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Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

Originally Posted by kingscounty
I use evo’s for almost daily use and from what I understand it’s meant for daily use. They have 10 and 20mgs

So far they’ve been reliable, everything I order from them works as it’s supposed including the ED stuff.

I hate to keep giving them love because I haven’t gotten any in return, I’ve sent customers to them from another forum and I’ve been told they have no record. It’s probably got to do with what system they have in place for referrals. I mean I’m not giving some guy from some forum my name and info for the 20% discount that’s B.S and in this grey area of sales they know it. But none the less they and their products are legit. Also keep in mind they no longer do express shipping. That was awesome while it lasted 2-3 days UK to NYS

I really apologize to keep sounding like a broken record, I just want to make sure I’m ordering from the right site. I went to that EVO site, and its 11.99 for a box of 8 Cialis compared to the link supplied a few posts up that are $1.26 a pill for the 120 count of the 5mg. So do we know if the Online pill link above is reputable?

Also, is it recommended to use a prepaid visa card to do your orders with? Thanks so much for all the help guys.

This is the site in question.

http://online-p … Cialis/?id=1241

I just went a couple of pages back and it seems that online pills site is solid. So that’s good.

I’m gonna try a small order with them and see how it pans out. I’m from Canada as well.

Originally Posted by Oniel
I really apologize to keep sounding like a broken record, I just want to make sure I’m ordering from the right site. I went to that EVO site, and its 11.99 for a box of 8 Cialis compared to the link supplied a few posts up that are $1.26 a pill for the 120 count of the 5mg. So do we know if the Online pill link above is reputable?

Also, is it recommended to use a prepaid visa card to do your orders with? Thanks so much for all the help guys.

This is the site in question.

http://online-p … Cialis/?id=1241

I pay more for quality and I get quality and fast shipping 10days at most. I don’t want idian garbage that takes close to a month or more to get to me. Every “Canadian” site I’ve gone to redirects or says these pills come from India, no thanks.
I’ve never had (other then my first order) trouble with evo, and it was dealt with fast.

I use a credit card with a zero balance and I call the credit card company ahead of ordering so it goes right through. If there a funky charge I’ll know right away and kill the card.

Thank you KingsCounty

Long time lurker and finally signed up. I am about to order from EVo. If anyone wants to do a referral, PM me


Evo’s having payment issues I’ve tried placing the same order for two days and all I’m getting is an error message. The rep I’m dealing with will let me know when it’s fixed. It’s not just me someone from another forum i sent to them is having the same problem.

Thanks for that info

Originally Posted by PigglyWiggly

Thanks for that info

No problem

Just a quick response on the payment issues.

We changed processors to one which seems to be better for some people but not for others. If you do get an error please email us the screenshot and error message to see if we can get a response from our processor as to why it’s not going through and provide a solution.

One thing to NOT do is to keep trying over and over again if it doesn’t go through as this can cause cards to be blocked due to exceeeding the number of attempts allowed. Simply email us a screenshot and we will try to get something to assist you.

We wish there was a simple solution but in this field, offering card payments at all is rare and so long as a USA customer’s bank looks at an offshore payment suspiciously, there is always a high likelihood they will block you from making a purchase initially.


We also just wanted to say that there is absolutely nothing superior about medicines made in the United States versus those made in the European Union.

We mention this in response to a post saying Eli Lilly Cialis made in the USA is more potent. We don’t doubt there may be QC issues with generic forms of tadalafil made in India and other countries but the safeguards in place in the EU to assure medicine potency match or exceed those in the United States.


So after a lot of back and forth with my credit card company and with the help of a rep at evo I was able to place an order. Elitenetpharma should also note that their processor won’t allow for purchases over $500 US dollars.

Bottom line is call your card company ahead and also if possible speak with someone at evo ahead of time so they can give you the processor name and location in case it’s an issue with your card. I would put the info here but I’m not sure if they would want me too.

Long time lurker here. I’m from the US (Midwest) and will be going on vacation May 10 and want to bring some magic pills with, as my wife and I tend to get a little wild when away from home. As such, I need to receive my order by May 9, so I can bring some with us.

I’ve seen a few posts in this thread for viagrabestbuy and Evo as well. Aside from user name: “ED726”, does anyone else have experience with VBB? I like that VBB has the ED combo pack (100 for $99 free shipping), so I can try all 3 major ones. They state that delivery is 7 days for the ED combo pack. VBB also has what they call “Woman Viagra” which my wife is very interested in..

Evo doesn’t have generic vardenafil or “woman viagra” but the tadalafil and sildenafil appear to be pharm grade. Evo also says 14 business days (cutting it close for vacation), and they don’t offer express shipping that I can see.

In the end, VBB is cheaper with more variety and would arrive to me on time, but how is the quality?

Can someone please steer me in the right direction? I would like to order today to ensure on-time delivery from either company. Credit card payment preferred.


Evo does have express back up and running you have to add it to your cart. It’s under what’s new, it’s gotten expensive tho $50 and you have to keep the whole order to $500 or less. I don’t know why they set it up that way but that’s how they did.

Originally Posted by kingscounty
Evo does have express back up and running you have to add it to your cart. It’s under what’s new, it’s gotten expensive tho $50 and you have to keep the whole order to $500 or less. I don’t know why they set it up that way but that’s how they did.

Yikes. And they still charge the $17 on top of that. It’s hard to justify $67 in shipping for $100 of product.

Anybody have experience with viagrabestbuy?


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