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Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

Purchase peptides has been impossible to order from. I’ve called my cc twice and it’s not on that side. I’ve tried emailing PP and I get a delivery failure notice. So I guess another one bites the dust.

If Grindstone has gone to bad stuff, that’s a major disappointment. Can anyone else confirm the problem? I guess any of the research sites can get a bad batch of raw material, but I hoped Grindstone had found a dependable source. And they didn’t skimp on mixing - it seemed there was always more white powder settled at the bottom than any other sources I tried.

Originally Posted by ChuckR
If Grindstone has gone to bad stuff, that’s a major disappointment. Can anyone else confirm the problem? I guess any of the research sites can get a bad batch of raw material, but I hoped Grindstone had found a dependable source. And they didn’t skimp on mixing - it seemed there was always more white powder settled at the bottom than any other sources I tried.

I can’t confirm but I was considering them since I can’t get an order through pp.

Has anyone had luck getting an order through on pp?

Originally Posted by kingscounty

Purchase peptides has been impossible to order from. I’ve called my cc twice and it’s not on that side. I’ve tried emailing PP and I get a delivery failure notice. So I guess another one bites the dust.

i just got a package from PP. I placed my order then downloaded the app called cash app i put the exact amout in then sent the money to the name PP gave me with my order number only and the package was at my door in days.

Originally Posted by Horror1234

i just got a package from PP. I placed my order then downloaded the app called cash app i put the exact amout in then sent the money to the name PP gave me with my order number only and the package was at my door in days.

Cash app? I’ll look into it. It’s probably a good way to pay for things like this. Thanks for the info

Originally Posted by Zero6283
About 6 months ago I ordered some liquid sil/tal from purchase peptides at the advice of a friend. Probably wasn’t as strong as labeled but definitely did the job. Took 1-1.5 ml before going out with a girl and it never let me down.

Ordered 2 30ml bottles of liquid c from grindstone and was sorely disappointed, it did nothing even when taking a 1ml dose. The color was also a clear liquid with white specs in it which seemed strange since from purchase peptides it was a milky white liquid. Haven’t ever finished the bottles.

Ordered 2 30 ml bottles of just the tadalafil from purchase peptides again since my girl moved in so I could take a daily dose and be ready everyday and the new bottles worked like a champ! Milky white and these were extra frothy. Not sure if that’s from more of the powder in it or what but definitely good. 0.5 a ml a day seemed to keep me working great and eliminated any side effects.

A couple weeks ago I ordered a 60 ml bottle since they were in stock and on sale of tadalafil from purchase peptides to keep on the shelf. It was still kinda milky white when I shake it up but not frothy hardly at all. I took it once or twice and maybe in my head I felt like it wouldn’t work as good because of the color but I haven’t tried it consistently to see if it is just a weaker strength and I’ll have to up the dose. If that’s the case it sucks because if I have to double the dose it turns my 60 ml bottle into a 30ml..

Also I got a prescription for viagra and the erection quality on sildenafil vs tadalafil is extremely different. Tadalafil gives a good 90% erection even for round 2 and for at least 24 hours anytime I want an erection I can get one. The first time I took 80mg of the sildenafil I had the hardest erection I’ve ever had in my life. I’d say it was 110%. It felt like I was wearing the tightest cock ring ever and it stayed like that for as long as I was using it. It was borderline painful it was so stiff. When I fell asleep afterwards it came back up and ole girl woke me up because she was like man we need to put that thing to use if it’s that ready for me. But it only lasted for a short while and isn’t something I can do for spur of the moment sex.

Also I don’t have problems getting an erection but the juice totally eliminates my refractory period and allows me to work around how fast I get off vs how fast she gets off.

interesting, sounds like I need to buy some sildenafil to see what my real 110% size is.

The cash app was so easy it was done in seconds and then i got an email saying he received my payment and that day I had a tracking number

Purerawz has been pretty popular online recently.
You can get either tablets, liquid, or powder.
Only issue is it seems it ships from outside US.

Anyone tried them out?

Start: 6.5 BPEL x 4.25 EG

Goal: 7 BPEL x 5 EG

I get nervous when stuff ships from outside the us, Im a ship from us kind of guy.

Originally Posted by Horror1234

The cash app was so easy it was done in seconds and then i got an email saying he received my payment and that day I had a tracking number

They require a link to your bank account. I’m not going that route it defeats the whole purpose of keeping a cc for these transactions.

Originally Posted by Zero6283

Ordered 2 30ml bottles of liquid c from grindstone and was sorely disappointed, it did nothing even when taking a 1ml dose. The color was also a clear liquid with white specs in it which seemed strange since from purchase peptides it was a milky white liquid. Haven’t ever finished the bottles.

Did you shake the bottle thoroughly before drawing out the 1ml dose? The white specs are the tadalafil. When settled out, the white stuff should occupy about the bottom 1/5 of the bottle.

Originally Posted by kingscounty

They require a link to your bank account. I’m not going that route it defeats the whole purpose of keeping a cc for these transactions.

No. I used one of those prepaid cc.

Hello all and Happy Holidays (Whatever you celebrate)!

I was wondering if any veterans here that order from the liquid sites have had any good experiences with anastrozole, and where they order from.


I really like

Sorry this is not a great place for me to put this. I said many crazy things before on this website before when I was crazy.


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