haven’t read much of the thread it is new to me:
Do any of you use Cialis/Viagra for actual PE gains? As in supplementing a PE routine?
I am in my mid 20’s, do you think it would be a good idea to try these out? viagra/cialis/etc, never used such things, only bodybuilding supplements, and very little quantities actually so almost 0 maybe…my budget is very low unfortunately

I had a friend with a 22,5cm natural dick who used Kamagra(generic viagra) at 17 like a lot. He claims he gained at least 1cm from it. He also showed pics of his dick when his GF would blow him and it was huge.

I would say your wasting your money train spot.

I had the worst luck with all day chemist put a small order in Sept. Order was seized by customs in Chicago, ADC sent a replacement order seized once again and a 3rd time same thing, I just asked for a refund. Not sure if it’s because it came thru Chicago that’s why it was seized.

Originally Posted by Dg487
I had the worst luck with all day chemist put a small order in Sept. Order was seized by customs in Chicago, ADC sent a replacement order seized once again and a 3rd time same thing, I just asked for a refund. Not sure if it’s because it came thru Chicago that’s why it was seized.

Idk mine came through new york multiple times with no issues.


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