Thunder's Place

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Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

Originally Posted by kingscounty
It’s a grey area of the law which is why we see companies come and go and of course the ones that fuck us over.

Alas, selling ED drugs without a prescription isn’t legal in most places. To my knowledge, one of the few places it is common practice is India. But I don’t believe that there is much quality control in India either. That’s why we get so much crap.

Here in the US, it seems that the government goes through cycles. Most of the time, they ignore it. Then the drug companies lobby someone at the FDA, and they try to crack down, closing the sites they can reach, and confiscating a few shipments. The furor dies down, new sites open up, and we carry on until the government decides to crack down again.

Live long and prosper.

Originally Posted by Oniel
I really apologize to keep sounding like a broken record, I just want to make sure I’m ordering from the right site. I went to that EVO site, and its 11.99 for a box of 8 Cialis compared to the link supplied a few posts up that are $1.26 a pill for the 120 count of the 5mg. So do we know if the Online pill link above is reputable?

Also, is it recommended to use a prepaid visa card to do your orders with? Thanks so much for all the help guys.

This is the site in question.

http://online-p … Cialis/?id=1241

I ordered from them and I tried both the viagra and Cialis and it worked as good as the brand name that I bought from the pharmacy when I used to go to a regular doctor.

Originally Posted by kingscounty
So what ever happened? Did you get delivery or a refund?

There was no reply to my email to customer support.
Then I was given a auto standard reply tracking number on June 20th. It also stated what firm would be listed on the credit card statement. It was not Predator which was the charge listed on my CC statement.

Some thing was shipped. It arrived to NYC and USPS noted it cleared customs and showed what ever was shipped in transit. Never got a thing. I figure it was seized in customs by the Hench men for big pharma, the FDA. But really I’m not sure what was shipped. The tracking websites were legit as was the tracking number. Royal Mail from the UK to USPS.
I have left a email for EVO customer support again on June 27th. As before no contact. The last contact I had was when they promptly replied on how to send a CC payment. \
I figure it’s a 210.00 loss.

There was a automated email stating they are not closing but will only operate one week a month. Perhaps some of you previous customers received this email. The hours are confusing and no way is it worth the risk of dealing with this firm, in my opinion. From a very well operated firm to one that is extremely sketchy. The risk is known.
In the email it also stated that if would be nice if the new operating hours could be passed on to a certain forum. I am guessing it is this one.

Finally I have been a customer of grindstone labs for a while. Always excellent service from this firm too. I received a order and it was missing a product. I’ve sent 2 emails and left a voice message, because I can never get anyone to answer when I call, never have. Neither have I ever been able to get a return email. The service was fast as usual, but I live close to their address. What I did get worked very well in experimentation. I’ll try contacting them one more time and then will disbute with CC.

Last edited by mph101 : 07-08-2018 at . Reason: forgot to mention a item

Originally Posted by mph101
There was no reply to my email to customer support.
Then I was given a auto standard reply tracking number on June 20th. It also stated what firm would be listed on the credit card statement. It was not Predator which was the charge listed on my CC statement.

Some thing was shipped. It arrived to NYC and USPS noted it cleared customs and showed what ever was shipped in transit. Never got a thing. I figure it was seized in customs by the Hench men for big pharma, the FDA. But really I’m not sure what was shipped. The tracking websites were legit as was the tracking number. Royal Mail from the UK to USPS.
I have left a email for EVO customer support again on June 27th. As before no contact. The last contact I had was when they promptly replied on how to send a CC payment. \
I figure it’s a 210.00 loss.

There was a automated email stating they are not closing but will only operate one week a month. Perhaps some of you previous customers received this email. The hours are confusing and no way is it worth the risk of dealing with this firm, in my opinion. From a very well operated firm to one that is extremely sketchy. The risk is known.
In the email it also stated that if would be nice if the new operating hours could be passed on to a certain forum. I am guessing it is this one.

