Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

So is Evo still taking orders on stuff they have listed on their site, or will payments for those go into a black hole? They only have PayPal left as a payment option which offers no protection once money is sent in the event they’ve closed up shop and decide not to fill new orders. Kind of hesitating sending payment that way without knowing for sure what’s what. Sucks they’re closing up.

Originally Posted by uwotmite

So is Evo still taking orders on stuff they have listed on their site, or will payments for those go into a black hole? They only have PayPal left as a payment option which offers no protection once money is sent in the event they’ve closed up shop and decide not to fill new orders. Kind of hesitating sending payment that way without knowing for sure what’s what. Sucks they’re closing up.

That’s exactly why I am not ordering anything

Originally Posted by BeefHammer1111
I joined the forum to share my recent experience with evopharmacy. After multiple previous orders from them over the past year with zero problems, my last order (placed last month) went several weeks with no response or update. Finally was told by the customer service agent that they are closing down the company. I was given a refund for my attempted purchase. Hope this helps anyone considering them to avoid wasting time only to find out that they no longer exist.

I think that your experience is what we should expect from evo going forward: slow service, or a refund. I don’t believe you’ll lose your money, but you might wait a long time, never get your order, and wait some more to get your money back.

If not evo, then who?

Live long and prosper.

Originally Posted by BeefHammer1111
I joined the forum to share my recent experience with evopharmacy. After multiple previous orders from them over the past year with zero problems, my last order (placed last month) went several weeks with no response or update. Finally was told by the customer service agent that they are closing down the company. I was given a refund for my attempted purchase. Hope this helps anyone considering them to avoid wasting time only to find out that they no longer exist.

I had an issue with them last month too, actually they had an issue and I nicely fixed it by calling my CC and getting them their defrauded money back. They did knock 25% off the recouped money and another 25% off my next order so I’ll give them credit there. I do think that may have been the reason you had the issue you’ve experienced with them. That next order was on time and without issue and I’m honestly upset they won’t be filling orders anymore. They were reliable and quality in my opinion. I only really had the one issue on my first order then there was the issue they had with their processor last month.

I’m hoping another UK EU company pops up because I won’t order stuff from India

Grindstone Labs.

Made second order today for Tadalafil 30 mg per ml x 30 ml.
Paid using Venmo.
Same day shipping.

I had amazing results with research using last bottle.

I would highly recommend.

I didn’t know evo was closing until I received a day after I placed my order on June 12th. I emailed customer service inquiring what was a PO number was for pay pal. In any case reading up on PO for pay pal isn’t a good idea and usually related to a scam or fraud. I received a prompt reply from Rachel stating I could use a encrypted email service called protonmail. This is a legit service I use so I had no problem sending the CC . I promptly received a email from Rachel that payment was received. Through email I had corresponded with Rachel several times. All was good.

The next day I received the email stating they were closing. Oh no. Its now June 18th and nothing. No tracking number, nothing. My previous orders were shipped very rapidly and even with regular postal shipping always were received within a wk. There was hardly any difference in DHL air or USPS (regular post).

The CC did post to my acct on Jun 13th, however it is not from the same vendor as previous orders but something called “PREDATOR NUTRITION V/T - LEEDS GB”.
I think the name says it all and not very comical if you have possibly been stiffed for $220.00 ! So I decided to check the forum out today, a bit to late. There is always good information here. Guess I will be talking to the bank if I don’t get a reply to a email later this wk.

Based on what I am reading and my current order which rapidly showed a big mistake. Even if the email didn’t say they were closing I would have known trouble right away they had incredible excellent service with every previous order.


Originally Posted by newstylee
Grindstone Labs.

Made second order today for Tadalafil 30 mg per ml x 30 ml.
Paid using Venmo.
Same day shipping.

I had amazing results with research using last bottle.

I would highly recommend.

Nix this review.

My order been in preshipment since last Thursday.

Cannot get a response from them either.. Looks like they got me.

Who has Tadalafil 30 mg per ml x 30 ml. With quick shipping?

My Bad.I Was Inpatient

Originally Posted by newstylee
Nix this review.

My order been in preshipment since last Thursday.

Cannot get a response from them either.. Looks like they got me.

Who has Tadalafil 30 mg per ml x 30 ml. With quick shipping?

So the order finally shipped after 5 days of no movement with tracking.

Gets frustrating paying for priority and waiting this long.

When I was vending online.. I always shipped that night.

Originally Posted by mph101
I didn’t know evo was closing until I received a day after I placed my order on June 12th. I emailed customer service inquiring what was a PO number was for pay pal. In any case reading up on PO for pay pal isn’t a good idea and usually related to a scam or fraud. I received a prompt reply from Rachel stating I could use a encrypted email service called protonmail. This is a legit service I use so I had no problem sending the CC . I promptly received a email from Rachel that payment was received. Through email I had corresponded with Rachel several times. All was good.

