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Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

well I generally like to take 1/3 pills of Viagra because I feel they still let my dick behave somewhat more naturally (as in not just be 110% rod nonstop all night which arouses suspicions and girls just dont like as much) while still give me the peace of mind that I know wont go limp which sometimes happens to even the best of us under the most unexptected circumstances. Anyway, no one said you were Only Allowed to take one capsule — I like having the flexibility of having smaller does to taylor to situation — sometimes I might take one others Id take 3.

But yeah so anyway, are there any good sources of info on making capsules anywhere or something for those of you that have done this?

vkn1, first you were talking about Cialis, now you are talking about Viagra. Either way, 3mg is not going to do much, if anything. Perhaps you mean 30 mg, which would be a very strong dose of C and an effective smallish dose of V. Did you look at post I linked to? It gives a procedure for making caps.

Horny Bastard

Yea I agree making 3mg capsules for cialis is a bit strange, If your going to make
Your own capsules I would say atleast make them 5mg , as you can buy cialis in 5, 10 and 20 mg tablets

Still if you’ve experimented with 3mg and it works for you by all means do that

Waiting in the queue for the 8 Inch Club

Recommended way to pop raw powder?

Is there a recommended way to pop raw powder? Maybe one can work it into some jelly beans or something like that; or should I just swallow it or make a liquid solution?


More meat - More fun! :D ***April 2006 - 9.5" BPFSL***August 2008 - 9.65" BPFSL, 9.35" BPEL***

Originally Posted by mcnitro
Is there a recommended way to pop raw powder? Maybe one can work it into some jelly beans or something like that; or should I just swallow it or make a liquid solution?


Just mix it with some liquid and suck it down or you could buy some empty capsules and use them

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Just mix it with some liquid and suck it down or you could buy some empty capsules and use them

Thanks Dino.
Shit, I was hoping to get some votes for the jelly beans :D
Yummy, soft tabs…

More meat - More fun! :D ***April 2006 - 9.5" BPFSL***August 2008 - 9.65" BPFSL, 9.35" BPEL***

You still have to figure out how to measure the right dosage.

Horny Bastard

I know. I ordered 5g Tadalafil raw powder and if the quality is good 10mg will do it for me.

Quite difficult to divide the 5g into 500 dosages…by trail and error, I guess. :-k

More meat - More fun! :D ***April 2006 - 9.5" BPFSL***August 2008 - 9.65" BPFSL, 9.35" BPEL***

I like Viroid’s suggestion for splitting up the powder into individual doses here.

Horny Bastard

Mcnitro, when you do figure out the dosing, please post on your method. And while you’re at it can you include a review of the quality of tadalafil that came in bulk. Thanks

Originally Posted by mcnitro
Is there a recommended way to pop raw powder? Maybe one can work it into some jelly beans or something like that; or should I just swallow it or make a liquid solution?


I put it under my tongue for a few minutes, then rinse with water.

Since most of us are not using accurate scales, we must be careful to not over dose. So learn to eyeball the correct dose.

If you are not sure on the conversion of G to mg, try this link:
Weight conversion for weight measurements | Weight converter online | metric conversions

I use the raw V powder. It was trial and error the first day, I used the divide method to come up with what I thought to be 50 mg dosage. (Cut the pile in half, set half, cut the half pile in half, set half aside, etc.) I got down to what I thought was 50mg, and I tried a dose. As I said, I put it under my tongue for a few minutes, then rinse with water. You get much better, and quicker absorption into the bloodstream this way, so correspondingly, you can adjust your dosage downward in order to stretch the life of your stash. You’ll get over the taste very quickly when you see how well it works.

Then I used capsules to store about 10 doses. I closed the caps the whole way. I don’t do that any more, which I will explain below.

I found out very quickly, that I took too much. Had symptoms described in an earlier post here by someone else. The next day, I fought one of the capsules to get it open, and it cracked a little. I then poured or shook a little of the powder into one side of the capsule. I placed that under my tongue, and found my correct dosage. The amount you need this way is very small especially if you don’t have ED real bad, and are just using for the boost, or for support in your PE routine, or in recovery from it.

My method for dosing is now very simple. I fill a capsule about half full and do not close it the whole way. When I want a dose, I shake all of the powder into the long side of the capsule, open the capsule, and pour a little into the other side, (by eye as I mentioned above) which I then dump under my tongue. Works great for me. One capsule lasts me 4-5 days or more. I estimate that I am using about 25mg or less under the tongue, and getting the same effect that I had from the 100m generic V pills I used to buy and swallow.

Mcnitro, pop the jelly beans after rinsing with water preferably the spicy ones, gets the taste out of your mouth.

Good Luck


I hope the powder arrives tomorrow so I can pop the first dose over the weekend.

I’ll tell you about the quality etc. (I ordered from elitenetpharmacy).


More meat - More fun! :D ***April 2006 - 9.5" BPFSL***August 2008 - 9.65" BPFSL, 9.35" BPEL***

I posted a suggestion for a decent scale that only costs $14 here. The whole thread is worth reading.

If you are going to buy powdered pharmaceuticals, I strongly recommend coming up with a better way to measure doses, than the “eyeball” method.

Horny Bastard

Thanks mravg,

you are right about the "eyeball" method. I’m going to do it like this:

I’m able to access a scale at the chemistry lab that can measure 0.001g and I will use a very tiny ~ spoon spatula (the spoon is maybe (5x5)mm) to evaluate the amount of powder giving 10mg so that later I can use this spoon for dosing by eye. This should work.

Anyway, still no powder, maybe Monday ;(


More meat - More fun! :D ***April 2006 - 9.5" BPFSL***August 2008 - 9.65" BPFSL, 9.35" BPEL***

I stumbled on this site awhile back. Perfect tool to fill a large quantity of capsules.


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