Finally I have been a customer of grindstone labs for a while. Always excellent service from this firm too. I received a order and it was missing a product. I’ve sent 2 emails and left a voice message, because I can never get anyone to answer when I call, never have. Neither have I ever been able to get a return email. The service was fast as usual, but I live close to their address. What I did get worked very well in experimentation. I’ll try contacting them one more time and then will disbute with CC.

That sucks, the only thing I can think is it was seized and you’ll get a response from them on the 24th when they’re operating again. I agree tho it’s not worth the risk with evo I’d imagine they’ll be out of business soon and are probably just trying to unload whatever they have left. That’s too bad I was gonna place one more order when they open back up but I’m not now. My orders are always around $500 US and I’m not risking that. Thanks for letting us know please let us know if they get in touch with you.


EVO website down, states its under construction.

No reply 2 emails and 2 phone calls to grindstone.

Originally Posted by mph101
EVO website down, states its under construction.
No reply 2 emails and 2 phone calls to grindstone.

It seems that there is a lot of turmoil at EVO these days. In the email they sent to me, they said that they would only be able to provide customer service a limited time each month. Be persistent and keep after them. I expect they will respond, but need to get out from under a big backlog.

Live long and prosper.

Does anyone know where I can find legit DHT GEL and HCG, thanks.

Has anyone tried sildenafil 100mg or tadalafil 20mg off

I tried both and cut the tablets in halves too see how effective they were and to limit any side effects. With sildenafil from medexpress I wasn’t getting rock hard erections or delayed ejaculation like I did with manly from all day chemist and I had no side effects at all, like headaches or stuffiness either.

Tadalafil was the same, no side effects like aches or pains the next day and It didn’t help with delaying ejaculation.

I think I’m going to try upping the dosage to the maximum to see if that helps at all, as they don’t seem very potent.

Anyone else taken generic viagra or cialis from and had similar experiences?

Originally Posted by batmanandjoker

Does anyone know where I can find legit DHT GEL and HCG, thanks.

Yep, from a urologist.

Starting BPEL: 8". Starting girth: 6.5"

Goal BPEL: 9.5". Goal girth: 7.5"

Started's Samurai 9/2020

UPDATE for an exciting possibility since I’m almost out of my generic cialis from Evo.

” We can help you if you’re in AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, IL, MD, MI, MO, NC, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, VA, and WA.”

Lemonaidhealth. Com

At noon I answered a few questions, paid their 25 bux for a (phone) video consultation and was prescribed generic Viagra (Revatio). She sent my prescription to local Publix Pharmacy and I just picked it up. Using a coupon from goodrx, I paid 22.42 USD for 30x 20mg sildenafil tablets. On top of all this, I get 10 more refills to use within the next year!!

This is a game changer for me.

Generic Cialis

Just a heads up, My Urologist told me last month that the generic Cialis will be available in September .He told me he got the info from a reliable source. Hope he is right

2 years ago I purchased 2 bottles of liquid Cialis from Purchase Peptides. I take a very low dose about once or twice a week, depending on wife’s interest. It has been great, no loss in potency over 2 years. Last month I was close to running out, so purchased another 2 bottles during a Purchase Peptides promotion. I just tried the new bottle last week - same dosing, same strength, same taste. Their quality control seems excellent. HIghly recommended USA source.

Growing is Good, and feels good.

I too ordered from purchase peptides a few years back. The “tadalafil” worked ok. I also ordered either the stendra or livitra, can’t remember which, but it made me really sick and actually prevented erection.

I haven’t read this thread in quite awhile so I don’t know which places are currently recommended, especially for viagra or levitra. I’d like to have something faster acting but that would wear off sooner.

So purchase peptides for tadalafil but who else for the others?

Anyone know about all day chemist?

Thanks guys

Ordered from Grindstone labs on Tuesday. 2 bottles of tadalafil. Paid priority mail. Received it on Friday. Good stuff. Used Venmo to pay.


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