Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

Originally Posted by Vater

I’ll take one for the team. I just ordered a pack of 40 tadalafil (generic Cialis) from Evo. I’ll review accordingly.

Any updates, Vater?

Originally Posted by PlateauCity
Yikes. And they still charge the $17 on top of that. It’s hard to justify $67 in shipping for $100 of product.

Anybody have experience with viagrabestbuy?

I don’t know about $17 on top $50 I’ve never placed an order under $150 so I can’t say. I suggest contacting them, but keep in mind the time difference so you may not get an answer until Monday. From what I understand they don’t do shipping on the weekend or fill an order on the weekends.

As far as quality I gave my review here many times. I don’t know what others think of their products I can only speak for myself and it’s the real deal anything you order from them. I have a friend who tacks on to my order and he doesn’t use ED meds but another med that you can’t get here generic and he said it works as expected.

We wanted to help clear up some things here for you guys:

1. Feedback on shipping times at this site suggests even without express most people are getting deliveries in around 10 days or less.

http://www.drug … armacy/?page=15

We state 14 days because we’ve found that one or two customers out of 100 whose orders take a little longer can make a LOT of noise complaining so it’s really to cut down on such noise.

2. If you do need an express order the reason it’s $49.99 vs $37.99 previously is that our current fulfilment operation does not have an express shipping selection so what has to happen is they ship your order internally to our old shipper who then ships it express. Honestly, we’d prefer if everybody just ordered ahead of time and used the standard as it’s a lot less hassle for us.

3. Vardenafil - The reason there is no generic is that there is still a patent valid on this drug in the European Union. As such, unlike viagra/cialis, both of which now have competition from generic manufacturers like Teva, Accord, etc, Levitra is still protected.

4. Out of curiosity, we have links with a company in Singapore who’d be able to dropship medicines (most made in India) to customers and if people on this board were interested, we could list some of those (it includes generic vardenafil, sildenafil jelly etc).



Originally Posted by BillsStick
Sorry to hear that… looks like the site disappeared… the only reviews I saw were from “new accounts” with 1-5 posts, all for westcoastpills.o no sbaib

That told me to put those accounts on ignore .. stay and away from the site. JMO.

I tried calling the number for West coast pills to no avail. Lucky for me, Wells Fargo returned the$192 to my account.

Where should I look for generis or athentic Fildena and levitra?

Starting date 5/14/2015

Staring size: NBPEL 8.0 BPEL 8.75 Mseg 4.9 BEG 5.25

Currently 5/17/2016 NBPEL 8.3 MSEG 5.25 BEG 5.7

Originally Posted by Oniel
I really apologize to keep sounding like a broken record, I just want to make sure I’m ordering from the right site. I went to that EVO site, and its 11.99 for a box of 8 Cialis compared to the link supplied a few posts up that are $1.26 a pill for the 120 count of the 5mg. So do we know if the Online pill link above is reputable?

Also, is it recommended to use a prepaid visa card to do your orders with? Thanks so much for all the help guys.

This is the site in question.

http://online-p … Cialis/?id=1241

I placed an order with the above mentioned web site.

Shipping did take almost 3 weeks but not due to the seller but rather new York customs had my package on hold for 16 days. Actually had me worried that they had opened it and was not going to let it go. I did receive it 2 days after customs released the package.

As for quality of product all I can say is that it works as far as I know. I have never used Viagra before also I ordered generic due to more for your money.

I know I’ll probably catch some s**t for this. I am a almost very fit 30 year old with out ed but I wanted to try it recreationally due to the way and what I do when I party tends to kill my erections if I can even get one at all. All I can say this stuff turns me into a porn star that keeps going and going.😁

I also used a CC and have not had any suspicious activity on it.

Thanks iwanttogrow, I needed to contact them find out what country my card would be processed in. My bank has to know. I tried using a prepaid credit card, but it wouldn’t go through. So I used their contact page and its been two days and I have not heard anything from them. So without this information, I won’t be able to purchase anything. I know it says Canada pharmacy, but I’m not 100% that’s where the card is processed.

Placed an order at ADC on April 10th for Suhagra (100mg $.65 and Ceebis 20mg $.92 each) and various other items, order arrived today. They have consistently provided the best price and fastest shipping, and I’ve never had a dud like I have had from the liquid sites. I place good size orders a couple of times a year.

Originally Posted by Oniel
Thanks iwanttogrow, I needed to contact them find out what country my card would be processed in. My bank has to know. I tried using a prepaid credit card, but it wouldn’t go through. So I used their contact page and its been two days and I have not heard anything from them. So without this information, I won’t be able to purchase anything. I know it says Canada pharmacy, but I’m not 100% that’s where the card is processed.

The charge on my card showed up as 7652 London GB. They also sent me an email stating my bank may charge me a conversion charge from euro to dollars.

8.25 BPEL/7.125 NBPEL/5 EG

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.

Long time lurker here. Placed an order with Evo. Figured I’d post a positive review. Took about 10 calendar days from placing an order to receiving the package. Dick pills look legit (haven’t tried them out yet so I can’t vouch for the quality). No real issues. Everything went smooth. Wish they didn’t send parcels signature required because that delays getting packages for me.

About to try evopharmacy ordering again.. Would still like a referral code

Just a heads up I got an email from evo that processor is refusing to pay them on recent orders. Basically they’ve been defrauded. So your gonna need to call your card company and let them know so they can recover the funds. They claim they’ll give 25% off the next 2 orders if you do so. We shall see tho.

Also this is why I tell guys to use a card with a zero balance so you see anything fishy.

I just completed my order with Evo for tadalafil pills using their new CC processor. Capital One just confirmed that the charge did indeed go through. I will update once I have more info. I’ve tried Maxim and Purchasepeptides for the liquid version and just didn’t find them to be as advertised aka weak compared to the real thing but both of those have delivered as promised as far as shipping.

Following up on my post from a few months ago. I used up my box of Tadalafil and have been very happy with the results! The gf has been very happy with the results and it works as promised. My experience with Evopharmacy was pleasant: prompt shipping, tracking number provided once shipped, and no CC issues.

Originally Posted by underboost
Just wanted to post here for the first time. I placed an order with Evopharmacy on Feb 13, and my order was shipped out the following day via Deutsche post standard delivery. The email from Evo said it would arrive by Feb 23.and today the mailman just came and delivered my package!

The shipping was prompt and delivery estimate was spot on. It was my first time ordering from them and wouldn’t hesitate to order again. I’ll post my review of the generic tadalafil once I try them out!

Hopefully today they will get here

May 19, 2018
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