The next day I received the email stating they were closing. Oh no. Its now June 18th and nothing. No tracking number, nothing. My previous orders were shipped very rapidly and even with regular postal shipping always were received within a wk. There was hardly any difference in DHL air or USPS (regular post).

The CC did post to my acct on Jun 13th, however it is not from the same vendor as previous orders but something called “PREDATOR NUTRITION V/T - LEEDS GB”.
I think the name says it all and not very comical if you have possibly been stiffed for $220.00 ! So I decided to check the forum out today, a bit to late. There is always good information here. Guess I will be talking to the bank if I don’t get a reply to a email later this wk.

Based on what I am reading and my current order which rapidly showed a big mistake. Even if the email didn’t say they were closing I would have known trouble right away they had incredible excellent service with every previous order.

So what ever happened? Did you get delivery or a refund?

I’ve been on this forum for over a year now. I started out using different peptide sites with no luck. I found a hookup in a Drs office for free samples of daily cialis and used it for about 5yrs. That hookup dried up and again I found myself purging the internet for info. I tried another peptide site with no luck. I found this forum last year and tried safemedpills😄com and placed a small order in jan and received vidalista. It was legit. I placed a bigger order in jun, it was legit again. The time has come to order again and safemedpills seems to not be working. I saw online-pills😄com here and a couple people said it was legit. So I ordered and received erectafil, it is complete garbage. I’ve taken the minimum dose and its nothing but lightheadedness and spinning. I tried to email them twice and call, looks like I got burned. Looking at all day chemist based off of some of the reviews here. Just wanted to give you guys the heads up, and looking for recommendations. Thx

Safemedpills had sent vidalista, great quality. Online-pills sent erectafil, complete garbage.

I got a new email from evo today, and it seems they have decided to cut back on their service, but stay open:


Operating Hours Change

After some consideration we have decided to continue trading but restrict ordering to a 1 week period every month. Our webstore will not be taking new orders for a while after June 30. We will commence trading again on July 24-31 and then again Aug 24-31. We will provide email support for orders open at June 30 still but otherwise we ask customers to hold off emailing us until July 24.
We had initially planned to close on June 30 permanently due to difficulty managing to find time between our other jobs to keep Evopharmacy running but by committing to a one week block in each month, we think we can continue providing a service to our customers going forward.
For those who have seen us mentioned as closing down on a forum, feel free to let forum members know this is no longer the case.

If any of you are looking for something to do, you might want to send evo an email. It looks like they are having trouble with back office stuff: filling orders, responding to customers, etc. If you offered to help with the customer support in exchange for a discount on future orders, I expect they would listen.

I have no relationship with evo, and don’t know any of the people there. I am just reading between the lines a little, and adding an interpretation of this email and the others they have sent recently.

Live long and prosper.

You would think that a community of dedicated person such as ourselves could get a place or company to sell us goods related to our craft at a fair value, and not try to cheat or swindle us out of our hard money. That being said can a company step forward and do this no games just reliable stuff and a honest fair value for what we ask ?

Originally Posted by ErnieBanks
I got a new email from evo today, and it seems they have decided to cut back on their service, but stay open:


Operating Hours Change

After some consideration we have decided to continue trading but restrict ordering to a 1 week period every month. Our webstore will not be taking new orders for a while after June 30. We will commence trading again on July 24-31 and then again Aug 24-31. We will provide email support for orders open at June 30 still but otherwise we ask customers to hold off emailing us until July 24.
We had initially planned to close on June 30 permanently due to difficulty managing to find time between our other jobs to keep Evopharmacy running but by committing to a one week block in each month, we think we can continue providing a service to our customers going forward.
For those who have seen us mentioned as closing down on a forum, feel free to let forum members know this is no longer the case.

If any of you are looking for something to do, you might want to send evo an email. It looks like they are having trouble with back office stuff: filling orders, responding to customers, etc. If you offered to help with the customer support in exchange for a discount on future orders, I expect they would listen.

I have no relationship with evo, and don’t know any of the people there. I am just reading between the lines a little, and adding an interpretation of this email and the others they have sent recently.

Thanks for the heads up Ernie. I again haven’t checked my email I use for those types of orders. I’m glad to see their going to stick around even on a limited bases.

Originally Posted by monster2balls

You would think that a community of dedicated person such as ourselves could get a place or company to sell us goods related to our craft at a fair value, and not try to cheat or swindle us out of our hard money. That being said can a company step forward and do this no games just reliable stuff and a honest fair value for what we ask ?

It’s a grey area of the law which is why we see companies come and go and of course the ones that fuck us over.


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